2022 neh summer institute

For teacher-scholars who live far from Boston, or locals wishing to take advantage of the collegiality that living in close proximity to colleagues affords, we have reserved suites at 10 Buick Street on campus*. 21 pages. For those residing at Buick Street, the housing cost (approximately $85/night) will be deducted directly from the (taxable) stipend of $2,200. The way a society punishes demonstrates its commitment to standards of judgment and justice, its distinctive views of blame and responsibility, its understandings of mercy and forgiveness, and its particular ways of responding to evil. Teachers regularly teach texts in which the fact of punishment, its purposes, or its fairness are central issues.

1501 W. Bradley Avenue Depending on public health guidelines related to COVID-19, plans for a residential offering are subject to change. Individuals may not apply to participate in a Summer Seminar whose director is a family member, who is affiliated with the same institution, who has served as an academic advisor to the applicant, or who has led a previous NEH summer program attended by the applicant. 5 pages. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); A collaboration between Rethinking Schools and Teaching for Change Rethinking Schools. Sponsored by The Thoreau Society, with funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities, We are grateful to the NEH for funding this two-week educational Summer Institute. Late applications will not be considered. The proposal must explain how the participant can accomplish this agenda in the three-week timeframe, and how the participant will collaborate with the Institutes affiliated faculty to accomplish the agenda. Founded in 1941, The Thoreau Society is the largest and oldest organization dedicated to an American author. Applications should be completed below. Teaching Activity. TDD: 202-606-8282 (this is a special telephone device for the Deaf).

Up to three institute spaces will be open to teachers (9-12) of the Humanities other than English/Literature who are inclined and able to use the institutes content and activities to enhance their teaching practice. Substantial time is made available for reflection, work on independent or collaborative projects, and related advising. Each year, the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) funds summer institutes for teachers. Make sure your last name is in the filename (ex.

Please email a .PDF of your curriculum vitae or resume (not to exceed five pages) GeoHumNU@gmail.com. of reference in subject line. Dates: July 5 29, 2022, Transnational Dialogues in Afro-Latin American and Afro-Latinx Studies for College Faculty, Location: Pittsburgh, PA Individuals may not apply to participate in a seminar or institute if they have been debarred or suspended by any federal department or agency. The Institute is designed primarily for full-time or part-time faculty who teach undergraduate students. A selection committee, comprised of the project directors and two colleagues, will evaluate all complete applications to select a group of Summer Scholars and to identify alternates. 3 pages. 6 pages. The New-York Historical Society is delighted to announce an exciting new teacher institute that will convene 30 teachers in grades K-12 and 19 guest scholars, filmmakers, and activists to explore the history of feminism in 20th century America. To help accomplish this goal,I will work with Roy Blumenfeld who has taught high school at the Ethical Culture Fieldston School, an independent K-12 school in New York City, since 2014. As such, Summer Teacher-Scholars are expected to attend all meetings and engage fully as professionals in the work of the project, including the production of a final curriculum unit, in small, collaborative working groups. 14 pages. **, Spend two weeks in Concord, Massachusetts immersed in this topic with seminars and round tables by fourteen prominent scholars, Collaborate with fellow instructors on teaching and research projects.

