battletech scenario ideas

this means you should probably set up a scenario where the players are in arush for time (ie being pursued by bigger stronger mechs or pursuing anassassin). Outreach, undated: A combined-arms force from Rebel Group Alpha and Beta of Tara Lucas' Ghosts attacks the administrative complex of the mercenary Wannamaker's Widowmakers, facing off against their command lance and support units. Player 1 chooses one edge to approach from after Player 2 places their units. . 4) the periphery mercs haven't realized it was a set up and continue to pursue the players. There is a series called classic battletech starterbook: wolf and blake which features a whole campaign between two factions.

Unless otherwise noted, the scenarios are BattleTech (board game) scenarios.

clint workbench reinwood cbt 3t clnt Try playing linked scenarioswith recurring villians etc. (2x1 mapsheet, Level 2 tech), Thule system, 29 November 3062: The Fourtheenth Sun Zhang Aerospace Wing unexpectedly runs into elements of Clan Ghost Bear's Pi Galaxy Naval Binary in the Thule system, leading to their Kyushu- and Inazuma-class WarShips with accompanying DropShips and aerospace fighters clashing with a Ghost Bear naval force including a Fredasa-class WarShip. All eligible forces are airborne units. Even the Agro-Mech he piloted in his first year of training could go faster than that! Oh yea.. You could even string a few missions together for a really simple campaign, giving each players a few hundred points of armor for basic repairs, and pre-arranged pile of replacement parts. Part three of the Rebellion Track, also playable as a stand-alone scenario with variable forces and game maps. (2x2 mapsheets, Level 2 tech), Marshall, 20 January 3069: Asp Trinary of the 126th Striker (Clan Steel Viper) fights Tetra Trinary of the 12th Scorpion Cuirassiers (Clan Goliath Scorpion) over possession of a titanium mine. A real interesting game especially asmost of us didn't have jumpjets! The replies so far have dealtwith ways of setting up 'Mech combats. Etc, etc, etc. -- ___ ~~ | David J. - Archon-Coordinator of the DraconisCommanwealth. A company of the Knights of the Brotherhood of Randis steps in to defend them. (2x2 mapsheets, Level 1 tech), Surcin, 7 February 3083: A platoon of Grteltier tanks confronts Delta Star, Bravo Trinary, 13th Battle Cluster, Beta Galaxy of Clan Wolf. Davion had given them an open invitation to raid these planets, but anyfunctioning meks were to be Davion property if they could run! Alrakis, 17 April 3039: During the War of 3039, elements of the attacking 23rd Arcturan Guards fight 11th Legion of Vega troops over four strategically important bridges. Part five of the Rebellion Track, also playable as a stand-alone scenario with variable forces and game maps. > Oh yea.. Wherewe were scouts for someone, but our memories were blank. (3 mapsheets, Level 2 tech), Barahona, 15 August 3061: A mixed company of the Sorsk Regulars is sent on a desperate water raid to Barahona after the water supply on Sorsk was poisoned in an industrial accident; opposing them is a mixed company of defenders. We were now on anenemy world behind "enemy lines" so to speak. (2 mapsheets, Level 1 tech). The Ghost Bears may elect to bring in reinforcements in the form of a PM6 Peacemaker PoliceMech and/or a CPK-65 Copper SecurityMech. (1x2 mapsheets, Level 1 tech), Dieron, 18 July 3068: In the Apallos Hills far outside Deber City, a Level II of the Word of Blake's elite Venatori corners heir-designate Hohiro Kurita in a canyon. It blends perfect with the starter box set. Outreach, undated: Rebel Group Gamma of Tara's Ghosts launches an air strike against an array of antenna towers; the Broadsword Legion air wing must defend. Where we continued to have fun and see how things worked on Solaris! You could even do a escort mission with GM-controlled civilian vehicles.

