backstage plugin marketplace

Once you have joined a project, you will get access to the community link if it exists. Below we can see a simple representation of how the code looked in relation to the fields of the file: Due to the number of repositories and projects that we have in our CI system, adding a step in each pipeline was an unfeasible alternative for us. To add a project to the bazaar, simply click on the add-project button and fill in the form.

With this data validated and stored, its finally time for Backstage. Here you can also search or add project to the Bazaar. 3b4d8caff6: Adds a new GitHub credentials provider (DefaultGithubCredentialsProvider). stardust From the first challenge, we mentioned it was easy to create a frontend plugin for Backstage that would consume the addresses of our tools from an API we have internally, making all developers have access to our tools grouped in each context., Customers can substitute their Rootly service catalog with their existing Backstage implementation and seamlessly ensure both platforms remain in sync. [2]. Several plugins being developed in a very short time and joining the CNCF were motivating us to not only use Backstage but also contribute and be part of the community. Inside QuintoAndar the tools are dynamically provisioned and can have their addresses changed. TechDocs is a feature that brings the docs-like-code idea, which is, bringing the documentation about your service living together with the source code and being accessible by any developer. Organizing the engineering structure, its accesses, cataloging resources, and making all the tools accessible to everyone, is a challenge for every company growing in a fast-paced environment. With that, the Service Catalog was our first objective to bring Backstage into QuintoAndar. But like any spreadsheet, some problems started to become more and more evident: In other words, we didnt have confidence in the spreadsheet to be our source of truth about our services and which teams were working on them. Each project is represented as a card containing its most relevant data to give an overview of the project. QuintoAndar is a company that uses technology as its main growth driver through several open-source community tools such as Kubernetes, ArgoCD, ArgoWorkflows, Apache Airflow, and Prometheus, we always strive to be close to the community. Remember the spreadsheet? bilawal hameed radar This works around an issue where cookies would not be set if TLS termination was handled in a proxy rather than having the backend served directly with HTTPS. It is also possible to sort in alphabetical order or on the number of members. The Bazaar is a place where teams can propose projects for cross-functional team development. As this data is specific and unique for each service and its context, we didnt want it to get lost in some documentation. Increasing observability possibilities on e2e tests, Making all the engineering tools easily accessible/updated for everyone. "We're excited to launch this integration of Cloud Carbon Footprint so all developers in the Backstage marketplace are empowered to take actionable steps toward a cleaner future for cloud computing.". From that card it is possible to either link or unlink an entity to a project, edit or delete the project and join the project if it seems interesting to you. @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend-module-cookiecutter@0.1.8, @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend@0.15.20. Accessing our tools wasnt our only challenge. These plugins are also open source and open to contributors to constantly improve and evolve! Cloud Carbon Footprint is an open-source project, sponsored by Thoughtworks Inc. under theApache License, Version 2.0. The service assessment is a manual tool where teams can discuss aspects necessary for an application and raise discussions about good software development practices, in addition to proposing ideas of how to improve the application quality. With Backstages 150+ publicly listed adopters, even more developers now have a new way to gain visibility around the cloud carbon emissions of their projects and to identify concrete actions towards climate goals. Browse incident metadata as granular as per service in Backstage such as severity, reporter, status, start/end time, etc. It was time to kill it with fire. Can we find out how many services each squad/tribe is the owner of? a2ed2c2d69: - feat: Created PullRequestsDashboardProvider for resolving team and team member relations, feat: Updated useFilterProcessor to provide teamIds for, @backstage/plugin-azure-devops-common@0.2.0, 6eb6e2dc31: Add Bazaar plugin to marketplace and some minor refactoring, 2b19fd2e94: Make sure to avoid accidental data sharing / mutation of, 0fb17da164: chore: bumping dependencies in the GraphQL modules and bringing them up to date with the latest. Essentially a marketplace for internal projects suitable for Inner Sourcing. This will be remedied in a future update that allows the backend to configured for trusted proxy mode. NewReleases is sending notifications on new releases. Backstage fully meets our will, the community is bringing great use cases and improving the open-source tool, something that we would hardly be able to do with the same speed internally. Anything that is a component used within your company, can be stored along with its metadata. At QuintoAndar, we were challenged by two major problems: Below well describe the problems mentioned and how Backstage has helped us succeed. Shortcut to create incidents in Rootly via Backstage for easy access, View on-going Rootly incidents in Backstage for broader visibility, Workflow task for Send Slack Message now includes the ability to add an action button for Esclating an incident, Versioning for Rootly postmortem templates, ServiceNow supports custom fields mapping of incident metadata, Workflow task for Sending Slack Message available under Action Item workflows, Ability to handle organizations with thousands of GitHub repositories for efficiently, Schedule Postmortem Meeting task can now exclude weekends, Workflow template for renaming a Slack Channel to a Jira ticket number, PagerDuty and Opsgenie paging tasks in Workflows can now auto-match or select priority levels, Additional Workflow triggers such around creation and update of Postmortem and Causes, Fixed issue where test/training incidents were appearing on the Rootly dashboard and summary emails, Fixed issue on UI where pop-up modules rendered without the background. From this data, we populate Backstage Service Catalog through a Processor that we developed. Thinking about the Service Catalog, we knew the complexity and the effort that we would have to invest to develop something completely from scratch.

