zendesk api search tickets

zendesk tab Example: Most HTTP libraries provide tools for url-encoding strings. The ticket's source, which can be any of the following: People who have added comments to tickets. message to a page), facebook (from any Facebook method including private message and Permanently deletes a soft-deleted ticket.

for the tags assigned to each list box item. -custom_field_

A ticket can only be assigned to one assignee at a time. This suggestion, no longer seems functional: The article now explicitly includes these methods, which still don't work? Sort order. The result set is ordered only by the created_at attribute.

"message": "Completed at 2018-03-08 10:07:04 +0000", "url": "https://example.zendesk.com/api/v2/job_statuses/82de0b0467893ac9fe64f1a99.json", -d '{"ticket": {"status": "open", "comment": { "body": "The smoke is very colorful. In the, The organization of the requester.

If you want to sort the results too, add the extra parameters to the dictionary: Finally, url-encode the parameters and make the request: Below is an example script. Thanks for reaching out! "after_cursor": "eyJmaWVsZCI6ImNyZWF0ZWRfYXQiLCJkZXNjIjp0cnVlLCJ0aWVCcmVha0ZpZWxkIjoiaWQiLCJ0aWVCcmVha0Rlc2MiOmZhbHNlLCJzb3J0VmFsdWVzIjpudWxsLCJleHBvcnRlZFRodXNGYXIiOjAsInNlc3Npb25TdGFydCI6MTYwNzAzOTI1Mzk4NSwiY3JlYXRlZEF0IjoxNjA3MDM5MjUzOTg1LCJzYWx0ZWRSZXF1ZXN0SGFzaCI6LTQ5ODM0ODc3LCJzYWx0ZWRDdXJzb3JIYXNoIjotMjQwMzQ4MjgwfQ==", Comparing cursor pagination and offset pagination, Paginating through lists using cursor pagination, User records with the exact string "Jane Doe", Tickets created in the MD Photo org after July 17, 2012, Tickets where the value of the custom ticket field identified as 455214213 is "Shoes", The number of resources returned by the query corresponding to this page of results in the paginated response, The facets corresponding to the search query, May consist of tickets, users, groups, or organizations, as specified by the, The type of error. Deleting tickets

See the, POST requests only. Additionally, you can search only a specified custom ticket field using This endpoint is for search queries that will return more than 1000 results. When using cursor pagination, use the following parameter to change the sort order: When using offset pagination, use the following parameters to change the sort order: When sorting by creation date, the first ticket listed may not be the absolute oldest ticket in your account due to ticket archiving. Users to add as cc's when creating a ticket. specify "none", "me", user name (full name or partial), email address, ', 'https://{subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/search.json', Building a custom ticket form with the Zendesk API, Improving performance by creating tickets asynchronously, Adding tags to tickets without overwriting existing tags, Tickets vs Requests APIs: How to select the right option for your project, Making cross-origin, browser-side API requests, Best practices for avoiding rate limiting, Making API requests on behalf of end users (Zendesk Support), Using the API with 2-factor authentication enabled, Exporting a ticket view to a CSV file with Python, Using OAuth to authenticate Zendesk API requests in a web app, Creating and using OAuth tokens with the API, Requesting a global OAuth client for a Zendesk Support integration. ", curl "https://{subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/search.json" \, -G --data-urlencode "query=type:ticket status:open" \. You can also search by user, organization, and group properties. How specifically, can I search for archived tickets? Hi CJ, I apologize for the misread on my side for your question. The status property returns tickets set to the specified status. You can ", "author_id": 494820284 }}}' \, .zendesk.com/api/v2/tickets/update_many.json?ids, '{"ticket": {"additional_tags":["a_new_tag"]}}', curl https://{subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/tickets/update_many.json?ids=1,2,3 \, -v -u {email_address}:{password} -X PUT \, curl https://{subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/tickets/update_many.json \, -d '{"tickets": [{"id": 1, "status": "solved"}, {"id": 2, "status": "pending"}]}', curl https://{subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/tickets/{ticket_id}/mark_as_spam.json \, -v -u {email_address}:{password} -X PUT -d '{}', curl https://{subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/tickets/mark_many_as_spam.json?ids=1,2,3 \, -v -u {email_address}:{password} -X PUT -d '{}' -H "Content-Type: application/json", curl https://{subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/tickets/{ticket_id}/merge.json \, -v -u {email_address}:{password} -X POST \, -d '{"ids": [123, 456, 789], "source_comment": "Closing in favor of #111", "target_comment": "Combining with #123, #456, #789"}' \, curl https://{subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/tickets/{ticket_id}/related.json \. You can use the following keywords when searching for ticket attachments. }}]}' \. }}, {"subject": "Help! If you request a page past the limit (page=11 at 100 results per page), a 422 Insufficient Resource Error is returned. Possible values include ticket, user, organization, or group.

