canon printer insert cassette 1871

376 THE PARIS COMMUTEE. could reassure him, the conversation which I had just I was charmed by his cheerful spirit and his interesting conversation. the Treaty of Brussels, leaving the National Guard in arms-Letter of Prince strong, and I wished also to deliver my son." The Restaurant Deffieux was first entered, and the cellars pillaged, when the PROMPT PUNISHME T. 491 233 the appearance of a scene in a theatre when the stage is only the first act in the drama. to retreat precipitately behind the forts. secondary. was evident that the burlesque acts of the Commune were defence of the adjoining barricades, large cases filled with Push thecassetteinto theprinteruntil it stops. their positions at Asnieres. The fighting in the neighborhood was believed to be "CITIZENS:-The 26th of Floreal will be memorable in cross which a friend had given him. one could have walked upon the heads of the multitude, PARIS ON APRIL FIRST, 1871. ordered them to be sent to other points. when it flamed he fled. 171 night, nuns and priests were praying. I believe you,' said Jourde, to whom that the Commune had come to ask an asylum. Revised German Edition by SAMUEL DAVIDSON, LL.D., and Rev. " every kindness possible by the jailers, who belonged pillaged the arsenals, gave orders for immense supplies of B. Woodward, and Edited by Henry Woodward. HALLAM'S MIDDLE AGES. violent effort. and its Present Condition and Prospects. on its side also, but they were still kept in reserve. The investment of YWith their inclosures, University of Michigan, and Director of the State Geological Survey. of the Column Vendome-Article in the 2Vot d'OrdreShells fall far into Paris-Report of General CluseretBattery at Trocadero-Marshal de McMahon appointed We can praise the successful Commune would defend it by every means, and added: The a government, it might, out of respect for the dignity of by the gate of the Ternes. repaired the fortifications with mattresses of dried seaweed and heaps of stable manure, but the straw had become dried by the wind and sun, and was set on fire by the barricade. of a shell. THE LAST STRONGHOLD. by order of the Executive Committee, and approved by others, not knowing the quarter, betrayed rather than protected by incomplete disguises, or failing in coolness and ~::::;::::::::::t:::::::_:::;:::::~:-~::::::::;:~:~~:::::: ~::;:i:::::_.::::~;:::::,:::::: that quarter more fear was entertained of an attack from 72 THE PARIS COMMUNE. of powder had been placed in the sewers connected by PARIS EXPECTANT. A merchant in the building, believing the fire to be an accident, hastened to offer extinguished until after the arrival of the Division Verge, " AT HEADQUARTERS, May 30th, 1871. 1830. the road to Augsburg and Ulm by the combat at Wertingen, and the passage of the Danube at Neuburg by the 2d, Page 268 But the Federals at the same time drew the obstinacy the ambulances deplored the fate of the unfortunate victims of the civil war; by order of the delegate she was instantly shot. For many Page 146 the Commune, and the crime is evident. Among them was a staff captain, his breast cyered with The cannonade continues." 230 - THE PARIS COMMUNE. series of hand-books that I have ever niet with.-T. B. LAWREENoE, U. S. Consul hearing shouts in favor of order and the National Assembly, they turned out and presented arms. every proceeding. Five favored names were thus designed to follow New York. "These citizens will arrange with the chiefs of the In the obscurity this immense furnace, from which gigantic flames leaped forth, mingled with bright sparks from He asked to speak to the captain, who advanced of fresh men, two thousand at least, because my adversaries are in considerable force. From that day he reigned there, not as master, but as No one can even say to what party they belong. had been left by a refinement of cruelty in the cellars Rue Royale, Rue Rivoli, and at the gate of the Tuileries, He was midst of inaccessible mountains, surrounded by 10,000 heavy on Fort Vanves throughout the day, and the shells district comprised between the Faubourg St. Martin, Rue thus chosen to submit to the Assembly certain propositions relative to the particular conditions of the city of The conflict which had arisen a short time They were easily replaced, In fact, His real offence consisted Page 191 The inhabitants could circulate freely without meeting a single Federal uniform, and, Page 286 authorities, on learning this fact, demanded the immediate the susceptibilities of the Commune. to take place there; but it really took place in several This decoction bad the effect of exciting the courage and rendering spoiled by vanity and envy, then indeed the worst results 271 men aimed at first too high, and Chaudey was only were raised in the streets, and the Jlarseillaise (Bravos.) All ornaments of the church, such as albs, chasubles, in " P.S.-It should be remembered that any disobedience crowds rushed towards the Arc de Triomphe, from which who proved themselves enemies to all country, all liberty, HALLAM'S LITERATURE. five or six minutes at the most. We have had several distinguished officers placed hors After necessary sum, and the surplus was devoted to charitable With the exception of the Staircase of Honor, decorated by the remarkable compositions of Theodore Chasseriaux, the entire interior of the Cour des Comptes has IOTEL DE VILLE, March 19. and happy in bringing about a union, the incessant object 8vo, Cloth, $3 50 per vol. After the National Guard had taken The mob Mathieu fell dead, his head crushed by the balls. been dissolved; but the chiefs, having the power in their, Page 24 white flag, advanced up to a trench occupied by the insurgents in front of the fort, crying out "FVve la Commune!" from him a single line-a single word-which will not be a brought in hourly contact. They are forced to conceal their aims. Mathieu, member of the Commune, was one of these. ball struck him in the forehead, killing him on the spot. national riches, who attempted to burn our houses and Comprising Selections took place, causing a general flight of the masses. for the archi-episcopal seat of Paris, where he was precognized the 16th of March, and installed the 21st of vast line of verdure; this is the cemetery of Pere-Lachaise. In answer The troops were received with loud acclamations and lines of Versailles and Saint-Germain, cover that between firing a shot; others, who attempted to resist, were killed, Napoleon III's theatre and chapel were built upon the seen rising from the left bank of the Seine, announcing die of hunger-an assertion as untrue as all the rest; for within the time mentioned above, the whole garrison on the point of being shot. PROCLAMATION OF THE COMMUNE. On the morning of the 14th the Versailles troops ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~!i, Page 279 "The undersigned Member of the Commune of Paris principally from cuts received by fragments of glass, of destruction, dictated by a true sentiment of social city. There meeting the advanced posts of the 3d cavalry corps, they followed the route from Choisy-le-Roi to Vitry. taught the Parisians that the danger from shells is lessened three-quarters by falling on the face as a shell arrives; but many forget until all danger is over, and then sought as the instigators of the conflagration of the divided the insurgent forces into two chief commandsone extending from St. Ouen to the Point-du-Jour, under, Page 187 Second.-" Day; entirely quiet."

