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Well I had asked if I could take a months rent money and have some rock put in. It sounded so loud and jolting, you thought theyd fall through the ceiling. I recognized him as someone who lives in my building although I had never spoken to him before. I have two behaved adult male cats. My daughter is furious as my rights to quiet enjoyment and a safe environment have been violated by these tenants for over 5 years. I genuinely thought she care about her yard. I said something again to him and he said its his garage the door is open and he has a right to start a vehicle in his garage. Our landlord lived directly above us in the same building. Yes, you may request security camera video. Most states do have some liability on the part of a landlord to ensure tenant safety, particularly if the landlord was aware that a dangerous condition existed. I opened my door and my boss/landlord was standing in the hall way near my apartment and said to me I knew that would wake you up! My best suggestion would be to find an attorney in your area (or if you have one for your business) who can help resolve these issues. Moving is costly and difficult due to my physical limitation and my age. It sounds as though rather than focusing on the landlords liability in the event that this person injures you, it might make more sense at this point to look into an alternate living situation and how you might be able to get out of the lease with these people. When court come around. Ive been out of work since the last day of school back in March when Covid 19 started. If you know who is setting off the fireworks, I would recommend sending them a written letter (certified with return receipt requested) explaining the situation and asking them to refrain from setting off any more fireworks. My ceilings are starting to buckle and Im scared for mysel, daughter and companion animals. The back sliding door also, would fall off leaving the inside of our home easily accessible, (screws were striped), and thankfully we decided to take that upon ourselves and immediately replace it with a new one we purchased. My brother came to visit and when I told him what was going on he said thats maintenance. I emailed management and they said he would be vacated in 14-21 days and to hang in there. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Thank you so much in advance. I personally approached them 4 times about the smoke and they denied everything and anything. Can I hold the complex or body corporate responsible for my injuries and my losses. I would recommend asking your landlord for an additional month (if you anticipate that finding another apartment will be a challenge). Denton,TX. I waited a few months and still no changes and these guys are still roaming the complex freely. We all agreed to not have any contact with each other. However, I do pay a hefty amount of rent and expect to be safe in my home and not have to comfort 2 terrified children in their own home everyday. I report it to management & nothing. I hear the loud sound of an impact driver followed but what most definitely sounded like a paslode gas powered roofing nailer. Of course, they tried to blame me, but water does not cause black smoke. Then its the first few days of May. You are certainly within your rights to file a civil lawsuit against your attack to recover damages (for your headache, etc.). I moved here 4 years ago, and was told several things that. she is laughing her rear end off. I still do not know what triggered him to enter the apartment in the manner in which he did or to act in the way he did. I think that they need to make more threats of fines and look over older footage to see if there are more violations. I have lived in many apartments and never had an issue. From CaliforniaHelloI am not sure if anyone still checks this article/thread, however I find myself in a situation where I no longer feel safe in my apartment. She took them on a speed chase and was caught and arrested. We made a police report and let the landlord know of what happened and asked her (The Landlord) if she planned on putting up the fence. What are my rights and am I able to claim third party insurance, We just found out that there was a gas leak for a while in the 2 family home we rent the top the land lord lives down stairs and they said that its also child endangerment Plus our sons 14 & 10 have been home alone at times which makes me scared what are my options. Other situations where landlords could be liable for damages include mold in the home, illegal use of lead paint, or harm that you as a resident face when other tenants engage in illegal activities such as drug dealing. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. When I left my home I did not have any bugs or ants there but when I got back there was a colony of ants coming from behind my stove. You may be able to file a lawsuit against your landlord if your neighbor injures you or your property in the future. I informed the prop manager and was told What do you want me to do? So I told him I wanted him to be aware that his new tenants were a problem and if it happened again I was calling the police. I have complained so many times about my slippery back steps, Ive fell numerous times and have many guests slip and fall as well. Landlords have certain duties when it comes to keeping tenants safe. She never responded, which I know means they did absolutely NOTHING to anyone. My rent was paid & i.asked the owner if i could prorate 3 days of rent to wait till my ssi hit my bank. When the situation was caused by the negligence of your landlord, whether intentional or not, you may be entitled to compensation by filing a personal injury lawsuit.