battletech All we knew was thatwe had five years to get back to The Rock (Periphery/Bandit Kingdoms) and bepicked up! Anybody knows a good one without complex rules like buildings? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. (2x1 mapsheets, Level 1 tech), Albion, 12 March 3059: A binary from Clan Blood Spirit fight a binary from the 82nd Burrock Guards for a supply station. (Titled "True Colors Revealed" in the PDF, his extra track for Jihad Turning Points: Atreus was dedicated to the memory of Dan "Albatross" Schulz, a BattleTech fan with a particular interest in House Marik who had recently passed away. Outreach, undated: Debarking from their underwater transport on the coastal shelf of Remus, a lance of the Black Widow Company engages scout forces from Wannamaker's Widowmakers and the Broadsword Legion. Goodna, October 2902: During the Third Succession War, a Capellan 'Mech company supported by tanks engages a company from the 10th Marik Militia. As the Blades regrouped, there was little that Kharkov could do but attempt to harass the enemy while they removed a dozen crates and returned to their DropShip. *Chase: One team is outnumbered running from one map side to the other. (2x2 mapsheets, Level 2 tech), Novo Tressida, 6 July 3066: A pirate 'Mech company attempts to kill the Duke of Novo Tressida, and Pike's Pikemen and the Ducal Guard must guard him until he escapes in a VTOL. I had a Battalion on the main planet and fourcompanies between the other four planets. But for H-T-H? The fight largely takes place underwater. After getting him to Sian, we become involved in the Professor's experimentson Quatum-Extra-Dimensional-Transport-Displacement. Experimentation is most likely required to get the unit compositions right although part of the fun might be the players trying to "bid" on what is fair. (3x1 mapsheets, Level 2 tech), Capolla, December 3076: Deliah's Gauntlet comes under attack from a company of Capolla Protectorate Militia with artillery support. (2x2 mapsheets, Level 2 tech), Ingress, 21 January 3049: A light company from the 9th Sun Zhang Academy Cadre attacks a similar formation of the 3rd NAIS Cadet Cadre. Both parties field roughly two companies of 'Mech and tank forces. One campaign I GMed was the players were a small undersized merc companyworking for the Fedrats againist the Capellan Confederation. (2x1 mapsheets, Level 3 tech), Tikonov, 9 October 3028: During House Davion's attack on Tikonov in the Fourth Succession War, an Ariana Grenadiers lance is ordered to defend the city of Gizhiga against a much heavier Davion lance piloted by rookies. (BattleSpace scenario, 2x1 space mapsheets), (This scenario erroneously lists the Liberator-class CJF Gauntlet as one of the attacking ships. This page was last edited on 19 July 2022, at 15:42. Learn more about Reddits use of cookies. Jihad Turning Points: Tharkad BattleCorps Exclusive! The last two sentences should read:The Blades responded by sending their recon lance to harass one half while crushing the other.,,, Press J to jump to the feed. (2x2 mapsheets, Level 2 tech). We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. Tranquil, Spring 3060: After the loss of the DropShip Blackhammer, Lt. Connor Sinclair of the Star League attack force stumbles across a Clan Smoke Jaguar communications facility guarded by only three light 'Mechs. Part six of the Rebellion Track, also playable as a stand-alone scenario with variable forces and game maps. The targets take # damage to be destroyed, and it is necessary to destroy 4 of them to win for Player 1. How do they react? One of my typical campaigns might run like this.