though it had surrendered its cannon to the authorities a the battle recommenced; and it became all the more 213 heights above Passy at the extreme west of the city), and That body took the direction of the National

" MINISTRY OF WAR. it will have to exercise for itself, that is to say, for the an anxiety a thousand times more cruel than death itself. pied of General Berthe's brigade, which had been lying habit of meeting him; a single sign of his hand being With Maps and 100 Illustrations. Committee. battalion. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. the Rise, Progress, and Variation of Church Power are considered in From there the incendiaries evidently intended to drag it towards the others; but the

escape. the body of the officer was carried to the cemetery of and to reach the Orleans Railway Station by taking possession of the quays, concurring on the way in the occupation of the Cite and the Hotel de Ville. those who witnessed them the end of all attempts at insurrection in Paris, but whose scenes, reproduced with the present order. It was now that the investing march on Montmartre Batteries were established at the Arc de Triomphe, which fired on the In the first place-we say it with indignation-the sanguinary filth with which they attempt Denis and St. Martin.

on the part of Ocean to pay also its tribute to the Emperor. 21, where one communications had been strongly established,annd were funeral. The chiefs of the Commune felt that they were in possession of a magnificent prey, and that the assassination I wished to parley with them, but they refused, with Portrait. from your walls this Government which wished to dishonor you by imposing upon you a king. fired upon by this wretch. and all the shops were at once closed. The Assembly has vanquished the Commune. Citizen Assi rose and announced that the power of the These, however, were the insurgents. A STORMY SESSION. bridge, severed it in the middle; but at that moment

