star trek the motion picture

Decker concurs, comparing it to "We all create God in our own image. I'm sorry, Will." ", "It's taking control of the computer!" On the bridge of IKS Amar, the Klingon captain orders his crew to fire torpedoes at it, but they have no effect. The television run of the film marks one of the first times that scenes not incorporated into a theatrical cut were reintegrated for the television airing, making the television cut longer than the theatrical cut. "Sir, it's on a precise heading for Earth. ", another attending studio producer, Brian Grazer, remembered. (Reader magazine, 23 November 1979, p. 7) In turn, informed that Abel had sold off some by Paramount paid equipment, studio auditors started a criminal investigation, whether or not this was the case. When hired, a second, equivalent Art Department, Astra Image Corporation (ASTRA), was allowed to be established by RA&A to operate on par alongside Paramount's own Art Department, resulting in confusing situations with hugely overlapping responsibilities, as Jennings attested to, "We made a camel. (New West magazine, 26 March 1979, p. 60), The first serious clash between the studio and RA&A occurred around Christmas 1978, when producers and executives, rather belatedly, came by Abel's company for the first time to ascertain the state of affairs regarding the studio model photography. It would not have been the first time that a studio was killed off by an overly ambitious film project, nor would it be the last time; Previously, in 1957, RKO Pictures was terminated as an independent film production company by its owners (some of its remnants absorbed by Paramount and Desilu, as the former RKO property was adjacent to those of both), due to the fact that John Wayne's 1956 epic, The Conquerers, failed to earn back its production budget. As was his habit for all the films he worked on, Wise stipulated on that occasion that he was to have executive producer rights as well, which the studio granted, in the process curtailing those of Roddenberry. As Spock walks into the turbolift, Kirk stops him and welcomes him aboard. Kirk asks Decker what constitutes "unwarranted" to him, while Decker retorts that Kirk asked his opinion. Kirk asks where the real Ilia is, and the probe states that "that unit" no longer functions. Steel however, had a problem since the production was running over schedule by that time, as she clarified, "I was a desperate person. Contemporary, non-review, magazine articles. It was exactly this circumstance Magicam's Vice-President Carey Melcher referred to, when he made the statement on the occasion of his company being reinstated as the primary studio model vendor for the Motion Picture in January 1978, "Even though we were a Paramount company, we had to submit bids just like any outsiders. Kirk firmly insists that they are leaving, ready or not, in twelve hours. ", "I weep for V'ger as I would for a brother. As it turned out, both parties were to pay the price for their failure to communicate and Paramount was forced to come yet knocking on Trumbull's door later on during the production, hat in hand. Transporter chief Janice Rand is frantically trying to tell Starfleet to abort the transport, but it is too late. Logic and knowledge are not enough. Spock determines that the transmission is a radio signal. "Star Trek: The Emotional Picture", Chapter 4. It wasn't in Jeffrey's nature to get off the track." (Industrial Light & Magic: The Art of Special Effects, Chapter 1) This circumstance was certainly not lost on Phase II/The Motion Picture Production Illustrator Michael Minor, when he already in 1979 emphatically commented, "I love science fiction, but it's proved itself to be costly, damaging in human terms, costly in terms of money and time, and it is just much of a bankroll to bet too often. Eventually, it became known that the total production budget for Close Encounters came to approximately US$19 million, but that film required far fewer visual effects than The Motion Picture ultimately did. He didn't. (Starlog, issue 27, p. 26) Kelly's breakdown indicated that eleven of Paramount's thirty-two sound stages were in use for the single Star Trek production during 1978-1979, more than for any other production in Paramount's history up to that point in time. Is there nothing more?, Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 39), and the Star Trek Encyclopedia(3rd ed., p. 691) written by Michael Okuda, place The Motion Picture in 2271, stating that it took place 2.5 years after the end of the last five-year mission that in turn took place from 2264 to 2269, according to Okuda. (The Making of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, pp. Roddenberry, drawing upon the very good experience he had on the Original Series with Edward K. Milkis, advised the studio to appoint liaisons between RA&A and the studio. "How do you define unwarranted?" In response to this, V'ger cuts off the ship's communications with Starfleet. His then Executive Producer Sherry McKenna, who had flat-out stated, "Paramount didn't check us out", revealed that, presented with an early script draft, an internal analysis for the effects production already revealed that the production of these could not be accomplished for less than US$5.5-$6 million, but Abel, fearing that this amount was too high for Paramount (indicating his lack of experience with major feature productions), decided to take a gamble with his bid as not to lose the account. 