sharepoint governance checklist

Set upschedules for them to review content every other day during the testingcycle.To make it as easy as possible to hear back from these testers, providean online form or similarly convenient way for site owners to providefeedback during testing. For lifecycle guidance for SharePoint sites together with related Microsoft 365 services, see: Plan organization and lifecycle governance for Microsoft 365 groups and Microsoft Teams, End of lifecycle options for groups, teams, and Yammer, Manage who can create Microsoft 365 Groups, Microsoft 365 reports in the admin center Microsoft 365 Groups, Create a secure guest sharing environment, Limit accidental exposure to files when sharing with people outside your organization, Overview of collaboration governance in Microsoft 365, Manage site creation for SharePoint in Microsoft 365, SharePoint site designs & site script overview, Managing sites in the new SharePoint admin center. Developers mustknow if they are expected to handle situations where a single session istransferred between servers.defining environmentsDefining the environments for development, testing, staging or useracceptance and deploying helps business uses and developers knowwhat resources they have available to test changes without impactingproduction. Time and cost management of the platformproject, communication of objectives, ensuring the production ofdeliverables, guiding the timelines, and management of expectations areall critical actions that should happen from a project management role(s).Service Owner:These roles are for managing the ongoing life of a centralized governanceand platform. The platform itselfmay largely be out-of-the-box functionality of SharePoint. Have a killer backup strategy that meets the needs of your business andmake sure it works before day one.4. This can produce extended discussions on which elds areuseful and appropriate for users throughout the organization. Thisbreaks down the functionality to its most basic component on a page.User MenuHome LinkSite Title & LogoSearchGlobal NavigationTitleContent AreaCurrent Site NavigationWebPart ZoneRecycle Binafter drafting and validating the wireframeOnce the wireframe has been drafted and its end user functionality hasbeen validated, designers can apply branding and visual treatments tothe interface. EDUCATION & TRAININGmost common roles and suggested trainingSystem Administrators:This role is responsible for Server and database management and willallocate physical infrastructure, install SharePoint, provision and configureweb applications, and provide for top level security administration.Training should include deployment practices, SharePoint CentralAdministration, monitoring, maintenance, backup/restore, disasterrecovery, and management of Shared Service Providers.Developers:This role needs education on the structure to be followed in theorganization for developing add-ins and solutions based on SharePointtechnologies. governance checklist intranet advent clearbox DEVELOPMENT & CONFIGURATIONmaster page wireframeAn example of a basic wireframe mirroring the out-of-the-boxfunctionality and layout of a standard Master Page is shown below. Understandingand communicating the difference between site definitions and sitetemplates is important because site definitions require unique identifiersand therefore, coordination. Be sure to consider a variety of disasters: natural(flood, fire, tornado, earthquake), server (offline, dead), user accidents (filedeletion, saving issues, crashes), and site (failure, corruption, error).storage and quotasCentralized SharePoint platforms must be concerned about total storage.SharePoint can rapidly become the new file storage platform within anorganization and as a result consume massive amounts of storage veryquickly. You can do this by pinging the server, checking the status ofservices, testing health-check pages, etc. Because it will be accessed by the entire organization,its essential that it match the relative appearance of the other sitesand that it be available most of the time. and expiration, Consistency of platform, browsers, collaboration and enterprise search SharePoint 2016 Visual Web Part Tutorial - SPGuides. PROJECT & OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENTcommon site classication typesEnterprise:A plan for enterprise sites has the highest level of governance associatedwith it. We recommend that you consider governance first as you start working with SharePoint. Consistency of platform, browsers, collaboration and enterprise searchstrategy.2. Typically, an organization will be veryselective as to which elds are available to end users. By modifying or creatingyour own custom Master Page via Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer2007, unique visual presence and functionality can be definitions and site templatesIn SharePoint, site definitions are file system-based resources from whichall sites are built. Steps to a Successful Managed Deployment1. Controlling what sites can be linked to from thesetools is a security and operational concern.It is typical to prevent outbound web connections from the server on port80 or 443. The way that backups are performed is essential to the SharePointgovernance process because it establishes expectations on what isrecoverable or not. What the communications will contain? Service Manager or owner roles are the advisory or steeringcommittee roles which will guide the SharePoint governance over thelong term. SharePoint is tightly integrated with other Microsoft 365 services, including Microsoft 365 Groups, Teams, and Yammer. What format the communications will be in? Dedicating a computer to the purpose of buildingall of the code to be deployed into production is a good risk managementapproach. Theway that backups are performed is essential to the SharePoint governanceprocess because it establishes expectations on what is recoverable or not.De ning the process for requesting recovery and the timeline for thatrecovery further establishes the kind of expectations from SharePointthat improve adoption. Sites with (PII) personally identifiableinformation should be appropriately flagged and secured and audited.9. Simple thingslike patches on a computer used to build code can have dramatic impactson the overall solution. Each site is given a small amount of storage andtheyre allowed to request more as they need it. Enforce workflows and approval on document centers and pages whereofficial documentation comes together. OPERATIONAL CONCERNSmonitoringIts important to monitor at the level of detail that will let you know withcon dence that if the site is down that you will be noti ed there is aproblem.