To make the same change to multiple tickets, use the following endpoint and data format: https://{subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/tickets/update_many.json?ids=1,2,3. If an agent creates a ticket through the web interface, the agent is set as the submitter. "id": "82de0b044094f0c67893ac9fe64f1a99". Zendesk does not support or guarantee the code. For more information on cURL, see Installing and using cURL . To do so, include the additional_tags or remove_tags property in the ticket object. Please try again in a moment. Prevents updates with outdated ticket data (, The satisfaction rating of the ticket, if it exists, or the state of satisfaction, "offered" or "unoffered". You can also use the In both examples, whomever is the submitter becomes the first comment author. A different API is provided for searching Help Center content. Search results can be ordered and sorted using the order_by and Notification emails for the ticket are sent from this address, Write only. Ids of tickets to merge into the target ticket, Private comment to add to the target ticket, Private comment to add to the source ticket, Whether comment in target ticket is public or private, Whether comment in source tickets are public or private, Related topic in the Web portal (deprecated feature), Is true if the current ticket is archived, Twitter information associated with the ticket. You specify search queries in a URL parameter named query: /api/v2/search.json?query={search_string}. searched by the text or number values submitted by ticket You can use the bulk update format to add or remove tags to the tag list of each ticket without overwriting the existing tags. Allowed values are "problem", "incident", "question", or "task".

For clarity, it doesn't paginate through the results even though it should. This Permanently deletes up to 100 soft-deleted tickets. The API uses exact word matches. Like submitter:"light agent" or submitter_role:"light agent" ? example: If You'll also need to download and install the following modules if you don't already have them: "https://{subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/search.json?query=type%3Aticket+status%3Aopen", "https://{subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/search.json", 'https://{subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/search.json? name or partial), email address, user ID, or phone number. Datetime of last update received from API. To make different changes to multiple tickets, use the following endpoint and data format: https://{subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/tickets/update_many.json. Searching by date and {"showBanner":false,"urlFilters":["/community/"],"type":"warning","title":"Service Incident","content":"An error occurred last week resulting in the deletion of many community posts. There isn't a property keyword for the ticket ID. Archived tickets are Batch and bulk updates are automatically safe and fail when there's another update to the same tickets after the job started. form (type:ticket "18"). For more information. addresses. custom ticket fields using the tags that you assigned to the custom example: Hi CJ: For custom fields there is not an operator that I have found currently active to test for a NULL value in either text or multiple select field types. This will hold true for all tickets created in Zendesk Support with one exception. For more information, see Ticket Audits. The value of the subject field for this ticket, The user who submitted the ticket. examples: Notice that none of these searches required the ID, or name, or email to be explicitly This search returns all the This returns all the open tickets that are assigned to the Level 2 support group. It uses defined URL parameters for advanced searches instead of the query syntax discussed in this article. It enqueues See Soft delete include a tag to indicate that the user has clicked the checkbox. The request takes a data object with the following properties: The comments are optional but strongly recommended. For information on agents with restricted access to tickets, see Creating custom roles and assigning agents. By default, the requester of a ticket is the submitter. This indicates that the count is being updated in the background, and count[value] is limited to 100,000 until the update is complete. Double quotes, "", specify a search phrase. Look for Ticket:Brand in the list of criteria when creating your View for more information, see Creating views to manage ticket workflow. You can specify "none", "me", I'd recommend creating aCommunity postseparately for that with your use case to help get more visibility and votes on the idea. Example: "https://company.zendesk.com/api/v2/tickets/35436.json", curl https://{subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/tickets.json \. }}}' \, -H "Content-Type: application/json" -v -u {email_address}:{password} -X POST, curl https://{subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/tickets/create_many.json \, -d '{"tickets": [{"subject": "My printer is on fire! You can also use the Export Search Results endpoint.

Is there a way to create a view to see all historical tickets? The data is appended to the URL with a '?' user ID, or phone number. declared. This endpoint returns a job_status JSON object and queues a background job to do the work. For more information, see the, Possible values are "updated_at", "id", "status" (ascending order) or "-updated_at", "-id", "-status" (descending order), Possible values are "assignee", "assignee.name", "created_at", "group", "id", "locale", "requester", "requester.name", "status", "subject", "updated_at". blank. Returns a number of ticket properties though not the ticket comments.