Joists felt firm merely a week ago, now A CLEAR bellying can be noticed in my apartment and a strained vibration shimmy-ing is present and can be felt in varying degrees of intensity at most any point in time. Lights would go off in the bathroom while I was in there. Is there anything I can do? But now I have this person who is an actual threat or at least trying to be and clearly angry with me over I dont even know what already concerned about how my previous mix-up occurred Im now being called a liar and being put down Im being belittled and I dont know what Im dealing with I dont know whats legal whats not I dont know what theyre allowed to ask for and what theyre not and theres too much information online for me to weed through it but after I got the call from my property manager I feel like I am so far beyond unsafe its not even funny I dont know if he knows this guy personally even though hes only lived here a couple weeks or if hes just an angry person himself but my security is not being taken seriously at all and hes asking me really personal information about my home and my conversations with people that I dont feel he needs an answer to as a property manager if Im going to the police because I know Ive got a harassment claim but Im also going to file for a protective order at this point because this escalated quickly and aggressively and I dont know where crazy stops even if crazy doesnt have all the light bulbs on and youre clearly on his side youve made that abundantly clear so I felt unsafe taking my dog out going to my car parking in the garage before and now I dont even feel like I have my property managers back nor do I even feel like hes being honest with me about anything at this point and I dont know what to do with any of this someone had mentioned that this is horrendously inappropriate and arguably illegal and Im just trying to find out first and foremost how can I make sure Im safe I can put all the locks on my doors I can put an alarm in my home I can have cameras in my home but I can only do so much when I take my dog out telling him to leave me alone isnt working now hes bothering my friends and somehow my property manager is very much on the side of this two-week resident and not mine at all calling me a liar I dont know where to go from here because a short conversation has now turned my world upside down and over a few days and I clearly dont have the backing of my property and I didnt expect them to back me up I just expect them to be aware and if an official charges place that requires him not to live here anymore well thats not my problem Im not the one that went crazy but obviously thats not what my property manager is going for and I dont know if its just to demean a woman because he can or what but there are too many question marks here and hes giving me two different stories just on who called security or if someone called security and this is now the third night Ive stayed up all night because I cant sleep I dont know what Im supposed to do I dont know what rights I have I am a very quiet person I just want to do what I do and come home and now I dont even want to do that I dont even feel comfortable in my own home not even behind the locked door and I dont know whats legal and whats not and I need help I need advice I need something because this is not right And this guy is not going to stop being crazy and I dont understand how this is all okay and how Im being blamed when no one has all the information and Im happily offering my phone to the police I have nothing to hide except for me because this is becoming beyond just concerning or alarming. At times entering a building without automatic doors can be tricky. The day after speaking to my landlord the maintenance employee, whom lives in the apartment below my bedroom, its a house converted into 3 apartments with 2 down stairs and 1 apartment upstairs, came stomping and screaming up my stairs, swearing and yelling about my dog playing at 1 oclock in the afternoon. Over 10 shots into my home with me in my two sons as we hid for cover in fear I called my grandmother and the police. I cant move due to this and not have a place to move.. the reason for my court order was due to an un ruley roomie they knew about but 2as not on the lease and when he did damages and did things that were not alound on my lease I tried to get him out but could not.. so I could not fix the problems in the 14 days giving because he was sqauting in my shop basement any ways Im at a lose on what to do at this point Ive been trying to do everything by the order but this is out of my control thank you for your time. She wasnt there, because she cared, she was up to no good. Noone is taking me seriously. Suddenly our apartment maintenance man became a little too helpful. I paid money to message the CEO and he never even responded or read it! In most cases, a hallway is considered common property and your landlord is responsible for keeping it clear and safe. At first