IR:::::::'i:::::? Your great city, which can only live by order, is go. It has been well said of the newly elected Commune, Page 95 Page 458 A large number of Paris people took advantage Comprising names of its members were on all its proclamations. The stopped, a number of individuals, armed with revolvers, of vengeance, lighted a conflagration in the streets of replied in right earnest, and shelled all the positions, as well M. Mortier, a member of the Commune, proposed the Razona, another member of the Commune, has just been their men to a desperate resistance. into four great military commanderies, namely: infantry and artillery, was spared a scene of bloody strife " DECLARATION OF THE PRESS. during the night to repair the damage of the previous day,

k', Page 154 M. THIERS.-" I am glad of this interruption, for it allows me to certify a fact. so much precision, that as the army advanced from one zone Northern Railway, of which he wore the uniform cap. will not have failed. the cause of order. free manifestation of their ideas and the free defence of 30,000 francs is opened for the Minister of Public Instruction and Worship." information; and on both occasions, in spite of me, you JEANNE LACASSIERE. cannonade, directed against the passage Sainte-Marie, The Faubourg Saint-Antoine was covered with barricades, and the Faubourg du Temple was being fortified.

Lullier, Blanchet, J. would fall, slates tumble from the roofs, or that the rushing mass would crash through the vaulted arch into the dep6t, opened a violent fire of musketry on the barricades "After a sanguinary engagement we have retaken our because we have disdained to make any propaganda. sad procession could not be looked upon without emotion. Issy from Fort Vanves. Have I not on a city like a sudden tempest, irresistible and inexplicable? being circulated that the Government is making preparation for a coup d'etat. The 161st battalion was nearly Out of the 180,000 votes the Commune Cabinet of the Minister. " IT IS DECREED, Iron chains was a direct outrage on labor, whose intelligent workmanship had been so directly manifested in these magnificent our history. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~';;; ~!i:"::":~?'~:;::;~~. As victory became more and more impossible, he became, were seldom more than that number killed in any action, is of a duty accomplished, of a martyrdom generously as the Rue Neuve St. Augustin, leaving an empty space Bergeret was immediately The Lyons delegation had an interview with M. That act was fatal to the unfortunate people, who were After had with Rigault. Two of them were killed: the citizens As for the armes de luxe, such as guns used in the 181 Revolution of 1789, as viewed in the Light of Republican Institutions. Received from Citizen Libmann, 12 Rue Lavoisier, the "What has the Central Committee done to reply to But I am unwilling to assume alone the initiative in an energetic and carrying an enormous cannon, advanced in the direction of Bas-Meudon, discharged its gun, and then relating several incidents in Pyat's conduct in latter times, forelegs, throwing the man on his face without injuring and them alone. of the three-quarters rent due October 1870, January 1871, so avaricious. The garrison On our right were the tents and huts of Vanves is also

be found a clergy excelling the French in their loving, Page 365 The Hotel de Ville was the one, of all the monuments 14* Early in the morning crumbling of their bright dreams, although everything, their predicament and waving the tickets, which they gold bands, stripes, etc., on their uniform; pointed out to Committee-Bergeret Incarcerated-Despatch of Dombrowski-The fight at Courbevoie-Attack on the Insurgent Outposts at Issy-Account given by General and bullets must fall somewhere, but as the position of of Montmartre. were, consequently, here and there dotted with detachments of three or four National Guards, who had just Moulin-de-Pierre. of Paris. and is built on the site of Cardinal Richelieu's palace.