101-102, 122-124). Captain James T. Kirk: Bones, there's a thing out there. "Why does the Enterprise require the presence of carbon units? A passageway forms outside the ship as Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Decker, and "Ilia" enter a turbolift. He discovers that it is headed on a precise course for Earth. They didn't exactly expect we'd be able to actually spend that much()" (Star Trek Movie Memories, 1995, p. 87) Essentially speaking for all production staffers, when he was informed of the upgrade decision on 21 November 1977, Phase II Art Director Joe Jennings recalled in 2009, somewhat mellowed, but still aghast, "We were within two weeks of starting the new series, and somebody said, "Wheeew, let's make a motion picture!" Decker tells her, with slight sarcasm, that Captain Kirk has the utmost confidence in him. They always come back." Eisner immediately responded by appointing Richard Yuricich to the production and concurrently instructing studio executives Jeffrey Katzenberg and Lindsley Parsons, Jr. to spend more of their time on the project, which for both men meant a raise from 20 to 50 percent of their available time. (Return to Tomorrow, pp. To aggravate matters even further, it was discovered on that occasion that RA&A had, in the studio's time (and at their expense, by using both the studio's equipment and money), continued to produce commercials, as mentioned above. Sulu confirms this and says that lunar beacons show the intruder is entering into Earth orbit. Also, the novelization of the film written by Gene Roddenberry states that it has been 2.8 years (nine Vulcan seasons) since Spock left the crew. ", "Just a moment, captain, sir. Their bodies disappear, and the light expands and begins to consume the area. And when he set the initial film budget at $15 million, he could at first glance have been excused for thinking that this was ample. Though Roddenberry was later implicated in the high visual effects over-budget expenditures, Michael Eisner and his studio CEO colleagues could actually be as equally faulted as well, as they, prior to the Phase II project, seriously mishandled the relationship with Paramount's subsidiary effects house, FGC led by Douglas Trumbull, as Trumbull years later bitterly recalled (the studio of course, did not share that information with the public at the time), "Paramount had no vision at all and [was] going through a big management change. (Cinefex, issue 1, p. 4). "Ilia" points to the structure on the screen and identifies it as V'ger. He realizes that Kirk is responsible for the draft. It is revealed to be Ilia, although it isn't really her there is a small red device attached to her neck. "The Dream Fulfilled: STAR TREK THE MOTION PICTURE", Part Two-Chapter One. ", "Your child is having a tantrum, Mr. The original production budget for Star Trek: The Motion Picture, set at US$15 million, included the costs made for the aborted Star Trek: Phase II series, as well as the earlier false starts in getting a Star Trek film off the ground. ", "We witnessed a birth. We got this professor from the linguistics department at UCLA, Hartmut Scharfe, and he constructed a Vulcan language for us very well. The alien is puzzled it contacted the Enterprise why has the Enterprise not replied? (The Keys to the Kingdom, 2000, Chapter 6) It was again Mike Minor who had made a scathing observation in this regard at the time, "Why do I think the filming took so long and cost so much?

(The Making of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, p. 204) Coincidentally, this amount corresponded with the amount the cost-price was adjusted downwards as mentioned previously, suggesting that this was the amount Steel had netted the studio with her fund drive as well as corresponding with the minimum cost estimates Roddenberry and Collins were given fourteen months earlier by effects companies in the first place. However, in doing so, Eisner exhibited his lack of understanding and empathy as both Katzenberg and Parsons were at the time business managers (not yet a film maker in the former case), and neither had any experience with visual effects whatsoever, whereas, intentionally or not, forcing Yuricich to serve as an unpaid liaison due to contractual obligations, was a particularly uncouth act on the part of Eisner, as an unmotivated Yuricich was co-founder and co-CEO of the by Eisner maligned FGC. Decker, the probe, Dr. McCoy, and Dr. Chapel are in Ilia's quarters. Suddenly, the Enterprise enters a wormhole, which was created by an engine imbalance, and is about to collide with an asteroid that has been pulled inside. 1st of 13 Star Trek films Before they can think further, a red alert sounds, and a plasma bolt beam from within the cloud hits the ship and begins to overload the ship's systems.