Summer Teacher-Scholars must not undertake teaching assignments or professional activities unrelated to their participation in the project. To be considered for selection, applicants must submit a complete application as indicated on the individual seminar or institutes website. There will be a place to upload your documents to the online application. Please carefully read the NEH Summer Institute eligibility criteria to see if you are eligible to apply. By Bill Bigelow and Linda Christensen. Welcome and thank you for your interest in the NEH Summer Institute,Punishment: The American Story. Each seminar provides a focused environment in which 16 participants study a humanities topic under the guidance of one or two established scholars. Those who accept the offer to participate may not withdraw from the program in order to participate in another Summer Institute. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this institute do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Rethinking Schools. Project applicants who accept an offer to participate are expected to remain during the entire period of the program and to participate in its work on a full-time basis. The selection process will prioritize applicants who demonstrate: a) a commitment to integrating Middle Eastern Christianity into their existing undergraduate curriculum, b) a record of pedagogical growth in their careers, and c) institutional support for including Middle Eastern Christianity in the undergraduate curriculum. Blevins_CV.pdf.). UO prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, national or ethnic origin, age, religion, marital status, disability, veteran status, citizenship status, parental status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression in all programs, activities and employment practices as required by Title IX, other applicable laws, and policies. 4 pages. Participants must be United States citizens, residents of U.S. jurisdictions, or foreign nationals who have been residing in the United States or its territories for at least the three years immediately preceding the application deadline. This hybrid institute includes two weeks in person at the New-York Historical Society from July 11-22, 2022, virtual evening sessions on September 20, October 18, and November 15, 2022, and a culminating virtual weekend on January 14-15, 2023. I will be holding several information sessions if you would like to join me to hear more about the Institute. Essay prompt and locations to upload essay and CV can be found on the application. The deadline to apply is March 1, 2022. In summer of 2022, there will be two NEH Summer Teaching Institutes for K-12 Educators We also will be joined by a truly distinguished group of Visiting Faculty who will bring diverse perspectives to our subject as well as their expertise and insight. ", Directed by Dr. Sandra Harbert Petrulionis and administered by Mr. Michael Frederick, Executive Director of The Thoreau Society. Your intellectual interests as they relate to the topic of the institute. Teaching Activity. Rethinking Schools. Rethinking Schools. Dates: July 3-22, 2022, Creating Communities in California: Chinese American Experiences, Location: Sacramento and San Francisco, CA In any given year, an individual may apply to a maximum of, Seminars, Institutes, or Landmarks, but may attend only, *or other assessment guidelines for students to follow and navigate. At least three seminar spaces and at least five institute spaces must be reserved for non-tenured/non-tenure-track faculty members. By Thom Thacker and Michael A. Lord. Ask for a brief (250-500 word) letter of reference from a department head, administrator, student, or other colleague who knows you well. * Please have your reference put [your name,] letter. As an interdisciplinary program in the Humanities, this NEH Summer Institute will consider applications from any humanities field that is based in scholarly methods and theories. Arkansas Humanities CenterOld Main 419 University of Arkansas Fayetteville, AR 72701. Half will be paid at the beginning of the program, and half at the end.

To be considered for selection, applicants must submit a complete application as indicated on this website. I look forward to reading your application and to working with you next summer. Teaching Activity. Seminar, Institute, and Landmarks presentations and discussions should be: NEH welcomes comments, concerns, or suggestions on these principles atquestions@neh.gov. NEH Summer Seminars and Institutes allow K-12 educators an opportunity to enrich and revitalize their teaching through the study of humanities topics that bear upon K-12 education.

University of Arkansas Visit the NEH website to browse all of the 2022 summer programs. By studying and celebrating the contributions of women across many categories, teachers will be better equipped to break down the stereotype of a single narrative of womens history and help studentsparticularly female studentssee themselves in the past. Applicants will be chosen in part for their ability to add their own particular insights, expertise, and teaching experience/context to our body of knowledge and practice, as well as their commitment to share what they learned at the institute with colleagues. Disclaimer: Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed on this website do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Applicants who are selected to participate must indicate their acceptance of the opportunity by April 8, 2022. Are you ready to join our Summer Institute? Your qualifications, unique perspective, skills, background, and experiences equip you to do the work of the institute and will make you a valuable contributor to the program. Please note that accepted participants will be asked to submit a draft of your syllabus, essay/article, or proposal by June 1, 2022. Applicants will be chosen in part for their ability to add their own particular insights, expertise, and teaching experience/context to our body of knowledge and practice, as well as their commitment to share what they learned at the institute with colleagues. Dates: June 19-23, 2022; July 24-29, 2022, Courting Liberty: Slavery and Equality Under the Constitution, 1770-1870, Location: Atlanta, GA and Charleston, SC Punishment: The American Story Institute has been made possible in part by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities: Democracy demands wisdom. 8 pages. Individuals may not apply to participate in a seminar or institute whose director is a family member, who is affiliated with the same institution, who has served as an academic advisor to the applicant, or who has led a previous NEH-funded Seminar, Institute or Landmarks program attended by the applicant. Advanced graduate students and those employed by museums, libraries, historical societies, and other organizations are also eligible to apply. At the conclusion of the Institute, I will be happy to provide each participant with a credit equivalency letter explaining how much in-service or graduate credit I believe participation in the seminar should carry. Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). document.write(date.getFullYear()); Teaching Activity. What are the housing options for in-person sessions? But please reach out to me at any time if you have any questions. Seminars and Institutes are designed for a national audience of full- or part-time faculty who teach undergraduate students. If you are passionately engaged in current political and social issues, you would make an important contribution to the Institute. The Thoreau Society, Inc. These have private bedrooms with shared bath, wireless internet, laundry facilities, and additional work spaces. You should, therefore, address the following: We are looking for how your interests, teaching, and experiences are related to the institute and its connection to your professional responsibilities. Applications are due March 1st. This Institute will emphasize the study of women traditionally left out of the historical narrative, including BIPOC women, LGBTQ+ women, and women of other marginalized groups. Syllabus or Unit One-Sheet (graphically strong and clear), to include: Goals (wisdom you want students to have, products you want them to produce, experiences you want them to have/share, skills you want them to gain/develop/deepen, insights you want them to build on, habits of mind you want to cultivate), Key works, likely works, possible works, suggested works, Sample lesson plandescription or template-style. Below are just a few examples. The years between 1948 and 1977 are studied and taught as an era of extensive and overlapping social movements, organized in pursuit of civil rights, power, liberation, peace, and more.

