need for accounting software research papers

and Ahmed, E.R. 3 No. (2020), Alabdullah et al. With this training, the students should get acquainted with the use and knowledge of organizational customized accounting software which helps them to know automated process of applicable IFRS and Oman's proposed implementation of VAT of 2021. Accountants should have certain percentage of knowledge in the realm of traditional/old financial accounting practice. Chhabra, K.S. 18, pp. Recent studies in the field of accounting and management (e.g.

AISs also help to prepare documents necessary for taxation purpose and generate information that support many other organizational tasks. (2008), An examination of audit information technology use and perceived importance, Accounting Horizons, Vol.

244-259. 3, pp. 4, pp. 2, pp. Current professional accountants use a wide range of computer applications to perform their day-to-day operational work (Do et al., 2020; Blankley et al., 2019; Boulianne, 2014). Bui, N.T., Le, O.T.T. (2016), Effect of ICT on accounting information system and organisational performance: the application of information and communication technology on accounting information system, European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, Vol. 2, pp. (2019a, b, c) found in their study that ICT has a significant impact on the auditing practices. This accounting software or ERP should support majority of local SMEs in Oman.

3 No. Ocampo, L., Alarde, R.M.B., Kilongkilong, D.A. 147-168. and Phuc, V.K. Nyathi, K.A., Nyoni, T., Nyoni, M. and Bonga, W.G. (2015), The importance of record keeping to the growth of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in Zimbabwe, Corporate Ownership and Control, Vol. Gkten, S. and zdoan, B. Accordingly, the accounting profession needs strong basic principles of accounting, especially in theoretical knowledge. 1008-1025. and Thottoli, M.M. (2020), A review of researches on accounting in China brought by artificial intelligence, 5th International Conference on Economics, Management, Law and Education (EMLE 2019), Atlantis Press, pp. 7 No. This is supported by Hernandez (2020) and Ha and Ahn (2014) who pointed that factors such as competent internal ERP team, supportive top management, employees technical training, collaboration between interdepartment and communication, continuous improvement and continuous systems process integration/extension influence adoption of accounting software in SMEs. Freshly graduated students must have practical knowledge acquisition about accounting software and its usage. This study explores the effect of knowledge of accounting software which leads to adoption of accounting software among SMEs in Oman. 112 No. The study has brought about a new discussion on the importance of information communication technology (ICT) knowledge and use or adoption of accounting software by SMEs for accounting literature. (2011), Accounting practices of SMEs in Zimbabwe: an investigative study of record keeping for performance measurement (A case study of Bindura), Journal of accounting and taxation, Vol. 7 No. (2012), The ERP system impact on the role of accountants, Industrial Management and Data Systems, Vol. The reason for such issues is lack of expertise knowledge in basic accounting, lack of knowledge in generally accepted accounting principles and lack of applicable tax regulation. 7 No. 23 No. The impact of ERP system's adoption on management accounting practices in the Jordanian manufacturing companies, International Journal of Business Information Systems, Comparative analysis of computerized accounting system and manual accounting system of quoted Microfinance Banks (MFBs) in Nigeria, International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, Computerized accounting systems usage by small and medium scale enterprises in Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana, Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, E-accounting practices among small and medium enterprises in Ghana, Journal of Management Policy and Practice, Accounting practices of SMEs: a case study of Kumasi Metropolis in Ghana, International Journal of Business and Management, Modern Business Statistics with Microsoft Excel, The process of modernization of the public accounting systems in the central American countries, Tools, Strategies, and Practices for Modern and Accountable Public Sector Management, Computerized vs non-computerized accounting system of small and medium enterprises in Lipa City, Philippines: a comparative analysis, Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in Business Administration, Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, ICT adoption in SME in an Arab GCC country: Oman, Small and Medium Enterprises: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Electronic accounting: an imperative tool for quality assurance in accounting education programme in the digital era, Nigerian Journal of Business Education (NIGJBED), The Adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standard for Small and Medium-Sized Entities (IFRS for SMEs) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Handbook of Research on Increasing the Competitiveness of SMEs, Cloud computing and academic libraries in Nigeria, Handbook of Research on Digital Devices for Inclusivity and Engagement in Libraries, Accounting: Business Reporting for Decision Making, An Examination and analysis of technologies employed by accounting educators, Impact of accounting software utilization on students' knowledge acquisition: an important change in accounting education, Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change, Management accounting practices among vietnamese small and medium enterprises, An exploratory investigation of an integrated contingency model of strategic management accounting, Impact of owner's knowledge of information technology (IT) on strategic alignment and IT adoption in US small firms, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, The ERP system impact on the role of accountants, Financial accounting practices among small enterprises: issues and challenges, IUP Journal of Accounting Research and Audit Practices, Management accounting in the digital economy: evolution and perspectives, Improving Business Performance through Innovation in the Digital Economy, Benefits of computerized accounting information systems on the JIT production systems, ukurova niversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstits Dergisi, Cross-country determinants of IFRS for SMEs adoption, Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting, Technology Readiness Impact on Artificial Intelligence Technology Adoption by Accounting Students, An analysis of underlying constructs affecting the choice of accounting as a major, Best practices of business simulation with SAP R/3, Sourcing of accounting: evidence from Belgian SMEs, Appreciation of computerized accounting system in