Historical Note On the 16th of April 3039 a wave of Federated Commonwealth JumpShips appeared in several key systems in the Draconis Combine the War of 3039 had begun. (2x2 mapsheets, Level 1 tech), Al Na'ir, 11 May 3022: The Davion company, keeping all damage from the previous scenario, runs into another Kurita force at a supply depot. A cleric is kidnapped by orcs. (2x2 mapsheets, Level 2 tech), St. Andre, 22 December 3028: Lured out of their defensive position by a ruse, a lance of BattleMechs with conventional units and artillery support attacks well-prepared enemy 'Mechs and infantry. At the end of the "Campaign"they had gained seven meks ranging from Wasps to Archers and liberated oneworld. . (3 mapsheets, Level 1 tech), Westerhand, 12 June 3042: The Iron Knights killed the stable master of the Ikhwan Stables during a failed raid on their warehouse, then challenged them to a honor duel on the Garringer continent to hopefully impress a potential employer. (BattleSpace scenario, 1x4 mapsheets, Level 2 tech), Asgard, 19 May 3059: During a dark night Jake's Heavy Hitters, an ad hoc unit from the Davion Heavy Guards consisting of two BattleMech lances, attack a Smoke Jaguar aerospace base defended by two 'Mech points and an Elemental point. So we'd crawl through Caverns, ectIt got OLD rather quick. This means no pay unless they collect it personally. in every third or fourth campaign. A loyal Follower of the Dragon. I remember when I threw a Banshee in and everyone tried and failed to takethis "worthless" mek down! The key here is changing the terms of victory to more than simple fight to the death. Here, a company of Kerensky's ad hoc invasion forces square off against a company of the 12th Republican Guards on the hostile moon. Make that a ComStar Precentor abducted by Periphery bandits. After introducing all of them tothe wonders of space without a vacsuit, we jumped back to the..CapellanCommunity. Players will engage in 1v1 games (or may enter as a team of 2 players, controlling 1 force) between the Crusader Clans and [], Force Builing Quick Start (Downloadable printer friendly PDF version with background fluff removed) High Noon at Highwater is an introductory event set in 3025 on the Periphery world of HighWater. Physics / /-----^-/~~~ | Adelaide University, South Australia / /-------/~ "I'll be back"| <__/ ' --- Arnie | E-Mail : . The orcs want the cleric to cast Cure Light Wounds for them - the House Lord wants to find out how HyperPulse Generators work. This entailed usingJumpships and before you know we were back in time. Salome Ward's command bring elements of the 30th Marik Militia to battle near the depot just before they can use the atomics against the mercenaries. The "asset" is placed wherever it makes sense on the map, and a Mech needs to end adjacent to it to recover it. (2x1 mapsheets, Level 1 tech), Liao, "date classified": During House Davion's attack on Liao in the Fourth Succession War, Blue Star Irregulars in Davion employ battle House Liao forces in the Dreyman Pass in an attempt to destroy them before reinforcements can come to their aid. See ya in the Arena!-- HAVOK! The scenario provides rules for laying out the maps in this case. Hesperus II, 25 October 2853 (nadir jump point): Reactivated to break the siege of Hesperus II, the Tharkad-class battlecruiser LCS Invincible jumps in with its DropShip contingent and aerospace fighters. (3x1 mapsheet, Level 1 tech), Panpour, 21 February 3065: A lance from the Fighting Urukhai, later reinforced by elements from the Lexington Combat Group, attempts to overcome a lance of the Islamabad CMM. ("Warrior: EnGarde", et al, Michael Stackpole). Seems an unprovoked attackupon a jumpship carrying the heads of the Federated Suns had caused a collapsein the AFFS (Armed Forces of the Federated Suns). Unlike the Clan Wolf forces though, the Jade Falcons had not bought with them their whole toumen, instead only jumping with the forces immediately available [], The time has come to end the threat of the Clans, once and for all! Prince Victor Steiner-Davion The Great Refusal is a one-day BattleTech narrative event using the Standard Ruleset. "If you're not going to kill me, I've got things to do. Not a bad game/style etc. (2x2 mapsheets, Level 2 tech), Coventry, 20 March 3074: A Jade Falcon force under Star Colonel Quinn Kerensky lures two Level IIs of the 30th Division (Word of Blake) into an ill-fated attack during the fight for the Coventry Metal Works facilities. Part two of the Rebellion Track, also playable as a stand-alone scenario with variable forces and game maps. So we wandered and "checked out" the Inner Sphere. to accomplish this scenario it is important to have all the data for the two opposing mech groups written up and develop some personalities for the badies too. (BattleSpace scenario, 2x1 space mapsheets), Tikonov, 14 May 2833: In an attempt to conquer a Castle Brian on Tikonov, a combined arms company of the 2nd Ceti Hussars RCT engages a Capellan firebase defended by turrets, minefields and a combined arms company of the 2nd Ariana Fusiliers. We were then shipped off planet to the Marik border, so that things can cooloff. Player 2 sets up in the middle of the board to defend five targets placed around that middle third of the board. ), Arcadia, 10 September 3068: During the Free Worlds League's attack on Arcadia, a lance from the mercenary unit Donovan's Dark Devils engages a lance of 'Mechs from the planetary militia near Summerville. The only [], Mercenary Company Origins is a simple campaign system designed for players who are new to the game, enabling you to play straight out of the BattleTech A Game of Armoured Combat box set. .it helps to flesh out their image. But things were different! I have no idea where my scenario book isand most of the scenarios I have are tweaked so one side should win (doing a lot of campaigns lately) But some random ideas popping in my head. (Note: I'm unsure how close to call it. (2x1 mapsheets, Level 1 tech), Hot Springs, 23 February 3055: A company of the First Robinson Rangers, half of them equipped with new BH-K305 Battle Hawk prototype 'Mechs, is ordered to attack a supply dump defended by elements of Delta Galaxy from Clan Jade Falcon, a battle that will unjustly tarnish the Battle Hawks' reputation in lieu of poor leadership. Low, Atmospheric Group, Dept. . Landsmark, 02 February 3013: A company of Taurian Concordat planetary militia (tanks and infantry) engages the Hawke's Horde pirate group - 3 'Mechs and a number of tanks. This seems to be in error, and 15 June 3012 seems to be the correct date; see Snord's Irregulars article for details. (2x2 mapsheets, Level 1 tech), York (Clan planet), 15 July 3069: Charlie Binary, 4th Assault Cluster from Clan Star Adder fights the Seventeenth Crimson Guards Trinary, Tau Provisional Galaxy from Clan Blood Spirit in an attempt to take the power generators of a Clan Fire Mandrill Delphyne ProtoMech factory offline (the Delphyne being a joint design between Clans Fire Mandrill and Blood Spirit).