In addition to the Application Form, we also ask that you complete the document with additional questions and upload that to your Application with your Resume. Retaliation is prohibited by UO policy. NEH Summer Seminars and Institutes allow higher ed. We aim to build a diverse cohort of scholars, university, and college teachers interested in exploring the possibilities and productive tensions at the intersection of geography and the humanities. 413-542-2308 (phone) 413-542-2264 (fax), Amherst College220 South Pleasant StreetAmherst, MA 01002, https://www.amherst.edu/academiclife/departments/ljst/neh/application-questions-for-neh-2022, Additional Application Questions for NEH 2022.pdf. The dates and times are: The zoom link/info is the same each session, https://amherstcollege.zoom.us/j/93888226265?pwd=cEZZbklWVFh0VjUvNmpZV1ZFZENYQT09, Meeting ID: 938 8822 6265 Passcode: 880924. Stipends are determined by the NEH according to the format and duration of the summer program, and are taxable as income.

Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this program do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities., "Endowment programs do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or age. firmly grounded in rigorous scholarship, and thoughtful analysis; devoid of ethnic, religious, gender, disability, or racial bias. Rethinking American Feminism: 1948-1977NEH Institute for K-12 Educators at the New-York HistoricalSociety. at the University of Arkansas. Final Product from Participants:A curriculum unit or a full course that uses the conceptual framework offriendship in literatureas a core organizing principle.These units or courses will be created within the collaborative context of small planning/working teams. Individuals may not apply to participate in a Summer Seminar or Institute if they have been debarred or suspended by any federal department or agency. I am looking forward to welcoming you to Amherst Colleges beautiful campus. All Rights Reserved. Constitutional Convention: A Role Play, We Had Set Ourselves Free: Lessons on the Civil Rights Movement. Complete and submit anapplication via Google Forms or Downloadable PDF. Depending on public health guidelines related to Covid-19, plans for a residential program in summer 2022 are subject to change. If you have any questions about the institute or the application process feel free to call me at 413-542-2308 or e-mail me at adsarat@Amherst.edu or my assistant, Megan Estes at 413-542-2380 or at mlestes@amherst.edu, March 1, 2022:Deadline to submit your application. Five spots are reserved for early-career teachers. Note: Once you have accepted an offer to attend any NEH Summer Program (NEH Summer Institute), you may not accept an additional offer or withdraw in order to accept a different offer.

Check out the news and projects from the most recent institute here: Fulbright College of Arts & Sciences Each institute allows 25 to 36 participants to study a humanities topic with a team of experienced scholars. Please include a rsum or curriculum vitae (not to exceed five pages).