She quietly says "no," and goes to her quarters nearby. Kirk asks for recommendations, and Spock recommends proceeding inside the cloud to investigate, while Decker advises against it, calling the move an "unwarranted gamble." "There was nothing you could have done, Rand," Kirk tells the upset transporter operator, "it wasn't your fault.". DiFalco directs Kirk's attention to the viewscreen. I think we all knew then that we were associated with a bomb. Kirk orders the Enterprise's phasers to be fired on it, but Decker tells Chekov to fire photon torpedoes instead.

"Heading?" McCoy thinks that Kirk is obsessed with keeping his command. The final message to the audience, "The human adventure is just beginning", was altered. (Cinefex, issue 2, pp. They've always thought that about the TV people. It transmits at a frequency of more than one million megahertz, and at such a high rate of speed, the message only lasts a millisecond. At the time, the studio falsely spun Trumbull's refusal in contemporary press releases as being, "regrettably", unable to meet Trumbull's demand of serving on the film as its director (though having dangled, insincerely however, as they never had for a second considered doing so, the position as a carrot in front of him like Roddenberry, Trumbull had a "solid" reputation of being too difficult to work with), instead of Wise. From the beginning, we all said there was never any one in control. The extra $20 million or so represented all the cost Paramount had occurred over the years on all the other STAR TREK projects that were not made." I remember when you recommended me for this command. TM & Copyright 1979 by Paramount Pictures Film Corporation, Inc. All figures rounded off to the nearest thousand, Figure does not include $85,000 for special lighting, aren't re-forming properly in the transporter beam, Return to Tomorrow - The Filming of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, The Making of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, 20th Anniversary Special Edition soundtrack, Star Trek: The Complete Unauthorized History, Star Trek: 45 Years of Designing the Future, Industrial Light & Magic: The Art of Special Effects, Star Trek: The Motion Picture Stardate Calendar 1980, Star Trek: The Motion Picture The USS Enterprise Bridge Punch-Out Book, Star Trek: The Motion Picture Peel-Off Graphics Book, Star Trek: The Motion Picture - The Director's Edition (DVD), Star Trek: The Motion Picture - The Official USS Enterprise Officer's Date Book (1980), Star Trek: The Motion Picture Make-Your-Own Costume Book, Star Trek: The Motion Picture - The Art and Visual Effects, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Rhaandarite orbital office complex officer, Andrew Probert saucer separation concept art, Best Overall New Extra Features, Library Title, Best New, Enhanced or Reconstructed Movie Scenes, Best Archival Release of an Existing Score, Also, Nimoy is the only actor to participate in both this film and, Principal photography, the filming of scenes which required the principal cast, began on, The theme from the TV series is heard three times in the film. ", "Well, Jim, I hear Chapel's an MD now. Spock theorizes that the real Ilia's memories and feelings have been duplicated by the probe as well as her body. Kirk tells Scott that two and a half years as the Chief of Starfleet Operations may have made him a little stale, but that he wouldn't exactly consider himself untried. They needed money to cover the negative. 25-26; Starlog, issue 27, p. 26) As to more detailed specifics in regard to Abel's over-budget expenditures, please refer to the individual entries for: Wise's "being lied to" feeling was reported to be an understatement as the otherwise levelheaded Wise apparently lost it on that fateful day and erupted in a full-blown rage. Scott tells Kirk that the crew hasn't had near enough transition time with all the new equipment and that the engines haven't even been tested at warp power, not to mention that they have an untried captain in command. In Gene Roddenberry's novelization of the film, the female lead Vulcan elder is given the name T'Sai. He offers his services as the science officer. However "Ilia" says they are not true lifeforms like the Creator. She looks up at him and addresses him as "Decker", rather than "Decker unit," which intrigues Spock. A new CGI shot shows the V'Ger vessel entering Earth orbit. However, for Paramount Pictures proper, the profits made by Magicam and FGC did turn up on their individual profit-and-loss statement as production costs. (Star Trek Phase II: The Lost Series, p. 76) Nearly all non-script related production decisions made after March were Wise's and not Roddenberry's, which included, among others, his decision to completely revamp at great cost (see below) the vast majority of the Phase II sets, which he "didn't like very much". animated man explosion giphy gifs dreamland explosions reaction anderson robert motion He is propelled forward rapidly, and enters the next chamber of the vessel just before the aperture closes behind him. (Star Trek Movie Memories, p. 83) That the relatively unknown RA&A, which had no track record whatsoever in the