Thisincludes branding, advanced Web Part features, work ows, and otherintegration points. The platform itselfmay largely be out-of-the-box functionality of SharePoint. It may bethat an organization decides to create multiple Application Denitionsto the same data structure, one perhaps complete with all elds and onerestrictive with limited eld access, then assigning speci c permissions onlyallowing company access to the more restrictive of the de nitions.using web parts to add application denitionsWeb Parts are the easiest way to surface data from new ApplicationDe nitions. Microsoft 365 includes a variety of options to enable your governance policies across SharePoint and related services, including Teams, Planner, Stream, Outlook, Yammer and Microsoft 365 Groups. Developers mustknow if they are expected to handle situations where a single session istransferred between servers.dening environmentsDe ning the environments for development, testing, staging or useracceptance and deploying helps business uses and developers knowwhat resources they have available to test changes without impactingproduction. You can do this by pinging the server, checking the status ofservices, testing health-check pages, etc. Service Manager or owner roles are the advisory or steeringcommittee roles which will guide the SharePoint governance over thelong term. Steps to a Successful Managed Deployment1. ENTERPRISE SEARCHthe business data catalogThe Business Data Catalog provides the bdcMetadata.XSD le, an XMLSchema De nition File (XSD) that de nes the XML element mappingstructure necessary for creating an Application Denition le. Properly secure corporate assets. Determining a policy for what goes on this health page andwhat criteria the load balancer should use to indicate that a server hasfailed can be essential for high availability applications. Out-of-band patches andupgrades to core functionality implemented through code will needto be minimized. Platform Usage Policies and development and test environments ensureonly the code you want to introduce follows corporate guidelines andwill ensure the environment is supportable and able to maintain SLAs(Service Level Agreements). PROJECT & OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENTdefining rolesDefining roles within the governance team and within SharePointdeployment at large is a seemingly uncomplicated task that oftenbecomes difficult as staff rotates. Use these resources to further explore governance in Microsoft SharePoint and related services. United States Enterprise sites tend to be focused on communication onthe dissemination of information and not so much on collaboration orworking together.

Brandingconsistency with a corporate style guide and consistent taxonomy.Make approved master pages available in site galleries for consistencywhich will inform users they are on the corporate Intranet.6. DEVELOPMENT & CONFIGURATIONmaster page wireframeAn example of a basic wireframe mirroring the out-of-the-boxfunctionality and layout of a standard Master Page is shown below. It's important to think about SharePoint governance in a way that's inclusive of these other services.