financial Institutions in Bangladesh, Effect of accounting information system on financial performance of firms: a review of literature, The impact of Information Technology (IT) on modern accounting systems, The doors are opening for the new pedigree: a futuristic view for the effects of blockchain technology on accounting applications, Digital Business Strategies in Block Chain Ecosystems, Factors affecting the performance of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems in the post-implementation stage, Factors influencing cloud computing adoption in small medium enterprises, Journal of Information and Communication Technology, Exploring the factors to green IT adoption of SMEs in the Philippines, Start-Ups and SMEs: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, New forms of assurance services for new forms of information: the global challenge for accounting educators, The impact of Public Sector Scorecard adoption on the effectiveness of accounting information systems towards the sustainable performance in public sector, Accounting information systems (AIS) in SMEs: towards an integrated framework, International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM), Impact of ICT on innovation: the case of Japanese SMEs, Disruptive Technology: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Understanding environmental management accounting (EMA) adoption: a new institutional sociology perspective, An examination of audit information technology use and perceived importance, Impact of financial inclusion on performance of banks in Nigeria, Fountain University Osogbo Journal of Management, Accounting systems for cost management used in the Romanian economic entities, Accounting and Management Information Systems/Contabilitate si Informatica de Gestiune, Barriers Adopting ICT and E-Commerce with SMEs in Developing Countries: An Exploratory Study in Sri Lanka, Technological improvement in accounting system through cloud computing, Beyond Excel: software tools and the accounting curriculum, Knowledge base and skill development in accounting education: evidence from China, Accounting practices of SMEs in Zimbabwe: an investigative study of record keeping for performance measurement (A case study of Bindura), Accounting outsourcing in small business agribusiness: terms of reference, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Competitive advantages through IT innovation adoption by SMEs, Socialins technologijos/Social Technologies, Investigating the perceived threats of computerized accounting information systems in developing countries: an empirical study on Saudi organizations, Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, The study of problems moving from the unified accounting system to the international accounting standards, International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, Adoption of sustainable accounting practices among croatian SME's, The role of accounting information in the success of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Zimbabwe: a case of Harare, Journal of Business and Management (DRJ-JBM), Adoption of online marketing for service SMEs with multi-criteria decision-making approach, Handbook of Research on Intelligent Techniques and Modeling Applications in Marketing Analytics, Exploring the barriers to SMEs' open innovation adoption in Ghana, International Journal of Innovation Science, ICT and accounting system of SMEs in Nigeria, Impacts on adaptation intention towards using accounting software in terms of technology advancement at work in Myanmar, Barriers to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Adoption and use Amongst SMEs: A Study of the South African Manufacturing Sector, Implementing accounting software in small business in New Zealand: an exploratory investigation, Accountancy Business and the Public Interest, Obstacles and implementation of accounting software system in small medium enterprises (SMEs): case of south Asian perspective, Abdur and Uddin, Mohammad Main, Obstacles and Implementation of Accounting Software System in Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs): Case of South Asian Perspective, Accounting software expectation gap based on features of accounting information systems (AISs), Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, Emerging information technologies in accounting and related security riskswhat is the impact on the Romanian accounting profession, Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems, An assessment of the challenges of adopting and implementing IFRS for SMEs in South Africa, ERP use and value: Portuguese and Spanish SMEs, Quality of information as strategic factor in accounting information system (AIS) towardsbetter organizational performance, JRMSI-Jurnal Riset Manajemen Sains Indonesia, Artificial intelligence products reshape accounting: time to re-train, Development and Learning in Organizations, The effect of system quality and information quality on the satisfaction of user enterprise resource planning-system application and product in data processing (ERP-SAP) with perceived usefulness as a variable moderating in PTPN III (persero) unit of labuhan, International Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Finance, Effect of ICT on accounting information system and organisational performance: the application of information and communication technology on accounting information system, European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, Foundations of Mixed Methods Research: Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches in the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Impact of accounting software among SMEs accountants in Oman: financial markets, Qualitative analysis on information communication technology and auditing practices of accounting professionals, Journal of Information and Computational Science, Adoption of audit software by audit firms: a qualitative study, Examining the impact of informaiton communication technology on auditing professionals: a quantitative study l, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, Accounting Information Systems: Controls and Processes, A scheduling algorithm for a fog computing system with bag-of-tasks jobs: simulation and performance evaluation, The importance of record keeping to the growth of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in Zimbabwe, A review of researches on accounting in China brought by artificial intelligence, 5th International Conference on Economics, Management, Law and Education (EMLE 2019), Critical information and communication technology (ICT) skills for professional accountants, Application research of accounting archives informatization based on big data, Data Processing Techniques and Applications for Cyber-Physical Systems (DPTA 2019), An emissions accounting framework for industrial parks in China, The research on issue and countermeasures of accounting information of SMEs.