Teams or Discord link, Make it possible for multiple Bazaar project to link to the same catalog entity. 20ca7cfa5f: Switched the secure cookie mode set on the express-session to use 'auto' rather than true. ## @backstage/plugin-badges-backend@0.1.15, ## @backstage/plugin-bazaar-backend@0.1.6, ## @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend-module-ldap@0.3.9, ## @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend-module-msgraph@0.2.12, ## @backstage/plugin-catalog-import@0.7.9, ## @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.11, ## @backstage/plugin-code-coverage@0.1.22, ## @backstage/plugin-code-coverage-backend@0.1.19, ## @backstage/plugin-config-schema@0.1.18, ## @backstage/plugin-cost-insights@0.11.17, ## @backstage/plugin-explore-react@0.0.10, ## @backstage/plugin-git-release-manager@0.3.8, ## @backstage/plugin-github-actions@0.4.31, ## @backstage/plugin-github-deployments@0.1.26, ## @backstage/plugin-gitops-profiles@0.3.13, ## @backstage/plugin-graphql-backend@0.1.11, ## @backstage/plugin-kafka-backend@0.2.14, ## @backstage/plugin-kubernetes-backend@0.4.3, ## @backstage/plugin-newrelic-dashboard@0.1.3. If you use any custom plugins for ESLint please check compatibility. Thinking about how to solve the problems mentioned, our team started to look for a tool that can be a good fit to not only solve the issues but also empower the software development journey at QuintoAndar. This exciting announcement builds upon the collaboration we announced with Spotify last year to deliver developer portals to a number of clients, most notably with TELUS.

This plugin brings the functionality of the open source project Cloud Carbon Footprint into Backstage as an officially published plugin on the Backstage Plugin Marketplace. Certainly, we have thought about creating our own service and not using an open-source tool to do so. The image below illustrates this process.