Each site is given a small amount of storage andtheyre allowed to request more as they need it. Whenauthoring metadata using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, valuableIntelliSense support can be gained by copying XML de nition to aworking folder and setting the schemaLocation attribute of the rootelement to point to this schema. TESTING & PROVISIONINGpre-launch testingPrior to launching, require site owners to test their own content. INFRASTRUCTURErewall best practiceIt is a best practice for rewalls to not allow servers to access the webdirectly. In fact, this phase should be carefully managed. Have a Governance and Information Management Plan. and control to produce customized, manageable solutions, Manage as centrally as possible with a tight team with a means to United States This should include the deployment process, developmentenvironments, development life cycle management, coding standards,and policies such as security levels and whether code can be deployed inthe GAC.Help Desk Personnel:This role is the first in line to the end users. strategy, Have a killer backup strategy that meets the needs of your business and Focus should be on understanding lists, user interfaces,navigation, workflows, upload, offline, and interaction with clientapplications. Provide site owners with a speci c checklistof exactly what functionality you want them to check. SharePoint technologies offer a exible andef cient way for users to create their own workspace solutions forcollaborative projects and groups.However, as with other collaboration environments without propergovernance, a SharePoint deployment can become unmanageable,a disorganized collection of sites, users and links, through the samepathways that provide such exibility and power when properlydeployed.In a balanced and well-de ned SharePoint governance plan, consistentrules and guidelines are instituted that give users just enough exibilityand control to produce customized, manageable solutions, but alsoprovides enough oversight so that the solutions retain manageability. Failure of the system to respondin the expected way may be a reason to alert administrators or takeautomated actions to take the server out of the load balancer. They should be definedas a part of the SharePoint governance in order to make it clear whatkinds of operational management support is expected.Development:These roles may seem odd for a centralized platform. Click icon or label to view this node's details, give users just enough flexibility Upgrade andconsistency are major factors in the decisions whether or not to use sitetemplates or site de nitions. Visual compositions may take several rounds to ensurethat visual design, functional design and stakeholder acceptance reachagreement. ASP.NET 2.0Master Pages allow for a globally applied template background to all ofSharePoints user and administration screens. Phone: +1 5545 66488 55 Thisincludes branding, advanced Web Part features, workflows, and otherintegration points. Both will require some effort to upgrade, butsite de nitions will require more effort.building codeEnvironments with as many different components as SharePoint need alevel of consistency when software is developed and built. PROJECT & OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENTdening rolesDe ning roles within the governance team and within SharePointdeployment at large is a seemingly uncomplicated task that oftenbecomes dif cult as staff rotates. A taxonomy helps to de ne and control theway a Web site is organized, what things are named, and how people nd information. When the communications will occur? However,integrating SharePoint into your environments, handing secure sign on,creating site definitions, and many other tasks may best be centralized sono one user must bear the burden and consistency exists throughout thesolution. These do not have to be dedicated roles but are insteadroles which already exist within your organization. Having a governance plan in place early can help your organization stay compliant with your business processes and regulations. Training should include SharePoint Designer, SharedService Provider interface for Search or other Service Management, SiteSettings, InfoPath, and standard SharePoint site administrator interfaces.End Users:This role will account for the bulk of SharePoint users and skills will varygreatly. Consider de ning roles around: projectmanagement, service owner, operational management, and development.Project Management:These roles include actions which must occur to manage the projectthrough to completion. SharePoint technologies offer a exible and efcient, A107 Adam Street Much of the training andeducation for the help desk should be focused around problem resolutionand how to locate the right resources when needed.Information Workers:This role configures and extends site and list level feature sets. When rst added, theWeb Part properties must be set to use an available BDC Entity as itssource. NAVIGATION & TAXONOMYtaxonomy governance modelA taxonomy is a structured way of ordering words, labels, tags, etc.for a Web site. When clicking Add a Web Part on any SharePoint page,select Business Data List and add it to the page. Visual compositions may take several rounds to ensurethat visual design, functional design and stakeholder acceptance reachagreement. The governance processshould include the amount of space initially allocated by type of sitebeing provisioned as well as the process for requesting more space. OPERATIONAL CONCERNSmonitoringIts important to monitor at the level of detail that will let you know withconfidence that if the site is down that you will be notified there is aproblem. Create contacts list and include links for those involved across thedeployment, include stakeholders and global operations contactsdeployment process