Do, D., Nguyen, T., Ha, S., Tran, M., Nguyen, H. and Truong, D. (2020), An analysis of underlying constructs affecting the choice of accounting as a major, Management Science Letters, Vol. (2015), Computerized vs non-computerized accounting system of small and medium enterprises in Lipa City, Philippines: a comparative analysis, Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in Business Administration, Vol. 1, pp. Arcega, C.K., Datinguinoo, E., Guerra, J., Guno, C., Mayuga, H.J., Villamena, E. and Manongsong, J.L. (2006), Sourcing of accounting: evidence from Belgian SMEs, Working Paper, Ghent University, Belgium, available at: from (accessed 15 October 2008). This means, the study has established a good professional experience with the interviewees to develop the quality of the interview questions and thus improve the analysis, and considered follow-up questions and explanations where required. Some of the records prepared by their accountants were incomplete due to not being able to reach proper decisions by the management. Thus, this improved customized accounting software or ERP in SMEs will definitely improve their proficient way of handling daily recording of business transactions, the approach of accounting practices by SMEs and consequently improve the efficiency and effectiveness of SMEs accountants that will lead to generate automated fair financial statements and other related reports such as cash flow statements and budgetary report. Ruivo, P., Oliveira, T. and Neto, M. (2012), ERP use and value: Portuguese and Spanish SMEs, Industrial Management and Data Systems, Vol. 28, pp. Senft, S., Gallegos, F. and Davis, A. 3 No. (2011), E-accounting practices among small and medium enterprises in Ghana, Journal of Management Policy and Practice, Vol. Anderson, D.R., Sweeney, D.J., Williams, T.A., Camm, J.D.