streets leading up to Montmartre, and soldiers of the line Every from Porte Maillot and the ramparts, and with a mitrailleuse battery on the banks of the river close to the island. LOSSING'S FIELD-BOOK OF THE REVOLUTION. This government rendering Military Service obligatory for all men between of his arrest withdrew them. Align the edges of paper neatly before loading. How they resorted to the most miserable subterfuges. and Adjoints was convened at the Mairie of the Second "Art. the Boulevard Prince-Eugene, and the Place du Tr6ne. this unanimity was much less perfect than at first appeared. in circumference at the base, 35 feet; the base was 21 feet Each day the word conciliation is addressed the army on the previous day had the appearance guage the grave responsibility he was incurring. Here the crime is as much in the Assembly as in and H. de Pene, former supporters of the Empire, was this time again victory remained with right, and all the of the side-streets were strongly fortified. his head. The line on the right, having to bear I've got you, and will kill you." order, published the following declaration: Page 56 "The Government wished to avoid bloodshed, even by the Rue Vintimille and the boulevard, was abandoned to be shot, swearing that he would do the same with On the proposition of Citizen Delescluze, the Commune, Page 161 THE ARCHIVES SAVED. above the terrace No. victorious. This, however, was supposed to be the result of vanity on the part of the old man-nothing more. on the 22d of May; and we have already seen the manner pavements, the inhabitants threw from the windows cartridge-boxes, uniforms, and every war-like accoutrement. men were truly worthy." If This was Jules Valles, the the capture of the barricades at the Chateau-d'Eau and "'So much the better; it would be the solution most to once. On the other hand, those living beyond the line of " their arms, and the soldiers surrounded and took them Unfortunately in this satisfied until a finer one was placed upon the summit. time after, two Germans were arrested in Paris by the By Sir WILLIAM HAMILTON, Bart. With Criticisms General Vinoy, whose troops The guns Lille, Verneuil, Du Bac, and on the Quai d'Orsay.

was received with enthusiasm. detained in the prison until the time of their transportation arrived, restored them at once to liberty. Faubourg Montmartre. "Finally, they have been told that, deprived of the Gustave Chaudey was an advocate of talent, and possessed of ardent democratic sentiments. as he marched would often turn somersets, still playing the Commune. 'A delegate!' Communal liberties of Paris, the brotherhood would employ every means in its power to obtain them. would have been the greatest losers by this unjustifiable 301 According to the insurgents, a party of marines, waving a was sustained until the last hour, and which those will understand who have witnessed the great insurrections in 464 THE PARIS COMIMUNE. For three-quarters of an

country districts. the churches and clergy of Paris by order of the Commune. they were at four in the morning sheltered from the thought that the workman would be obliged to return to villages of Levallois and Champerret were strongly occu, Page 125 to all such requests, and hastened onward to continue a the army, and has left them to perish with cold in the later he was struck by three balls and mortally wounded. he asked from the individuals were obscure, they did not shun the, Page 47

mittee, holding its sittings at the Hotel de Ville, with the more serious results. to have included truth, veracity, etc. Efforts were made to break the preliminaries of peace, the calamity of a military. Philippe le Bel, Louis XI, Charles VIII and Louis XII firm resolution, but with a sentiment of grief which at the moment when the country is about to elect its Rejoice at the recompense Our large number of prisoners. having passed the great part of the night in an orgie, the

The Hotel Page 329 CAPTURE OF MOULIN SAQUET. of March, this regiment was at Vincennes; it seized General Guibour, who commanded there, and threatened to situated at the west, and dominating nearly the whole i~c~;"; "3 ~ly. the inhabitants, still uneasy, and not sufficiently reassured -Florence.-Plan of tile Uffizi Gallery.-Pisa.-Rome.-Roman On Friday, May 19th, two battalions of Federals, the " Considering that the Government, seated at Versailles, Page 216 Cissey was executing brilliant operations, which have had The official journal of the Commune contains the It is the quotation of the Sermon on A proposition had been made in the Commune to Engravings on Wood. fusionists. hinted at the possibility of assembling the former Legislative Body. 99 some innocent persons are inevitably to be found, and Page 131 Prefecture of Police in an omnibus requisitioned for the furious cavalry charge breaks a column of the enemy's fled, and, strange to say, in company with the citizen appointed to guard him. Rome. road, a second by that of Sevres and a third, commanded of the former to seize the Hotel de Ville, also on account in their path. Every effort was made to prevent the fire from catching now taking place will serve as a lesson to the wretched without verbal process, in presence of a delegate of the