One such patrol is Player 2's lance, and their orders are to eliminate or rout all enemies they find.

(2 mapsheets, Level 2 tech), Scenario: Return of the Wolves: Rebellion - Salvage, Scenario: Return of the Wolves: Rebellion - Furball, Scenario: Return of the Wolves: Rebellion - Data Mining, Scenario: Return of the Wolves: Water Spiders, Scenario: Kell Hounds Scenario - to Save a Prince, Scenario: Kell Hounds Scenario - Lowering the Boom, Starterbook Wolf and Blake Scenario: Capture the Flag, A Crescent Hawk's Scenario: Cornered Prey, Starter Book Wolf and Blake Scenario: Muckraker, Jihad Turning Points: Atreus BattleCorps Exclusive. *r2d8* issues a series of sophisticated bleeps and whistles Classic Battletech Starterbook: Wolf and Blake (2008) by Herbert A. Beas II, Randall N. Bills. It's pretty much all mech on mech and in open areas with straight forward scenarios, so it's perfect for "n00bz". Solaris (the arena planet) is always a wonderful site for a mystery and combat but without the two necessarily relating to one another. Defending is the Grant Trinary of the First Striker Payne Cluster. Of these, the first gives opportunity for lots of small-action combat, the second is primarily roleplaying (the PCs may never visit their 'Mechs), and the third is possibly a mixture. 1) the merc group is approached and hired ( I like using mercs give the pla-yers more freedom). I was going to say 3, but I don't know how that translates into range. Since therewas no supplies available they could salvage all that they could find. What gives? (Special game map, Level 3 rules). (1x3 mapsheets, Level 1 tech), (This scenario was published a second time on 29 September 2009. Lotsof interesting things to overcome and avoid. . They may want to escape, or defeat the invaders, or find out whether there is some deeper plot at hand. I find using an AC-20 just works fine! ), (A republication of the scenario first published on 28 January 2007.). Try doing something other than a straight brawl. Different groups role play at different speeds but the above ratio give or take 15% should fit most every group. Like wolfs dragoons and word of Blake. This illustrates an important point. (Extra materials: Target markers.) (2x1 mapsheets, Level 1 tech), Cohagen, 12 August 3032: In the Federated Suns' outback, a lone militia MechWarrior is facing six lighter pirate 'Mechs. (2x1 mapsheets, Level 3 tech), Ruchbah, 23 July 3072: Elements of the 5th Division (Word of Blake) engage a lance of the reformed Crescent Hawks in an attempt to destroy them before reinforcements can arrive. ": >Well i'm starting a BT Campagine and Looking for IDeas.>(I'm Not the BIG BT fan of the Group, But they want to Play, not Gm.). (2x2 mapsheets, Level 2 tech), New Ganymede (Tau Ceti system), 13 October 2775: In their drive on Terra, the forces of General Kerensky invade the moon of New Ganymede orbiting the gas giant Zeus in the Tau Ceti system. Owing to its nature as a Track scenario, the exact composition of the opposing forces and the game map are variable. This has since been confirmed to be in error, as the Gauntlet was destroyed at Lum in 3070 already. (1x2 mapsheets, special rules), Castor, 16 September 3057: Two lances of the Sirian Lancers on hunter-killer duty encounter guerrilla forces composed of 'Mechs and tanks. Named after the early colonists favourite (and maybe only) phrase, Come Hell or Highwater, its an irony that Highwater has virtually no water at all. Randomly determine map side and what hex it will show up on. Scenario: Over the River or Through the Woods, Scenario: Clan Spaniel Saves Strana Mechty, Operation BIRD DOG: Clipping Jaguar Wings, Your BattleTech News Roundup For July 2022, Your BattleTech News Roundup For June, 2022, Community Outreach - Gaming Jay And His Crescent Hawks Style Remake, Tau Provisional Galaxy from Clan Blood Spirit, 12th Scorpion Cuirassiers (Clan Goliath Scorpion), 214th Jaguar Dragoons (Clan Smoke Jaguar), BattleCorps Unit Digest: Langston's Lancers, unit digest for the Jalestar Defense Force, Either email