1624-1651. 2, pp. (2019a), Qualitative analysis on information communication technology and auditing practices of accounting professionals, Journal of Information and Computational Science, Vol. Over the years, scholars have also found some of the major difficulties faced by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are incomplete records, lack of finance, staff inexperience, poor power supply, among others (Cpuneanu et al., 2020; Chhabra and Pattanayak, 2014). Bashorun et al. (2018) found that the use of Excel in accounting areas such as audit, tax, advisory and corporate is considered as important by majority of small organizations. The rationale for selecting the respondents was their experience and basic knowledge in accounting and accounting software and their practical knowledge and its applications within the selected SMEs in Oman. A study in conducted by Moghavvemi et al. 54, pp. In addition, the researchers can study various other challenges current accounting professionals face in order to invent customized accounting software which can support recording of accounting transactions of SMEs and to generate budget reports and cash flow statements that could manage SMEs financial operations. Lin, Z.J., Xiong, X. and Liu, M. (2005), Knowledge base and skill development in accounting education: evidence from China, Journal of Accounting Education, Vol. R1, for example, states, Making daily invoices prepare the general budget of the ministry and assist in facilitating the financial operations of the government by identifying monthly revenues and expenses and sending them to the ministry. Another interviewee (R2) reiterated the importance of knowledge of accounting software, Lack of knowledge of how to use advanced software are the barriers while using such accounting software. Likewise, this result is supported by Oduro (2020), Pillay (2016), who claim that lack of practical knowledge and thus unable to experience the potential benefits of latest technology and strategies to support and boost SMEs in achieving their business operational objectives is the major barrier to ICT adoption. 7-15. 84-96. 1530-1535. 12 No. 9 No. 1, pp. Imparting knowledge of the accounting software to the employees will be reinforced so that they use computerized accounting. Accountants have now been using generalized accounting software to do all the accounting tasks instead of using the traditional ways of accounting (Kumar, 2020), such as manual recording of accounting transactions and finalization of financial statements (Turner et al., 2020). Phyu, K.K. 121-221. 1, pp. This paper contributes both theoretical and practical knowledge of accounting in accountants using generalized or customized accounting software and its relationship with accountant in various SMEs or such other organizations; it is an approach that is not widely discussed in the previous studies. 2 No. 1, pp. (2005), Investigating the perceived threats of computerized accounting information systems in developing countries: an empirical study on Saudi organizations, Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, Vol. (2020), The impact of ERP system's adoption on management accounting practices in the Jordanian manufacturing companies, International Journal of Business Information Systems, Vol. Alhatabat, Z. Mohammed Muneerali Thottoli can be contacted at:,, from, Most of the accounting software are user-friendly for accountants, which resulted in functioning of accounting tasks on a daily basis, in a timely manner and accurately (Xu, 2020; Fowzia and Nasrin, 2011; Musa and Abu, 2005). As there are no specific studies that examine the knowledge and use of accounting software among SMEs in Oman, there is no clarity regarding the accounting practices that accountants follow in an ICT-enabled or accounting software environment. Rndau, S.M. On this point, the interviewee respondent exemplified that Currently we use a special notebook to record transactions. Zhou, L. (2010), The research on issue and countermeasures of accounting information of SMEs, International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. Birt, J., Chalmers, K., Maloney, S., Brooks, A., Oliver, J. and Bond, D. (2020), Accounting: Business Reporting for Decision Making, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey. 12 No. 13 No. There are number of literature studies identified that highlighted the importance of the use of ICT or accounting software in SMEs. An organization employing between 50 and 250 employees is considered as medium-sized organization or firms. Wen, Y. (2020), An emissions accounting framework for industrial parks in China, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. The latest updates should be incorporated in the accounting software as and when required. Interviewees were able to express their views in detail and discussed numerous issues which they were assured would remain confidential. (2020), Accounting information systems (AIS) in SMEs: towards an integrated framework, International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM), Vol. Ibrahim et al. (2020) and Rahman et al. Baporikar, N. (2020), Strategy for ICT adoption in SMEs, Handbook of Research on Increasing the Competitiveness of SMEs, IGI Global, pp. Mishina et al. This research would be useful to SMEs to enhance the knowledge and use of accounting software among accounting professionals, as the study findings indicated that accounting software and ERP significantly affect efficiency and effectiveness in the field of professional accounting. 10 No. Ganyam, A.I. 149-169. 792-815. 30-43. (2006) found that some SMEs are facing issues managing their accounting tasks. However, SMEs in China face many problems as a result of no implementation of accounting policies. Journal of Industry - University Collaboration, Article publication date: 2 December 2020. This has discussed the weakness of accountant in implementing accounting software in the organization. Accounting information systems include both computer software and hardware which help in recording accounting information (Knapp, 2019; Taiwo, 2016; Wessels, 2005) Rapid movement in adoption of information iechnology (IT) by organizations helps to acquire and implement daily accounting operations using computerized accounting software. Effect of board size and duality on corporate social responsibility: what has improved in corporate governance in Asia? Ahmed, E.R., Alabdullah, T.T.Y., Thottoli, M.M. and Ivungu, J.A. (2019) and Rudzani and Manda (2016) identified in their study that SMEs are required to use IFRS and many of these organizations are finding it hard to adopt or incorporate IFRS for numerous reasons, including lack of available expertise. 1-21. Kapurubandara, M. and Lawson, R. (2006), Barriers Adopting ICT and E-Commerce with SMEs in Developing Countries: An Exploratory Study in Sri Lanka, 9 December, 2006, CollECTeR '06, Adelaide, available at: (accessed 13 March 2008). (2017), Adoption of online marketing for service SMEs with multi-criteria decision-making approach, Handbook of Research on Intelligent Techniques and Modeling Applications in Marketing Analytics, IGI Global, pp.

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