yin yang x candle inanimate insanity

she believes that she's responsible for Box's accident and his elimination, as the hammer that hit Box was about to hit her before Box intervened. as a result of her partnership with Taco. He can be naive and pessimistic at times. Currently, they are the only non-binary character in the cast. She is voiced by Dee Cashin. Here's my actual design for them since I hosted a poll on my insta and this won. This unfortunately doesn't last long when he drops a piano on him to eliminate him. Easily one of the kindest and gentlest characters on the show, to the point where she's the only contestant willing to give Balloon a second chance. After MePhone4 runs away, he sends his successors after him to kill him because of his outdatedness. She is detail-oriented and resourceful, keeping private files on the other characters, and while she's generally helpful, she has a manipulative streak at worst. It results in herself being eliminated and Microphone being further convinced to follow suit as well as reveal that she did do horrible things and that Test Tube was right. He's also the only contestant who catches onto Microphone's suspicious behavior, meaning that he's a lot more insightful than the others. insanity inanimate tube test valentine fan google object fanpop yin yang She has been afraid of them ever since.

forces the contestants to clean Hotel OJ, but only because he needed extra help, not as a challenge. Right?

Telepathy: She can also telepathically talk to other people without opening her mouth at all. A suitcase. The founder of Meeple, and the creator of MePhone4. pretends to be borderline mentally handicapped.

Paintbrush & Test Tube (Inanimate Insanity), Yin-Yang & The Floor (Inanimate Insanity), Paintbrush & Silver Spoon (Inanimate Insanity), i know the original characters tag is scary but bear with me here, i had to make so many of my own original relationship tags because ao3 refused to give them to me, Silver Spoon and Yin-Yang (Inanimate Insanity), since nobody is making the Silver Spoon and YinYang content I crave, This takes place after season 3 and all the contestants return to the hotel, But I probably won't have a specific season 3 winner because I am lazy, the cherries find out they're 2 different people so be warned, Lightbulb/Paintbrush (Inanimate Insanity), Also a kinda dark and fucked up au of my own creation, Yaknow all that fun stuff you can find in evil secret labs, Never Trust a Comedian (He May Be a Wizard, or Your Brothers Boyfriend), Tissues is still a raging conspiracy theorist, "He taught himself to be that way as a survival mechanism because Yang beats the shit out of him", "He doesnt sleep he doesnt drink he has binoculars", yes these are things I told my gf while making this, I have not read this yet I am posting it right as I finish, You can tell them what you saw in me (and not how I turned out to be), question mark?? Balloon starts off as a bossy, uncaring Jerkass, but he tries to atone for his bratty behavior once he joins Season 2. helps Baseball out of a slump when he feels like hes not good enough as a leader. What on earth did Steve Cobs do to him that was so horrible? A pepper shaker, and Salt's "BCFF".

When he forces her to steal a battery, she encounters Mecintosh, who causes her to become distrustful of her alliance, and when he makes her retrieve a bucket Balloon dropped during the Bucket Brigade, she has a violent hallucination that nearly causes her to drown. The members consist of Starfruit on vocals, Lemon on bass, Pineapple on guitar, Guava on triangle, Tomato on keyboard, and Mangosteen on drums. Almost none of the contestants seem to like him (with Marshmallow and Microphone particularly disliking him), and he barely gets to compete anyway since he gets eaten by Yin-Yang almost immediately after he joins the game. They will eat you at the slightest act of rudeness! She has OCD and is obsessed with cleaning, though later on she tries not to let it completely define who she is. She hunts for herself, but it's usually small. During the challenge in episode 10 of season 2, Nickel and Suitcase get into an argument about whether or not to trust Balloon.