everything was okay with them, louder than previous neighbors weve had, they have a large pit pull that barks, and would often hear arguments between the woman and man, and staircase would reek like cigarettes but I am one to mind my business so I let mostly everything slide. From CaliforniaI started off living with my ex-in-laws. In some states this responsibility extends to the surrounding area outside the apartment. The photos will shock you on to how these people were allowed to be so careless and treat my family and the death of my two pets like nothing! Ive seen one car that had their windows completely bashed out. You might also consider obtaining a restraining order against the tenant. From WisconsinMy building has balconies with rails and people decorate sometimes with objects balanced on the rails. This is a scary time for everyone, and unfortunately were all dealing with so many unknowns when it comes to COVID-19 exposure. Is the property now a garbage dump? I turned to go into my home, when she spun me around by grabbing my shoulder and repeatedly punched me in the face 8 times in front of other neighbors, children, and my special needs son, who completely lost control screaming and crying. You can absolutely request to move to another unit in your building, and the landlord should provide that to you free of charge if theres a comparable apartment available. If she refuses to do so, I would meet with an attorney in your area. Personal injury law focuses on compensating you for the financial value of your injuries. At least once every two three hours hes blowing his gagging smoke out of his condo into ours. I am wondering if my landlord could be held accountable in some way. I broke down to my brother and we together realized that what was covering my bosy head to toe was actually fiberglass installation! Initial consultations are generally free and the attorney will be able to tell you how strong your case is. Theres likely not much the landlord can do to maintain your safety inside your own apartment with a person you selected as a roommate and who is also on the lease. My closet floor, both sides of the long entrance hallway, around doors, under furniture, before furniture. There is no leasing office on site, so good luck with any issues that need to be resolved when no one from management us around. Really??!! She claimed she was evicting me for faliure to turn in recirtfy hud papers. I need a PPO and a new place to live however, covid-19 has EVERYTHING on lockdown so courts are closed, and we havent had income to even attempt to find a different place, not to mention we would be breaking a 1 year lease that we signed only 3 months ago. overwhelmed. I reported the incident to the Leasing Office 30mins later. The guy cutting my grass crawled under the house 5/. I had sold my home and I had no place to go and agreed to move in to the upstairs apartment with the agreement that I would be moved to a bottom apartment in 30 to 60 days. She continues to add things to my account and has gotten into my amazon and other accounts as well. She said that it seems that they were planted there. At this point it was already 11 pm and our landlord had his phone off. If your landlord was aware that the heater was dangerous and didnt repair or replace it, then he may be liable. Please help! Thats a great question. Someone keeps coming in and leaving things I threw in the dumpster they will put it where I can see it. I panic and I got in my car and drove off to an upper floor ran to my apartment in excruciating pain and told my roommates what happened. Very different. I expressed my concern of safety for my children and I, and Nothing! I live by the pool in the building and people from all over just walk in.

Supporter ofstudents, families, caregivers and our communities. Their dogs were roaming immediately outside our only entrance to the house (which is in the backyard). They also made a mess & my daughter got in & also added to the mess. Move out and end the lease Im so sorry youre dealing with so much. One of the apartments above us, thankfully our apartment wasnt affected as bad as others just some minor water damage , BUT it has not lost the smell of smoke and its been about a week since it happened. I have flashbacks of the attack as well as the in office corrective procedure to internally try and move the bones back in place. I have no clue what else to do. Is there anything I can do? I was talking on speakerphone with a friend. Keep paying rent and sue the landlord for money damages. Its crucial that you express your concerns to your landlord or property manager in writing. We were all sleeping. I asked the landlord to remove the barrier for my dads safety, but essentially he ignored my suggestion. But on this particular issue I noticed a water leak and after chasing my landlord via text for 12 days to check it they found mold inside large sections of the walls. machinery

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