The cursor specified by the after_cursor property in a response expires after one hour. You use this keyword to search for tickets that either do or not contain file As Abraham K. from Zendesk said. The roles that can be used on searching tickets are only for the user roles in the actual ticket, ie, submitter, requester and assignee. who are members of the group. recent lists tickets that the requesting agent recently viewed in the agent interface, not recently created or updated tickets (unless by the agent recently in the agent interface). Returns tickets whose type is "problem" and whose subject contains the string specified in the text parameter. In Python 3, you can use the urlencode() method to encode the URL parameters. Due date format uses, The ids of agents or end users currently CC'ed on the ticket. You can try to use Zendesk Support advanced search. Your best bet in that case would be taking advantage of the Advanced Search feature which allows you to get more granular I.E. twitter_fav), twitter (from any Twitter method including direct message and A macro ID to be recorded in the ticket audit, POST requests only. Is there a way to search a Twitter handle.

The property is for reading purposes only. People who have been CC'd on tickets. The tickets are ordered chronologically by created date, from oldest to newest. The number of results shown in a page is determined by the page[size] parameter. tickets with a specific ticket form, Searching for An array of the IDs of attribute values to be associated with the ticket, Enterprise only. https://MYDOMAIN.zendesk.com/api/v2/groups/GROUPID/users. Specify the name or ID of a group. requesters who are members of the organization. the name of the ticket form is a single word, you don't have to use in the Support Help Center. If you are importing historical tickets or creating more than 1000 tickets, consider using the Ticket Bulk Import endpoint. Hi there, We should have the ability to search by role for Agents, not just End Users! attachments: To

For example: See Searching custom ticket See, Write only. The Search API returns up to 1,000 results per query, with a maximum of 100 results per page. user roles, Searching custom The URL parameter has to be url-encoded for the request. -custom_field_360015212345:Microsoft ==> gives all results but Microsoft, and I can't sort it by the custom field. The results includes all deleted (and not yet archived) tickets that Users have various roles on tickets (requester, assignee, etc). Just a weird UI copy/paste issue! When, If this is a ticket of type "task" it has a due date. Allowed values are "urgent", "high", "normal", or "low". A request is an end user's perspective on a ticket. Administrators An array of objects that represent agent followers to add or delete from the ticket. the type keyword). However, it will be better if you just use the actual Zendesk UI to search for tickets associated with that user. Fields page in the admin interface or with the. This works fine if you don't include a space. See Searching by date and time in Zendesk help. For most businesses that use Zendesk Support, the requester is a customer, but requesters can also be agents in your Zendesk Support instance. I need to know how many reports there are and was wondering if there is a way to either:1. exclude messages from same requesters to leave only one request shown per requester OR. A brand with two or more words requires quotation marks. This information is under the end user section. The type of this ticket. If the job succeeds, See.

Use the Search API to narrow your results with query. Then, others can share their use cases to further drive demand for that feature.

To delete many tickets, you may use Bulk Delete Tickets. For information about searching for user profile data, see Searching users. Export Search Results endpoint, which For example, the search results for "top" will include data that match the string "top" as a single word, or a single word in a longer phrase ("top tier"). with other ticket property keywords, or with the type keyword (see Using The query syntax for {search_string} is detailed in the Zendesk Support search reference, but this section gives a quick overview. The rate limiting mechanism behaves as described in The email address of the agent to assign the ticket to, The agent currently assigned to the ticket, Write only. Returns a list of tickets where the custom This endpoint enqueues a ticket deletion job and returns a payload with the jobs status. Assume you want to search for all open tickets: The URL parameter has to be url-encoded for the request. search for all tickets without "me", user name (full name or partial), email address, user ID, or phone number. The ticket requester. To run the script, replace the placeholders with your information. In this case, the agent, who is the submitter, becomes the author of the ticket's first comment and the ticket shows that the agent created the ticket "on behalf of" the customer. Is there a way to search for tickets created in a certain date range but only find tickets that were modified before or after certain times of day? For tickets of type "incident", the ID of the problem the incident is linked to, The dynamic content placeholder, if present, or the "subject" value, if not. Here are the valid sorting and ordering keyword and value pairs that you can use: All of the order_by and sort keyword/values pairs can be To soft delete tickets, use the Bulk Delete Tickets endpoint. When I create the view using Ticket: Brand and then also Group, it doesn't give me all tickets. This endpoint returns a job_status JSON object and queues a background job to do the work. further. Or how might I search for this? End users can only see public comments and certain fields of a ticket. Possible values: new, open, pending, hold, solved, closed.

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zendesk api search tickets

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