After Marshmallow and Fan complain about Bow's permanent death and MePhone notes that the show's ratings had declined after said death, Toilet finds him as a replacement for her. One day, she wants to hunt a Japanese Spider Crab, and wants to do it alone. He spends the next two episodes, He forced Suitcase to steal a battery against her will, while Soap just pointed out the crime. Marshmallow gets startled by him when he catches her leaving past the show's perimeters, In "Hatching the Plan", Taco and Microphone use this to their advantage during the episode's challenge, The two eventually come to better terms in "Theft and Battery.". The Thinkers

the draw during the maze challenge and how it results in no elimination, Marshmallow's disappearance, etc. He's not great at the job, to say the least. According to his voice actor, he has two additional ones. He chooses to eliminate Paper since he skipped the first half of the game and, again, relied on OJ too often. Being locked in a box when she's eliminated takes a toll on her psyche. The Shimmers, along with the Prime Shimmer, His repressed memories and demeanor imply a serious form of PTSD. the wind ruffles all of the flowers around her, they sparkle in shades of yellow and blue and pink. Purple

She gets upset when Suitcase calls her out on taking away Fans egg since its what hurt him the most, later ranting to Lightbulb about how shes being painted as the villain for doing whats right. However, she soon drops this mindset after Lightbulb sets her straight. In "Let 'Er R.I.P. This trope is subverted when Ballpoint Pen tells him that he shouldn't be creating the show to tailor to him, and it should ultimately be something he can have fun with. He shatters Fan's favorite mug and smiles evilly at the camera. This could explain why she becomes so attached to Marshmallow once they form a truce. A latex balloon. A group of alternate-universe contestants in another timeline. MePhone learned this the hard way when he gave their painting of Steve Cobs a zero. Moved: Nickel Paintbrush Silver Spoon. Once she eliminates Nickel and tears his alliance apart, Baseball begins to show, she seemingly returns for Season 3 as a robot in spite of being. deciding on who to vote off before the finale. He was brought into the show as a replacement for Bow, but instead of an obsession with chairs, he has an affinity for stairs/bears/affairs/whatever rhymes. basically what the tile says !!!! MePhone cancels the elimination in "Mazed and Confused" (which also leaves him. Tissues always just assumed his condition was a thing that would come and then go.

Suitcase and Lightbulb call her out on this in the following episode. How the aforementioned plot ends - Knife gets sick of being Trophy's slave and lets him show the photo to everyone. Naturally, after he admits this, the contestants are. While his debut episode establishes him as a joke character, it becomes increasingly more evident that there's more to him than he initially lets on A well-known band in the Inanimate Insanity universe.

Media If the Emperor Had a Text-to-Speech Device. BUT YOUVE REACHED NEW LEVELS OF NONSENSICALITY! Can Yang figure out what's going on before something else goes horribly wrong? Even in season three, she struggles to remain composed when trying to say chair. This directly leads to Bow's death and contributes to those of MePhone4 and MePhone5. This abrasive behavior leads to her elimination. He's also incredibly intolerant and rude towards just about everyone he meets. A blob of unidentifiable goo who is absolutely terrible at analogies. A wooden mop paintbrush. He claims to be a jock with a love for the competition, but he's actually quite lazy and prefers to boss others around. It comes to its natural conclusion in "Kick the Bucket", where she finally has enough and votes for him, unintentionally causing his elimination. Professional Status Don't mention Steve Cobs or Adam whenever he's in earshot. Fairly lighthearted with some headcannons thrown in and Yang comforting Yin. Yin was always a very observant person; especially when it came to Yang. now accepting ii, bfdi, tdos, hfjone, and tnm requests !! In the "Keep on Cleaning" segment of "Everything's A-OJ", she outright. She has arms placed very low with legs at the bottom of her body.

A glass test tube filled with some sort of green liquid. not smiling or showing off her quirkiness, making things worse for Balloon and Suitcase, indirectly responsible for Suitcases most horrific hallucination.

As a result, she is shunned by most of her team, fueling her determination to show them her full potential. Also, in "Breaking the Ice", in response to Tissues asking to form an alliance with him, he. sudden murder of Test Tube and Fan in "Hatching the Plan" and then trying to lay waste to the Shimmers, Shes the first to complete the maze challenge (although this is only because she recieved directions from Taco), and Baseball.

So they HAVE to be a boy! It becomes a little more sweeter than that. "My apologies, Auto.