Define a deployment process for in-house and third-party softwarechange management process Define how changes will be tracked, catalogued, and approved Decide where older versions of configurations, code, and compiledcomponents will be storedcost allocation Decide if you will be allocating costs back to business or not: WILL NOT: consider where the costs will be centered (comparewith e-mail) WILL: Consider what metrics youll use for the charge back (# ofsites, amount of storage, amount of activity, etc. You need to get feedback fast to make changes,so dont get bogged down in massive spreadsheets.Its best to create test plans that test all necessary functionality, suchas links to other programs. Training should include SharePoint Designer, SharedService Provider interface for Search or other Service Management, SiteSettings, InfoPath, and standard SharePoint site administrator interfaces.End Users:This role will account for the bulk of SharePoint users and skills will varygreatly. It may bethat an organization decides to create multiple Application Definitionsto the same data structure, one perhaps complete with all fields and onerestrictive with limited field access, then assigning specific permissions onlyallowing company access to the more restrictive of the definitions.using web parts to add application definitionsWeb Parts are the easiest way to surface data from new ApplicationDefinitions. Have a Governance and Information Management Plan. Each developmentgroup may maintain their own source code repository. Explaining what actions are expected out of these roles as wellas the frequency of commitment can be helpful.Operational Management:These roles are responsible for the day-to-day care and feeding ofthe system including backups and restores, monitoring, and capacitymanagement. SharePoint Governance Plan: Intranet Model.Microsoft Office SharePoint Products and technologies are powerfuland effective tools that increase collaboration and communication ina shared environment. PROJECT & OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENTcommon site classification typesEnterprise:A plan for enterprise sites has the highest level of governance associatedwith it. Focus should be on understanding lists, user interfaces,navigation, work ows, upload, of ine, and interaction with clientapplications. The BdcMetadata.XSD file can be locatedin the \Bin folder of the Office SharePoint Server 2007 installationdirectory, normally located at root \Program Files\Microsoft OfficeServer\12.0\Bin\.multiple bdc application definitionsWhen developing BDC Application definitions, the easiest approach tocreating the definition is to include all fields in the table, making themavailable for later use by anyone. Life cycle managed site collections, and document libraries withinformation management policies such as content types with auditingand expiration.8. Two of the primary ways SharePoint is used in an organization are intranet sites and collaboration. Be sure to consider a variety of disasters: natural( ood, re, tornado, earthquake), server (of ine, dead), user accidents ( ledeletion, saving issues, crashes), and site (failure, corruption, error).storage and quotasCentralized SharePoint platforms must be concerned about total storage.SharePoint can rapidly become the new le storage platform within anorganization and as a result consume massive amounts of storage veryquickly. New York, NY 535022 A corporate browse and search strategy for the enterprise will ensureyou are making the most out of your intranet assets as well asencourage culture change, best practices and adoption.10. This can produce extended discussions on which fields areuseful and appropriate for users throughout the organization. Set upschedules for them to review content every other day during the testingcycle.To make it as easy as possible to hear back from these testers, providean online form or similarly convenient way for site owners to providefeedback during testing. Determining a policy for what goes on this health page andwhat criteria the load balancer should use to indicate that a server hasfailed can be essential for high availability applications. (For readability, select Edit View from the toolbar). A taxonomy helps to define and control theway a Web site is organized, what things are named, and how peoplefind information. These pages often arecalled frequently and have a very low tolerance for a response time.Because of this the load balancers will need to be configured to access ahealth page. ASP.NET 2.0Master Pages allow for a globally applied template background to all ofSharePoints user and administration screens. Our website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. Out-of-band patches andupgrades to core functionality implemented through code will needto be minimized. In short, a taxonomy makes it easier to organize andfind things on a Web site.Taxonomic l Permanent Controlled; tightly governed Push information to users Dashboards, BusinessIntelligence, BPM Applications, Content Portaladministrators CorporatestakeholdersDivision Portals Permanent Controlled; tightly governed Push information to users All public sites - content isdivisional information Dashboards, BusinessIntelligence, BPM Applications, Content Portaladministrators Divisional businessownersDepartment, Group& Team Sites Permanent and Temporary Sharing information (push/pull) Collaboration Ad hoc, lax control Divisional businessowners Departmentalbusiness ownersProject Team Sitesand Workspaces Short lived, timed expiration Collaboration Ad hoc, lax control Departmentalbusiness ownersMy Sites Permanent Personal info Pull information Ad hoc, lax control Portaladministrators Employees. This is designed to prevent malicious sites from being run onthe server and to make it harder for any potential infection to report