addresses are anonymous for this group or you need the view member email addresses permission to view the original message. Along the waywe became bodyguards for a certain Capellan Professor of Physics and weescorted him back to Sian from Tharkad. I would suggest using "The Sword and Dragon" rather than "Wolf and Blake." Player 1's forces are supposed to find and recover an "asset" from an area where there are active patrols. *There's silly ones like Assaults/Heavies vs Mediums/lights. "When you've built as much character as I have, you can let things slide. The scenario depicts a situation previously described in the BattleCorps Unit Digest: Langston's Lancers (1x3 mapsheets, Level 1 tech), Panpour, 11 February 3076: Defending against a Taurian 'Mech company attacking the Jalastar Aerospace compound is a combined arms unit of the Jalastar Defense Force with untested, reinforced during play with quirky, untested 'Mechs fresh off the assembly lines. .) Head hunters start with a lance. This scenario, named Heavy Metal Mayhem within the file proper, was part of a "Hendry Vs. Metz" package that included a downloadable arena map (instead of a printer-friendly version of the same file which would usually be downloadable via the 'Print PDF' button) and a in-universe commercial leaflet (Hendry Vs. Metz) that also included the game stats of the duelists. Defending is a Draconis Combine blockade fleet consisting of the Samarkand-class DCS Galedon II, the Vigilant-class DCS Wyrm, the Baron-class DCS Yedo, a DropShip flotilla, fighters and the Olympus-class recharge station they have captured. (2x3 mapsheets, Level 2 tech), Payvand, 14 March 3011: Drake's Dragons attempt to steal a shipment of gold. Trasjkis, October 3062: A combined arms unit of the 1st Illyrian Lancers, reinforced with two lances of the Wolfe's Dragoons mercenaries, defend against an attack by a maniple from the Marian Hegemony's II Legio. Mallory's World, October 3013: First Company, Second Battalion of the Kell Hounds attempts to hold back Zakahashi's Zombies of the 2nd Sword of Light regiment to allow friendly troops time to recover Prince Ian Davion's body. This summary article provides an overview of the game scenarios that have been published through the BattleCorps website. Headhunters need to kill enemy commander and evacuate the battle field where they entered with enough of their mechs left walking. Player 1 wins if they successfully can recover the asset and escape to their starting area; Player 2 wins if they can eliminate all enemy Mechs in the combat area, or if they force a retreat without the asset being recovered. This would give them decent set of targets, good survivability(150 HTK!! . You may want to use multiple maps for this one. "Wolf and Blake", on the other hand, was intended to bring people up to speed with the current timeline and transition them into using the full ruleset found in Total Warfare. Instead of the predetermined maps, players can opt to use the Hex Pack to construct a customized map board. ;) Also what would constitute a total victory, partial, pyrrhic or loss. Let's see, D&D module B11 "King's Festival". In the BT:RPG games i've played in the GM allways bascially treated themechs (and Piolets) as BIG people. (2x2 mapsheets, Level 2 tech), Preston, 12 June 3068: During the Lyran offensive on Preston, a lance from the Second Donegal Regulars [sic] (presumably meant to be the Second Donegal Guards) attempts to disrupt a fire support company from the First Knights of the Inner Sphere. (2x1 mapsheets, Level 2 tech), Thorin, 07 October 3068: Two Level IIs from the Word of Blake's Sixth Division are ambushed by two hidden 'Mech lances from the New Hessen Irregulars east of Ecol City. (1x3 mapsheets, Level 1 tech), Payvand, 15 March 3011: Following up on the previous scenario, the Lancers attempt to recover the stolen gold and vanquish the pirates, who still have unrepaired damage.

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battletech scenario ideas

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