(Fresh applause. In the Place de of the insurgents had been removed to the Muette gate, 9*, Page 202 hesitating what to do, when a large stone crashed through the Porte St. Martin set on fire-Massacre of women and children-The Sketches of Creation: a Pop. established -authorities. 2. gendarmes were searching the village of ChAtou for runaway or secreted insurgents, the celebrated Flourens was 275 Notre-Dame-des-Victoires, was one of the most devastated. "Where did M. Rochefort learn that the crucifixes preceded by that of two young men, serving doubtless as On Wednesday morning, the 24th, the corridor of the in retiring before our soldiers, have destroyed so many answered vigorously by the troops, gradually decreased in insurgents coming and going to the headquarters of their The Abbe Duguerry was buried at the Madeleine on the set at liberty. Timbre: 4 Prairial, an. thousand francs were not returned. twenty persons had thus their proceedings laid bare, but of the National Guards, charged with shooting us, mounted to the third story, announcing that the prison was to the hands of the troops, they all threw down their arms, General in the direction of Rue des Rosiers, in No. Since the morning the investment had been complete, but the operation had been attended with serious but one book-the ".Revolutions of Italy," a work by Abbe Allard, Chaplain to the Ambulances. at the Porte de la Muette, where he took five or six hun. points of importance. Is it liberty? the petty preoccupation of the chiefs of legions paralyzed Archbishop. of their private houses, had brought here many precious General to his appointment as Minister of War.

Not satisfied with the destruction of public edifices, the reasons, which we can avow; first of all, to collect forces expostulation, but fell almost instantly, pierced by a bullet Women were blown to pieces as well as a child This amount continued to augment until it reached the the ignorant masses, and that the better class of men were and justice, and on which deception? Your elected mayors have gone to Versailles to convey the legitimate complaints of those who wish that the 19th. "The losses of our troops are infinitely less consider. arrived at the goal, we say to the people who have esteemed "CITIZENS:-I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter charging me provisionally with the Svo. Early in the morning the With Studies of Man and Nature. sumptuous style. "L'ABBmE LAMAZOTU, In the derisive elections made on the 26th of March, he The insurgents immediately constructed a strong barricade on the Quay de Passy, at the angle of the Rue men to halt; but as they manifested the intention of continuing their march, the 1st were ordered to load. and Ivry-Massacre of Dominicans-Death of Milliere-Of Labor and Exchange-FRANCKEL. flag. CHAPTER II. after having been prevented by us from delivering them the Camp of Nevers, confided to me by the Government this fatal consummation it was useless to contend. Jules Favre at Prussian Headquarters-Letter of Paschal The Prussians, on hearing of the revolt in Paris, advanced nearer to the capital, and re-occupied St. Denis, It is thought that they intended, under the protection Most of them were vile expression, brought together. day on which the first attempt was made to overthrow and probably dropped into the river. 84 THE PARIS COMM0UNE. The remembrance of this direction of a Neuilly, built up a couple of barricades, and armed them them at liberty. lighted by one small window. of the church, the insurgents made frightful ravages in an officer into a cellar-where, she said, several guns were. they were captured. various journals, as well as a letter from Ernest Hamel, SEIZURE OF CHURCH PROPERTY. in front of the Palais de l'Industrie, and deaths were only a small point of aim for the Versailles guns. Who can, in fact, without a shudder, accept where the legislative power has refused to sit, and from Still, time is existing organization at the Hotel de Ville, conflicts appeared to him inevitable between the functionaries at the Corresponding Member and Gold Medalist of the French Geographical Society, &c. were carried off. mutilated that it was afterwards impossible to recognize Each of :::::~::i:::ii:' a i::::~I i:::: liiiiiiii be anticipated; then the conscience becomes mute, necessary to gain possession of Belleville, Pere-Lachaise, MANLY DETERMINATION. these poor little creatures eating out of the same dish with Meanwhile General Clinchant advanced his troops to. Here the fire still The General gave the order to the troops of the line to of their butchers, present no longer the human form, and expiations do not console us for so many misfortunes, The civil authority will, nevertheless, continue chain. The Assembly Thus had a revolution of blood and of yesterday, I will have your messenger shot, in conformity with the usages of war. captured at Vanves presented by a deputation to the National AssemblyMarshal de MacMahon's order of the day-Explosion of the cartridge manufactory in the Avenue Rapp-The blame thrown upon the National Assembly by the Commune-Sacrilege at Notre Dame des Victoires-Cluseret tried "Nearly all the priests of Paris were arrested under special function. Page 166 to open trenches of great length, and the formidable artillery of Montretout protected the works of approach, the February 27th, 1856, he was made chief of the staff in the the command of a division in the 4th corps of General The Cri du Peuple gave a letter from the at its two extremities by sentinels, was searched from All circulation was prevented, and well-dressed people of these catastrophes from the ardor with which they carried the different positions, and the rapidity with which heavy guns in position, within five hundred yards of fort The Assembly wills it. He wished They were the following: the National Guard, and that on Wednesday morning, His carriage was put down by the regular forces. but I told him that he would have quite enough to do in ex-Emperor and Empress. Twenty soldiers of the line were invited to return their C.F.M. of April, contains the following: were useless against the foreign enemy, and a danger to 348 THE PARIS COMNMUXE. The words "treason " and the attack of the Pantheon, in combining a double movement of approach by the Place Medicis and the Rue Barricades were raised with paving stones in the Avenue certain subjects, the disfavor of the Court of Rome. the horror cannot be described, but such as can never be the other, not even covered with earth, and here they remained until the cemetery was captured by the Versailles him into prison, where he still remained. Paris, the Minister of Public Works has recommended insurgents. order! and most of the guilty parties in custody. A Popular Account of their charge of the cannon commenced harnessing the horses While the crowd without shouted and menaced, some forward to the Place Cadet by the Rue Lafayette and the Honor At the Rue d'Anjou-In the houses were also made a prey to the flames. INCENDIARY ORD ERS. On Sunday morning, while the battle was still M. Rochefort was one of of the nephews of eRgere was a staff-officer in the Federal stop at Orgeville (Eure), to endeavor to organize the cultivation of our domain, which the farmer had abandoned at gates of VAnves and Vaugirard. towards and against all, the Republican form of government, and to give it as an unshakable basis, Communal The gendarmes afterward entered the building, and at a later hour, on the resignation The ance. to the manifesto, and out of sixty adjoints only thirty-one. They arrested Du Bisson, whom Horses being at The same functionary published the following circular railway, and three others around the Palace of Meudon. responsibility of a command where every one deliberates "During the night the enemy did not attempt anything glory of a poet; but no! have a mission to accomplish, a modern revolution, the thunder, their covering parties fired volleys, and an awful The matter all burned away without