The Bazaar allows engineers and teams to open up and announce their new and exciting projects for transparent cooperation in other parts of larger organizations. This year, Thoughtworks developers were invited to join Spotifys annual Hack Week 2022 focused on projects and initiatives that Make the Planet Cooler. In support of that theme, the Thoughtworks and Spotify teams partnered to build a Cloud Carbon Footprint plugin for Backstage, an open platform for building developer portals built by Spotify and donated to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. For more information on how were working with Spotify and others in the Backstage community to make developers lives easier and improve productivity, please contact us at Now we can store the data as we are able to validate the required fields. With that, the documentation is quite easily searchable and accessible to anyone who needs it. tests. Getting started guide: the possibility to add images. For example: If left empty it will by default use 'Members'. (Ex: APIs error rate, latencies, vulnerabilities), Often the team responsible for that service was out of date, New services were not always inserted in the spreadsheet, Disabled or invalid emails were not updated in the spreadsheet, The repository name was not enough to correlate infrastructure resources to that microservice, New hires were unaware of the spreadsheet. Simply put, Backstage is an open-source project created by Spotify and donated to the CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation), which enables us to create a portal for developers. If the checklist has any validation errors, the workflow makes a comment inside the pull request so that the developer could work on the fix. Another option is to check which repositories in our organization do not have a. We continue to reduce the fragmentation of tooling by building the most pluggable enterprise-ready incident management platform on the market. "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^5.9.0". Ensure that the values that are filled in are valid and that developers would be notified in case of changes to the expected values. Using the validator library, we exposed an endpoint that could receive the contents of a file and return if this file is valid checking if it has the fields mandatory and meets the requirements we set. Only documenting tools location and how to access them wasnt scalable enough for our scenario. When clicking on a Bazaar project a card containing the Bazaar information will show up. It looks up the app configuration based on the url. Need to know to enable it? name - name of the project on URL safe format, description - present your idea and what skills you are looking for, status - whether or not the project has started, responsible - main contact person of the project, project - link Bazaar project to existing entity in the catalog, community link - link to where the project members can communicate, e.g. However, QuintoAndar is a tech company and we want to be part of this growing community. Improve the visualization of our microservices including its ownership, in a way that reflects how our engineering teams were organized. It was inspired Production-Readiness Checklist Production-Ready Microservices. And for a long time, the solution to our problem was a spreadsheet . Easy to install by leveraging the official Rootly + Backstage plugin: Import services created and managed in Backstage directly to Rootly, Create incidents in Rootly that pull from service impact directly from Backstage, Double click on services in Backstage and browse their respective incident history depending on what was impacted in Rootly. This GitHub workflow basically reads the .checklist.yaml file and makes a request to our checklist validation API creating a check-run. And add a permissions field to the PluginEnvironment type in packages/backend/src/types.ts: @backstage/plugin-permission-common and @backstage/plugin-permission-node will need to be installed as dependencies: ## @backstage/plugin-analytics-module-ga@0.1.6, ## @backstage/plugin-apache-airflow@0.1.3. faf844e269: Update @asyncapi/react-component to 1.0.0-next.26, which will fix the "As part of Spotify's pathway to net-zero emissions, we leverage Backstage's automation and visibility capabilities to engage our developers in climate advocacy," said Tyson Singer, head of Technology and Platforms at Spotify. We are excited to announce our Backstage integration on the Backstage Plugin Marketplace. Understand how your cloud usage impacts our environment and what you can do about it via the Backstage developer portal. With "Inner Sourcing", we mean projects that are developed internally within a company, but with Open Source best practices. If the Bazaar project is linked to an entity, the card is also visible on that entity's EntityPage. The Bazaar also provides an easy way to manage, catalog, and browse these Inner Sourcing friendly projects and components. The Bazaar ensures that new Inner Sourcing friendly projects gain visibility through Backstage and a way for interested engineers to show their interest and in the future contribute with their specific skill set. This core feature offers a set of resources so that the service documentation written in markdown can be centralized in Backstage. Enterprise Modernization, Platforms and Cloud. Also, we have two main reasons to believe in the Backstage community: The right tool for the right problem, at the right time. For this, we created a file pattern that could be filled and versioned along with the microservice code, we called this file .checklist.yaml, and in it stored information about the team, squad, cost center, and description of which context that service was created. Now that we can trust the ownership data, we aim to use it to achieve high-quality services creation from scratch. [3]. For example: your projects and its latest activities etc. So, as QuintoAndar keeps growing we have a much better tool to address scalability, reliability, and testability issues delivering an amazing user experience to our final users. How do we know which teams are responsible for each microservice? Automate tedious processes. How was our platform teams journey in using an open-source tool to solve our engineers experience challenges. Below you can see an example of this file: But in order to trust this as a source of truth for our automation, we had to consider: For this, we created an architecture to validate and notify our engineers. For more details check the following links: da9c59d6e0: Removed @backstage/test-utils dependency. Integrates with PagerDuty, Opsgenie, Jira, Google Docs, 30+ tools. Template Software is a mechanism that allows the creation of components inside Backstage directly through the user interface with a few clicks. For five days, the teams worked collaboratively to take Cloud Carbon Footprint (CCF) an open source tool that takes advantage of cloud APIs to provide visualizations of estimated carbon emissions on usage across AWS, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure and built a plugin for Backstage. Our Application Security team used Backstage to show vulnerabilities data from various sources within the component tab, giving more visibility into the security aspect of each repository, fostering a culture of security within engineering. When a tech company starts to scale increasing the number of services and engineers, the visualization of resources and tracking of ownership becomes distressed. 10f26e8883: Modify queries to perform better by filtering on sub-queries as well, 1628ca3f49: Fix an issue where the TechDocs sidebar is hidden when the Backstage sidebar is pinned at smaller screen sizes, 2260702efd: Properly exported all referenced types, @backstage/plugin-newrelic-dashboard@0.1.3, @backstage/plugin-tech-insights-backend@0.1.5, @backstage/plugin-code-coverage-backend@0.1.19, @backstage/plugin-search-backend-node@0.4.4, @backstage/plugin-techdocs-backend@0.12.3, @backstage/plugin-tech-insights-backend-module-jsonfc@0.1.5, @backstage/plugin-permission-backend@0.3.0, @backstage/plugin-kubernetes-backend@0.4.3, @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend-module-rails@0.2.3.

Considering our use case, we have a worker that consumes these events and validates if the push was done on the repositorys default branch, which most of the time is the main or master branch, once this push has been done we validate if there is a .checklist.yaml file in that repository. It provides a head start to developers improving productivity and dev experience. If youd like to be a part of and help shape awesome processes like the ones described here, join us! We internally developed a project called Checklist-as-Code to initially solve the main problems mentioned. Being able to use Backstage and contribute to It is something that motivates us. This processor reads items from DynamoDB and creates the respective entities in Backstage. ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded errors which we encountered in several E2E It handles multiple app configurations. As soon as Spotify announced Backstage, we saw that the project had enormous potential and that the proposal makes sense with the challenges we were facing. But we didnt stop there, with the entities being created and updated into Backstage we developed some plugins internally to help us track service quality. Being part of an open-source community saves us a lot of time not reinventing the wheel, so we can think about what matters: be the destination for housing and conquer the world. 3b4d8caff6: Allow a GitHubCredentialsProvider to be passed to the GitHub scaffolder tasks actions. 14e980acee: ESLint upgraded to version 8 and all it's plugins updated to newest version.

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