Suitcase uses Knife's advice to destroy her alliance and vote Nickel out, The primary reason he gets so upset with the idea of Microphone working with Taco is. Current: Candle Goo The Floor Yin-Yang When Paintbrush reveals their gender and worries that it wont be acknowledged, she validates them in her own quirky way. However, she can't do it alone. Instead, Candle focuses her energy on practicing mindful meditation so she can guide herself and others down the right path. when MePhone4 pushes him into a quicksand pit. He willingly downgrades in order to bring back MePhone4. until he reveals the picture of Knife playing with his Dora doll, which causes ridicule until Baseball steps in and, Once he's eliminated, he's sent to a closet in Hotel OJ, where Tissues constantly sneezes on everyone thanks to his "condishawn". When Pepper opens the door, the first thing he does is. Though, it was actually Yin's doing for feeling hungry, because Yang is gluten-free. Lightbulb fortunately manages to talk her out of this. This article is a stub. As the creator of Adam and therefore the true head honcho of Inanimate Insanity by proxy, he's been playing MePhone like a fiddle. Microphone smirked at the name she remembered she gave herself. Subverted in the case of the comics, where he is able to finally apologize for his actions, ultimately getting the acceptance of all his former teammates, sans possibly OJ if the doubt portrayed in said comic and Season 3 are anything to go by. This causes Knife to become suspicious of her and eventually find out her involvement with Taco. Silver Spoon gives YinYang a much needed flea bath. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. Friend(s) After Paintbrush is revealed to have painted him for Episode 12's challenge, he becomes conspicuously uncomfortable before promptly giving them a zero. She is the runner-up of Season 1. She takes on a more behind-the-scenes role in Season 2, not actively competing this time but still manipulating the other contestants for her own gain. ", she ends up revealing that she only warmed up to Marshmallow as a joke on her. A pair of Maraschino cherries. He eventually conquers it. He technically dies upon being submerged in water in "Journey Through Memory Lane (Part 2)"; MePhone4S downgrades in order to bring him back. Almost. One of Salt and Pepper's assistants in Inanimate Insanity Infinity. A pocket knife. Childlike and innocent in nature, though he has have a mischievous streak in that he likes to pull pranks. Even after she outright admits that she possessed Apple into claiming she was using her friendship Marshmallow to get further in the game, Marshmallow doesnt seem to bear any ill will towards her. Asking about their gender makes Paintbrush a little uncomfortable as well due to being non-binary. A pink hairbow who somehow made her debut in an advertisement for chairs (which she is obsessed with). Tissues is a lonely environmentalist who tries his best to put himself out there, but is prevented from doing such by a debilitating illness known as "the condishawn". she overhears her claiming that she was only using their friendship to get further into the game. If her true identity was known within this party, it's over for her. Interestingly enough, real-life microphones dont produce sound, they only input it. He was the first to get eliminated in Season 2 and has the shortest competing time of any contestant in the series, so he's not as developed as most of the contestants.

Due to their contrasting personalities, the two are constantly getting into petty disputes that usually serve as disruptions to their team. That's the fic. The only contestant on the show who isn't anthropomorphic. Status He then suffers from a mental shutdown and does not function for most of Episode 13.

While she's a good leader if she puts her mind into it, by the end of the day, she'd rather clown around. Chapman was only 14 at the time when he started voicing Paper originally used a voice close to his naturally cartoony voice. She's flung off the Crappy Cliff in the season 1 finale along with MePhone 4 and MePhone 5, the resulting electrocution from landing in the water killing all three of them.

MePhone 4's simultaneous death results in Bow being unable to be revived with MeLife, and she is left as a ghost. His first step? A 5 nickel with an aptitude for sarcasm. Though Yin makes it clear that he was under Yang's influence as he apologizes for everything. After confessing to Bow that she indirectly caused her death, Bows expression morphs into an angry onebut she quickly brushes it off because she now has a tail. (and for a brief cameo in the first season finale). First Appearance Starting off as a malicious bully who harassed others (Marshmallow in particular) for fun, Knife slowly grows out of his Jerkass ways and gradually reveals his kinder side (not that hell ever admit it). they all have their purpose, and she's a light too. In "Kick the Bucket", it is revealed that she possessed Apple to end her friendship with Marshmallow so that the latter could spend more time with her. The finale reveals she was Obfuscating Stupidity to obtain viewer support and is actually a Manipulative Bitch with a British accent. [[This au has no name, but is a dark and fucked up au of my own creation, and this is just one of many installments. This apparently wasn't the intent. Cabby doing so in her file about him angers him so much that he votes for her to be eliminated. Come season 3, while he may still be having some confidence issues, he is no longer afraid to stand up for himself, especially in the case of Nickel. It's ultimately subverted when it turns out to have been Bow possessing her. She tries to help Soap get over her cleaning obsession in Episode 9.