Participants may not be delinquent in the repayment of federal debt (e.g. No particular background is required for this Institute. Applications can propose a sweeping agenda: to develop a program in Middle Eastern Christianity; or a more focused agenda: to build a course in Middle Eastern Christianity; or even a narrow agenda: to create a study unit in Middle Eastern Christianity that is to be incorporated into an existing course that the participant teaches. Translated by Floralba Vivas. Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701479-575-4801 Rethinking American feminism, as activists did throughout these years (and as a wealth of scholarship has done since), requires both broadening the scope of study and analyzing the many meanings of this idea. 4 pages. For further information, write to the Equal Opportunity Officer, National Endowment for the Humanities, 400 7th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20024. An applicant need not have an advanced degree in order to qualify as a Summer Scholar. I. deally, this person can speak to your interest in the intersection between social-emotional learning and the teaching of literature, and to your strengths as a teacher and/or colleague. You will need the interest and willingness to tackle rich and provocative material, and the patience to try to grapple with some of the most important contemporary issues of justice. Thank you to all who applied! The selection committee will evaluate all complete applications to select a group of participants and to identify alternates. We will explore new ways to bring those issues into your classroom. Please email a PDF of your application essay to GeoHumNU@gmail.com. By Alan J. Please note: Depending on public-health guidelines related to COVID-19, plans for a residential offering are subject to change. Once applicants have accepted and committed to attend our NEH Summer Institute, they may not accept an additional offer, nor may they withdraw from our Institute to accept a different offer. Teaching Activity. Foreign nationals teaching abroad at non-U.S. chartered institutions are not eligible to apply. 19 guest scholars, filmmakers, and activists. Teachers will be eligible for 60 PDPs. Participants must articulate a clear curricular agenda to be completed during their three weeks at the Middle Eastern Christianity NEH Summer Institute. . Location:Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts, Director:Austin Sarat, William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Jurisprudence & Political Science. By S. J. Childs. A final project with three project options, one of which is a final essay prompt. There are restaurants, cafes, campus resources, and stores within walking distance. In any given year an individual may apply to a maximum of two projects but may attend only one. The format emphasizes a range of perspectives that can be brought to a topic. Dates: June 19-24, 2022; July 10-15, 2022, Heart Mountain, Wyoming, and the Japanese American Incarceration, Location: Cody and Powell, WY Note to fellow teachers with something about your context; advice, caveats, things to note, etc. Seminars have few, if any, visiting faculty. Note that any application sent to the NEH directly will not be reviewed, from a department head, administrator, student, or other colleague who knows you well. Punishment then tells us who we are. Applicants may apply to (no more than) two programs but may only accept the offer to participate in one program. All Institute participants and staff are required to show proof that they are fully vaccinated for Covid-19. TDD: 202-606-8282 (this is a special telephone device for the Deaf). Teaching Activity. Apply for Engaging Geography in the Humanities by March 1, 2022. Those who, for any reason, do not complete the full tenure of the project will receive a reduced stipend., Summer Teacher-Scholars are also expected to complete and submit an evaluation at the end of the projects residential period., Summer seminars and institutes are designed primarily for full- or part-time K-12 educators who teach in public, charter, independent, and religiously affiliated schools, or as homeschooling parents., This institute is designed for teachers who are currently teaching English at the high school level (grades 9-12.) One-half of the stipend will be given at the beginning of the institute, and one-half at the end. The Early Modern Vernacular Novel in China and Japan. Foreign nationals teaching abroad are not eligible to participate. We are not able to accept incomplete applications. Foreign nationals teaching abroad are not eligible to participate. TDD: 202-606-8282 (this is a special telephone device for the Deaf). This institute is designed for English teachers, but we welcome up to three teacher-participants in other humanities subjects. As such, Summer Teacher-Scholars are expected to attend all meetings and engage fully as professionals in the work of the project, including the production of a final curriculum unit, in small, collaborative working groups. For further information, write to the Equal Opportunity Officer, National Endowment for the Humanities, 400 7th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20024. Rethinking Schools. Summer Teacher-Scholars are offered a stipend for participation in the project.