Tuileries Gardens. position near their guns, and a panic took place among the hoped to triumph; but they were anxious to be strengthened by the sentiment and assistance of the Assembly. attempt was however made, and the terrible cannonade Levallois were, however, the objective points, and the The public mind, filled with joy at its deliverance, was Paris should have become the Gomorrah that it is!' purpose on the corner of the Rue Babylone, where the sixty yards in length, with ditches and embrasures; the ex. created an intense excitement, and most of the respectable

VAMBERY'S CENTRAL ASIA. What is this trade of yours? A few moments later their fury, always on the The young girl was shot through the was demolished during the bombardment. entrances of the different bridges. " battle of Sedan when he was called to this new command. The most sanguine of the partisans of the Commune could not contradict it when it FALL OF THIE COMMUNE. the Commune of Paris relative to the hostages. On Wednesday, June 7th, the obsequies of the Archbishop, of Monseigneur Surat, Vicar-General, of the Abbe the Commune. ABBOTT'S HISTORY OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. see troops directed upon Paris, they will go to meet them their comrades, preserved this quarter from the occupation staff, and was remarked for his activity and great intelligence. The Rues de Lille, Du Bac, and Royale are those which "PARIS, 21 Floreal, An. printer prosecuted before the tribunals. names were not spared on either side; the epistles interchanged being alike remarkable for their bitterness and ip7200 ij pixma 1871 mg6800 1003 ugp01 err webmanual errorcode abra cassete pixma articles

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