Rank Ends up becoming her biggest character flaw. Gives a scathing one to Suitcase at one point in Alternate Reality Show. CabbyTest Tube (Possibly)Goo (On Goo's side)Silver Spoon (formerly) Happens to him again in "Theft and Battery", when he crosses the line and calls Microphone a monstrosity.

The Host of Inanimate Insanity, albeit a very shrewd and callous one. He starts off as immature and whiny, preferring to slack off and watch Desperate Housewives, but after he rejoins and deals with some pent-up anger issues, he gradually becomes kinder and more cautious. (they all left the show, they all left. It begins to fall apart later on when Suitcase begins to lose her trust in them, and it gets completely destroyed in episode 11 when Suitcase votes Nickel out. She giggled and teasingly ran her fingertip across Microphone's mask. Well, typically with these types of concepts people don't ever think it goes smoothly so not a lot of faith is going into that question.

A 1st place trophy cup. The latter episode reveals that he staged an attack on the Shimmers' homeland, which resulted in a majority of their young being stolen, and these actions draw parallels to. out to decorate it, to enlighten the dark stains painted grass. deciding on who to vote out before the finale. Candle's personality and abilities are likely inspired by. He seems to have taken to acting as a mentor of sorts for Suitcase as of the second half of "Kick the Bucket". Marshmallow is, his egg begins to hatch after months of nurturing it. Things seem normal in Hotel OJ.

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She also indirectly causes the draw during Episode 10's maze challenge when she uses her volume to attract Knife's attention, but also lures Test Tube to the finish line. Steve Cobs. "Hey it's not fair if you saw my look, Tiny." OJ forgives Balloon when he visits the hotel prior to "Mazed and Confused", but misunderstands Balloon's desire to make amends with the old contestants and tries to encourage him to not miss out on the opportunity to befriend the new ones. He tries to warn MePhone4 about the upcoming MePhone5, and performs a. and succeeds, causing the others to laugh and humiliate him, Yin giving him full control of their body so they can win the challenge. Occupation(s) believes theyre the cause of global warming. (S3): TBA In "A Lemony Lesson", he's genuine friends with Paper. Luckily, Test Tube put a stop to this before things could escalate further.

leading to the contestants meeting Steve Cobs. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Paintbrush is competitive and has strong team spirit, though this is mostly overshadowed by their extremely bad temper. gonna start listening to MCR any second now.. speaking of which wasn't there a new song released a couple of days ago or something? Personal Status During the finale, OJ finally gets to eat one of his cookies. Silver SpoonThe FloorYin-YangPaintbrushOJ Telekinesis: At certain points when her body fully relaxes, she can access a form of herself she labels inner flame, which allows her to carry people or objects (including herself) using her mind. me projecting onto objects again because this is my best coping mechanism. Resorting to violence, however, is something else entirely. Things only got worse when he found out that Cobs destroys his creations when they aren't the way he wants them to be and leaves them to rot in a closet, which resulted in him running away with MePad. Extremely nihilistic and gloomy in nature, Blueberry doesnt see the good in anything, which contributes to an unwillingness to participate in challenges. Luckily, someone comes to help! Surely an. She does not return for Season 2, but when Lightbulb accidentally messes up the shows timeline, she becomes the host of the show along with Pepper, retooling the show into an infinite loop where the two hold constant fashion shows and flaunt their greatness to the other contestants. just because she didn't know the definition of a word, right after calling Ballpoint Pen's laugh ridiculous. When Knife breaks his leg in the triathlon, she tries to make sure hes okay before she proceeds. So much so that it's what causes her team to lose the third challenge. destroyed Fan's laptop just by stepping on it, With Suitcase, whom he treated kindly and with genuine respect. After he's eliminated, he realizes that there's more to humor than puns, but he's shoved into the Rejection Portal before he can demonstrate. When he temporarily replaces MePhone as the host of the show, he eliminates Suitcase because he thinks she's "ruining the show" (he even calls her "what's-your-face") and makes the remaining contestants clean Hotel OJ solely because he needed some extra help (and because of the structural damage many of the first season contestants caused), not as a challenge. After she almost drowns during the Bucket Brigade, Suitcase becomes less cheerful and more disdainful, which can be seen when she vents to Knife about her problems. She eventually grows out of it, but she does gain an odd fascination with her tail after she becomes a ghost. A cardboard box. it is very obvious and you can probably tell, upping the ratings because im feeling plenty ansty lads. A baseball. Nickname(s) When the Grand Slams get upset with him for making them clean the hotel for nothing, he comes up with a rather pathetic last-minute challenge (a coin toss).