backon the infections success.load balancingLoad balancers keep alive pages that they expect to return a standardvalue to indicate that the server is operational. Taxonomy and the need for a consistent approach toorganization of information is necessary as well.Departmental:Departmental sites still have a large number of users even if the entireenterprise isnt dependant upon them. Simple thingslike patches on a computer used to build code can have dramatic impactson the overall solution. TESTING & PROVISIONINGpre-launch testingPrior to launching, require site owners to test their own content. The way that backups are performed is essential to the SharePointgovernance process because it establishes expectations on what isrecoverable or not. Life cycle managed site collections, and document libraries withinformation management policies such as content types with auditingand expiration.8. Dedicating a computer to the purpose of buildingall of the code to be deployed into production is a good risk managementapproach. Its similar to a vocabulary list with a set of guidelinesfor de nitions and usage. Consistency of platform, browsers, collaboration and enterprise searchstrategy.2. A corporate browse and search strategy for the enterprise will ensureyou are making the most out of your intranet assets as well asencourage culture change, best practices and adoption.10. These do not have to be dedicated roles but are insteadroles which already exist within your organization. Phone: +1 5545 66488 55 NAVIGATION & TAXONOMYtaxonomy governance modelA taxonomy is a structured way of ordering words, labels, tags, etc.for a Web site. One of the ways to combat this problem is to establish quotas forsites as they are created. In fact, this phase should be carefully managed. End-user training and education in addition to good content andsearch is the key to end user adoption.5. Symantec NetBackup for Microsoft SharePoint Server . Taxonomy and the need for a consistent approach toorganization of information is necessary as we, SharePoint Governance Plan: Intranet Model. Email: [emailprotected]. De ningwhat the monitoring policies are, including who will be noti ed whenthere is a problem with the server, or with an individual site will eliminateconfusion as to who owns the resolution of server problems includingproblems with speci c sites.disaster recovery and backupThe fundamental building block of disaster recovery plans are backups.Backups of the data, failover hardware, and redundant connectivity. In short, a taxonomy makes it easier to organize and nd things on a Web site.TAXONOMIC l Permanent Controlled; tightly governed Push information to users Dashboards, BusinessIntelligence, BPM Applications, Content Portaladministrators CorporatestakeholdersDivision Portals Permanent Controlled; tightly governed Push information to users All public sites - content isdivisional information Dashboards, BusinessIntelligence, BPM Applications, Content Portaladministrators Divisional businessownersDepartment, Group& Team Sites Permanent and Temporary Sharing information (push/pull) Collaboration Ad hoc, lax control Divisional businessowners Departmentalbusiness ownersProject Team Sitesand Workspaces Short lived, timed expiration Collaboration Ad hoc, lax control Departmentalbusiness ownersMy Sites Permanent Personal info Pull information Ad hoc, lax control Portaladministrators Employees.

(For readability, select Edit View from the toolbar). INFRASTRUCTUREfirewall best practiceIt is a best practice for firewalls to not allow servers to access the webdirectly. Governance is the set of policies, roles, responsibilities, and processes that control how your organization's business divisions and IT teams work together to achieve its goals. Upgrade andconsistency are major factors in the decisions whether or not to use sitetemplates or site definitions. Including content from a third party site through a content editorweb part or through the RSS reader web part creates exposure for crosssite scripting attacks. Failure of the system to respondin the expected way may be a reason to alert administrators or takeautomated actions to take the server out of the load balancer. Both will require some effort to upgrade, butsite definitions will require more effort.building codeEnvironments with as many different components as SharePoint need alevel of consistency when software is developed and built. Whenauthoring metadata using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, valuableIntelliSense support can be gained by copying XML definition to aworking folder and setting the schemaLocation attribute of the rootelement to point to this schema. Controlling what sites can be linked to from thesetools is a security and operational concern.It is typical to prevent outbound web connections from the server on port80 or 443. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. Brandingconsistency with a corporate style guide and consistent taxonomy.Make approved master pages available in site galleries for consistencywhich will inform users they are on the corporate Intranet.6. Thisbreaks down the functionality to its most basic component on a page.User MenuHome LinkSite Title & LogoSearchGlobal NavigationTitleContent AreaCurrent Site NavigationWebPart ZoneRecycle Binafter drafting and validating the wireframeOnce the wireframe has been drafted and its end user functionality hasbeen validated, designers can apply branding and visual treatments tothe interface. Leverage version history andversion control to maintain a history and master document that all canrefer to.7. Have a killer backup strategy that meets the needs of your business andmake sure it works before day one.4.

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sharepoint governance checklist

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