that their curricula require. Moreover, students often have direct experience with law enforcement and bring those experiences, and their complex reactions to them, to school. Blevins_Essay.pdf.). The Application Period Has Expired. Rethinking Schools. The womens movement and second-wave feminism appear among these movements in history textbooks and popular discussions, but they are still often taught in limited ways that privilege the words of a few elite, white women in a few short years. Dates: July 10-22, 2022, Location: Virtual (Hosted by Morgan State University) Rethinking Schools. Dates: June 26-July 1, 2022 and July 10-15, 2022, Civil Liberties in Times of Crisis: The Japanese American Incarceration, Location: Los Angeles, CA **Please note that successful Applicants will be asked to provide proof of Covid vaccination before their acceptance is finalized. Singer. An NEH Residential Summer Institute for High School Teachers at Boston University. This institute is designed for teachers who are currently teaching English at the high school level (grades 9-12.) This stipend is intended to help cover travel, housing, meals, and basic academic expenses. Individuals may not apply to participate in a Summer Seminar or Institute if they have been debarred or suspended by any federal department or agency. Endowment programs do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or age. Rethinking Schools. This institute has been made possible in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities: Democracy demands wisdom. Notification of intention to participate must be made by April 8, or applicants on the waiting list will be invited to participate. foreign nationals who have been residing in the United States or its territories for at least the three years immediately preceding the application deadline. 2022 Bradley University | Accessibility | Privacy Policy | Non-Discrimination Statement | Consumer Information | Student Complaint Resolution | IBHE Online Complaint System, NEH Summer Institute for College and University Educators. Required fields are marked *. Be sure to include your essay and CV at the upload links on the application.

The Thoreau Society is a registered trademark of the Thoreau Society, a US-registered 501(c)3 charitable organization. Applications closed in March. By Bob Peterson. Project directors may admit a limited number of others whose works lies outside undergraduate teaching but who demonstrate that their participation will advance project goals and enhance their own professional work. attn. Applicants will be notified on Friday, March 26, 2022, Accepted applicants must accept or decline our offer by April 8, 2022. fulbright@uark.edu, Links to important University of Arkansas pages. Applications are due March 1st. Up to three institute spaces will be open to teachers (9-12) of the Humanities other than English/Literature who are inclined and able to use the institutes content and activities to enhance their teaching practice. Jason Zaborowski Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this website do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Successful applicants will be notified of their selection onFriday, March 25, 2022. When choices must be made between equally qualified candidates, preference is given to those who would enhance the diversity of the program. We will abide by the. Two seminar spaces may be reserved for advanced graduate students. Dates: June 6-17, 2022, Your email address will not be published.

Email: zep@zinnedproject.org, Web design and development by new target, inc. And curricular agendas can be of various scopes. Participants are selected by a committee, which consists of more than three, including the project directors and a number of the Faculty Affiliates of the Institute. Application. PO Box 73038 Washington, D.C. 20056 Participants in this Institute will be Visiting Scholars with full access to the college library, museums and athletic facilities. Project directors may admit a limited number of others whose work lies outside undergraduate teaching but who demonstrate that their participation will advance project goals and enhance their own professional work. Find out more about these exciting projects here: The Local and International Legacies of Nelson Hacketts Flight from Slavery, 1841-1861, Pandemics in History, Literature, and Today. The Institute must follow, at a minimum, the most up-to-date Boston University Covid Safety protocols, which can be found athttps://www.bu.edu/back2bu/. A participant need not have an advanced degree in order to take part in a seminar or institute. Application essays should explain how this specific program will benefit you, the participant, professionally. For inquiries about the seminar application, please contact: Megan Estes Ryan, Academic Dept. Seminars emphasize close interaction among the participants and director(s) through discussion of common readings and conversations about scholarship and teaching. TDD: 202-606-8282 (this is a special telephone device for the Deaf). Your email address will not be published. Throughout our discussions we will ask how issues of punishment encountered in school settings are illuminated by the texts we read. Or, if you are a physicist, librarian, administrator, or teacher whose curiosity is aroused by any of the words I've used to describe the seminar, you will benefit from the Institute, and be of great help to the rest of us.

They will have untilFriday, April 8, 2022to accept or decline the offer. Reclaiming Hidden History: Students Create a Slavery Walking Tour in Manhattan, Reading Between the Lines: An Art Contest Helps Students Imagine the Lives of Runaway Slaves, U.S. Mexico War: We Take Nothing by Conquest, Thank God, Salt of the Earth: Grounds Students in Hope, Pump Up the Blowouts: Reflections on the 40th Anniversary of the Chicano/a School Blowouts, Rethinking the Teaching of the Vietnam War, Promoting Social Imagination Through Interior Monologues, Rethinking the U.S. bloomsbury philosophy research handbook contemporary japanese publications recent

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2022 neh summer institute

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