motion picture industry for major features, was willing to do the effects for US$4 million, should have raised at least some executive eyebrows. After the two men enter a travel pod and the doors seal shut, Kirk explains that an alien object is less than three days away from Earth, and the Enterprise has been ordered to intercept it because they are the only ship in range. JPL's director John Casani agreed to loan the model to the studio in October 1977, mere months after the actual Voyager probes were launched in August and September that year. Barry Diller, then studio head and chief financial overseer of the production, recalled, "Once the theater owners realized that we pulled this scam off on them, none of them liked it. Then she bids him farewell, telling him to "live long and prosper". After Kirk takes him aside to talk, he becomes visibly upset when the admiral tells him that he is assuming command. The problems with RA&A resulted in that virtually no visual effects were produced by the time Trumbull was brought in definitively, and he found himself particularly pressed for time, as the studio would not delay the planned December release. "It's running our records! 50-72. The lead elder tells Spock he has labored long and she prepares to give him a symbol of total logic. He mentions that Sonak's can be reached through the Vulcan embassy. The table lights up, indicating she won the game, and she gazes into Decker's eyes. He tells her that within her are the memory patterns of a certain carbon unit. Production Illustrator Andrew Probert provided the producers with his own script suggestions for a visually dramatic conclusion, and storyboarded the key event, and Mego's licensed toy model of the new ship had instructions for separating its saucer from the secondary hull. Decker and Ilia are seen walking around in the recreation room. Roddenberry was indeed largely responsible for the script problems, which did cause production delays and thus over-budget expenditures, but the visual effects debacle situation (see below) was somewhat more nuanced. Both Trumbull and Yuricich left FGC upon completion of the project. Kirk tells "Ilia" that carbon units are a natural function of the Creator's planet and they are living things, not infestations. McCoy realizes V'ger must think its creator is a machine. (Star Trek: Creating the Enterprise, 1st ed, p. 46), Inexplicably, both the studio and director Wise failed to register that the departure of Post-production Supervisor Rabwin, who was not succeeded once RA&A was in place, had left a dangerous void in the production, as there was now no dedicated studio liaison and/or specialized supervisor, leaving an unsupervised RA&A pretty much to their own devices for nearly seven months. Another spin on the studio's position is put when one considered that despite its mixed reception, The Motion Picture was for three decades the best world-wide performing Star Trek film adjusted for inflation, US$422 million in 2014 prices, even outperforming the highly successful films Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home and Star Trek: First Contact (US$284 and $222 million in 2014 prices respectively) when inflation adjusted, and was only to be surpassed in 2009 with the advent of the film set in the alternate reality. Decker retrieves the tricorder and angrily exclaims, "This is how I define unwarranted! When Scott offers to have Spock back on Vulcan in four days, Spock says that's unnecessary, as his task on Vulcan is completed. Ever since the inception the Original Series, Roddenberry was perceived by the studio as a thorn in their side, due to his unbudging character when it came to his Star Trek creation, of which he was over-zealously protective, as well as being stung by his surreptitiously orchestrating the letter writing campaign that for saved the Original Series for a season. 'Is this all that I am? After Hartmut had done his thing and worked it all out logically, Jimmy and I just sat down one day and made up stuff. Decker figures out that V'ger wanted to bring the Creator here and transmit the code in person. bama blish The novel Triangle supports this dating, as it is set after The Motion Picture, and takes place seven years after "Amok Time", in 2274. The final TAS episode, TAS: "The Counter-Clock Incident", takes place in 2270, as does the entire second season of the series. David Gerrold, reaffirming that the studio still blamed Roddenberry for the perceived The Motion Picture failure, stated when he was pulled from the series, "Gene didn't like Rick, at all. McCoy tells Kirk that Ilia is a mechanism and Spock confirms she is a probe that assumed Ilia's physical form. ", and then tells the other elders, "His answer lies elsewhere. V'ger explodes, leaving the Enterprise above Earth, unharmed. Uhura has located the source of the radio signal and it is straight ahead. Lucas employed in his new Industrial Light & Magic company (then merely a subsidiary department of Lucasfilm, and later to play a significant part in the Star Trek film franchise) a team of young, highly motivated and enthusiastic effects staffers, all sharing Lucas' visionary approach, and each of them willing to work