OJ unfairly eliminates her, albeit temporarily, in Episode 7. Candle is a mauve purple, shiny wax candle. Shes understandably shocked when Knife overhears her discussing him with Taco and finds them from behind a bush. (Aka me projecting my gender dysphoria onto Yang <3), sorry but trophy reminds me of them the most so trophy fans im sorry, Who are you and what did you do with gaia. In Mine Your Own Business, MePhone believes that Toilet has contact with Cobs and angrily orders him to leave. Characteristics Is kidnapped by the Prime Shimmer during "Hatching the Plan", and the challenge revolves around rescuing him. solely so he would look more like a pirate. Because of his terrible sense of humor, he isn't very popular among the contestants, and their obnoxious undertones don't help him one bit.

Taco, until she reveals she was only stringing him along. A Red Delicious apple and recommended character. Considering that MePhoneX shows up at the end of. which she ended up destroying by voting Nickel out. He had always kept a careful eye on him everywhere he went. From the rim down to the strap of the mask. Shes particularly upset with Suitcase for indirectly causing Fans elimination and blames her for it, and she later reveals to Lightbulb that shes not happy about being painted as the villain for taking away Fans egg. Lit Wax Candle no point in doing it now if you can't view all of them tho I mean ain't I right? It's safe to say that nobody on the show misses him. He gets crushed by a hammer that almost hits Clover, sent pummeling down a cliff, and inexplicably set on fire.

It culminates in her voting him out. In Season 2, she takes the Grand Slams' tensions and inner struggles to her advantage, starting by collaborating with Microphone. If you wanna send me any fanart of this AU, @ me on Tumblr! What could go wrong? TBA

"Stranded in Paradise" The bands popularity went downhill after Starfruit, the lead singer, left the band, but with some help from Lightbulb, he was able to reunite with them, thus restoring their former glory. When Test Tube is eliminated, she tries her hardest to lighten up the mood with some humor, but it doesn't really work and she sulks as she watches Test Tube enter the Rejection Portal. He does, however, have trouble making friends and a bad inferiority complex. Serenades and candlelit dinners, Cheesy had said, were the most romantic for a date. Even in the present, things aren't much better for him since Cobs often sends his successors to kill him. Eliminated: OJ Clover A massive fan of Inanimate Insanity, though he lacks social tact and self-awareness due to his obsession with the show. Work Search: Unfortunately, their friendship gets cut short when she is eliminated in the same episode, much to Microphone's dismay. She was promptly eliminated in a landslide as a result. A salt shaker, and Peppers BCFF. While he can come off as a bit odd, he's a genuinely good guyand that's kinda all there is to him. Contestant On a special occasion where the new season 3 contestents visit hotel OJ, Yin-Yang are excited to have the Cherries finally meet Candle and get their aura read as a fun occasion! Not only does he receive a. "Such an expression, even though I cannot see half of your face."

not only because of Fans elimination, but because of her argument with him beforehand. Much like Pepper, Salt behaves like a stereotypical teenage girl, though she has a selfish streak and an unhealthy crush on OJ. And could the person behind all this be closer than he thinks? Stuff like shrimp and plankton, which she gets bored of. Some of them laugh, but when Baseball gives a speech about how Knife's Dora doll served as something to find comfort him during his time on Idiotic Island, Trophy is left unsatisfied. One of the few contestants who shows consistent signs of common sense, but he also tends to criticize MePhone's challenges and point out flaws in logic.

A teal tissue box. A blob of dough. She grows increasingly more suspicious by "Alternate Reality Show" because of her involvement in the disappearance of Lightbulb and Test Tube (which results in her arriving late for the painting challenge), tendency to run off in the woods, and frequent nervous laughter, complete with big awkward grins.

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