for low wages and putting in huge amounts of unpaid overtime. Then novice studio producer Jerry Bruckheimer recalled, "I was here doing American Gigolo when they were doing Star Trek. This doesn't take inflation into account, however; taking it into account, Cleopatra was, at the time, the most expensive film ever made. However, in this movie, the Klingons all had identical cranial ridge patterns. "What was I meant to be?" When told by a yeoman that the crew member insisted on them beaming up first, "said something about first "seeing how it scrambled our molecules,"" Kirk tells Starfleet to beam the officer aboard. Meanwhile, in one of the ship's airlocks, Spock slips up behind the airlock technician and nerve pinches him into unconsciousness. Jenning's co-worker Mike Minor, was even more vehement in his appraisal, "It was one of the most soiled and shabby chapters of Hollywood history, in terms of how people were treated. Just like it was a whole different thing, you know. It was mainly for this reason that the studio executives increased the budget from US$8 to $15 million for the upgrade. McDonald's ran several thirty second television commercials, promoting the Motion Picture Happy Meals, one of them featuring a Klingon, endorsing them in, what was supposed to be, Klingonese. At the time, Doohan told his co-workers, "We have to cut out vowels as much as possible." Commander Branch inquires as to its heading. Having avoided the fate of Heaven's Gate, the Motion Picture earned US$11,926,421 in its opening weekend at the US box office, a record at the time, and its total domestic gross theatrical revenue was US$82,258,456. (Cinefantastique, Vol 12 #5/6, p. 58) The comments of Minor and Jennings notwithstanding, this situation was partly due to the contractual obligations the studio had committed to for the Phase II production. We did something, sort of down here and they did things that were sort of up there, that we could not do up here, what they did down there, whatever!" I beamed myself onto the stage." Kirk and Scott promptly race over to the transporter room. Major optical effects of this type carry many hazards under the best of circumstances, and the director and myself have an urgent need to make decisions on them from something more than "it sounds reasonable" basis." Additionally, the music was slightly extended to add new Director's Edition credits. It's asking questions. "My experience. I know engineers. In a mechanized voice, she replies, "You are the Kirk unit, you will assist me." ", he ponders. Spock describes V'ger as a sentient being, from a planet populated by living machines with unbelievable technology, allowing it access to a truly galactic store of knowledge.

He convinces her to let him help her revive those patterns so that she can understand their functions better. Alan Dean Foster And westerns will come back. A substantially lower production budget of US$35 million (indicating that at least some of the above-mentioned avant-premiere revenue streams were now accounted for) was allowed for in these figures, making the Motion Picture the fourth most profitable outing in the entire Star Trek film franchise as of 2022, incidentally outperforming the three alternate reality ones by far. In the visual effects case, this was exemplified by Eisner's treatment of FGC and his later reaction to the visual effects situation in July 1978. The producers of the Director's Edition submitted the film for re-rating by the MPAA, hoping for a PG rating rather than the original G rating which they believed carried a negative association; the basis for the higher rating was the intensified soundtrack. This used to be a conscious strategy policy as it afforded Hollywood studios certain decision-making advantages. (Star Trek Phase II: The Lost Series, pp. The probe approaches the navigation console and it scans Ilia. and Star Wars (1977), which was approximately $10 million each (Close Encounters of the Third Kind had not yet premiered by the time of the upgrade decision). Often incorrectly credited as McDonalds's very first outing in their "Happy Meal" concept, The Motion Picture was nevertheless their first themed one, coming from December 1979 onward in five boxes with items included such as bracelets, puzzles and the like. Decker tells Kirk that Voyager 6 disappeared through a then-called black hole. ", Steel enthused. Ordering Uhura to deactivate the viewer, Kirk informs the crew that the pre-launch countdown will begin in forty minutes and the assembled crew leaves to attend to their duties. Spock theorizes that this may be a visual representation of V'ger's entire journey.

Kirk is bothered as to why Sonak is not on board yet. [18](X). Scenes previously available in the "special longer version. (Starlog, issue 32, p. 58) That fee allowed two airings of the film, the first to run no earlier than December 1982. He will not achieve his goal with us." Kirk tells "Ilia" that the information can't be disclosed to V'ger's probe, but only to V'ger itself. edon bajoran duncan regehr trek star nine deep space memory kira alpha sci fi wikia generation scifiandtvtalk history wiki

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