belleze patio heater manual

DD GG FF GG x 6 M5 X 12 Screw FF x 6 M5 Flange nut KK x 1 Philips screwdriver DD x 163/16" Screw DD 3. BetriebsanleitungParty-StrahlerOperating InstructionsParty HeaterMode demploiRadiateur extrieur GebruiksaanwijzingPartystralerManual de instruccionesRadiador para exterioresInstrues de servioIrradiador a gs para o exteriorBruksanvisningParty-radiatorKyttohje Party-hehkulamppuBruksanvisningTerassevarmerIstruzioni per lusoRadiatore per esterni PS 1001 Patio Heater Operating instructions manual, 44. , 7 2 Align the pins on the base to the holes on the bottom of the lower support. NOTE:, Belleze 014-HG-PH42 ,QQRUPDOFRQGLWLRQWKHKHLJKWRIIODPHLVDERXWKHLJKWRIWKHJODVVWXEHXQGHU+,*+ SRVLWLRQDQGDERXWKHLJKWRIWKHJODVVWXEHXQGHU/2:SRVLWLRQ 7KHIODPHVKRXOGEHVWDEOHDQGEULJKWLQEOXHFRORUZLWK\HOORZWRSV,IH[FHVVLYH\HOORZIODP LVGHWHFWHGWXUQRIIWKHKHDWHUDQGFRQVXOW URXEOHVKRRWLQJRQSDJH Re-lighting Shut, Operation Checklist )RU\RXUVDIHW\SHUIRUPWKHIROORZLQJFKHFNEHIRUHHDFKXVH 0DNHVXUH\RXDUHIDPLOLDUZLWKWKHHQWLUHXVHUVPDQXDODQGXQGHUVWDQGDOOSUHFDXWLRQVQRWHV $OOFRPSRQHQWVDUHSURSHUO\DVVHPEOHGDQGDUHLQJRRGFRQGLWLRQWRRSHUDWH 1RDOWHUDWLRQVKDYHEHHQPDGHWRWKHXQLW $OOJDVFRQQHFWLRQVDUHVHFXUHDQGGRQRWOHDN :LQGYHORFLW\LVEHORZPSK 8, CARE AND MAINTENANCE %HIRUHVHUYLFLQJRUFOHDQLQJPDNHVXUHWKHKHDWHUKDVEHHQFRROGRZQ WARNING Cleaning The Exterior Surface Storage (Between Uses) Storage (During Long Period of Inactivity) 8VHZDUPVRDS\ZDWHUWRFOHDQWKHVXUIDFH'2127XVHDQ\IODPPDEOHRUFRUURVLYHFOHDQLQ DJHQWV &OHDQWKHEXUQHUKROHVXVLQJDKHDY\GXW\SLSHFOHDQHU0DNHVXUHQRVSLGHURU, TROUBLE SHOOTING 3UREOHP 3RVVLEOH&DXVH 6ROXWLRQ 3LORWOLJKWZRQWOLJKW &\OLQGHUYDOYHLVFORVHG 2SHQWKHYDOYH %ORFNDJHLQJDVWXEHRURULILF &OHDUWKHWXEHUHSODFHLI QHFHVVDU\ $LULQJDVOLQH 2SHQJDVOLQHDQGEOHHGLWE\ SUHVVLQJWKHFRQWURONQRELQ IRUPLQXWHVXQWLO\RXVPHOO SURSDQH /RZJDVSUHVVXUH 5HSODFHZLWKDQHZF\OLQGHU ,JQLWHUIDLOV 8VHDORQJVWHPPDWFKWROLJKW WKH, Problem Possible Cause Solution Burner ame is low Gas pressure is low Replace with new cylinder Outdoor temperature is below 40F and cylinder is less than 1/4 full Use a full cylinder Blockage in orices Clear any blockage Thick Black Smoke Dirt, lm, or carbon built up on reector and burner screen Clean the reector and burner screen Blockage in the burner Clear any blockage


Press to secure the pins. Align the pins on the control box assembly to the holes on the top of the lower support. , Belleze 014-HG-PH42 VXSSRUW#EHOOH]HIXUQLWXUHFRP Warranty %HOOH]HSURGXFWVFRPHZLWKD\HDUZDUUDQW\IURPWKHGDWHRISXUFKDVH ,QDQ\HYHQWWKDWWKHSURGXFWDUULYHVGDPDJHGRUPLVVLQJSDUWV ZHDUHPRUHWKDQKDSS\WRSURYLGH\RXZLWKUHSODFHPHQWSDUWV Register your product on our website to enjoy extended warranty!! 014-HG-PH42 [emailprotected] 1-800-682-6376 @bellezefurniture FOLLOW US: CONTACT INFO: NOTE: The instruction booklet contains IMPORTANT safety information Please read and keep for future reference. Owners ManualManuel dUtilisationModel No.163010 WARNINGFOR YOUR SAFETY: For Outdoor Use Only(outside any enclosure)AVERTISSEMENTPOUR VOTRE SCURIT: utiliser uniquement lexterieur(hors de tout abri clos) PATIO FAR-INFRARED QUARTZ HEATER HQH-2000W Please read this instruction manual before operating and keep safe for future reference. WARNING: Use a standard 20 lb propane cylinder only.

Smoke and odor from burning manufacturing oil will appear. Press to secure the pins. Blocking the lower support on front panel using 4pcs of 3/16" screws. Extinguish all open flames before testing DO NOT smoke when perform leak test. 1. Hang the prote, 11 9 Attach the 3 side panels to the heater using 12 pcs of 3/16 screws. , 13 11 Screw gas hose and regulator to a 20 lb propane cylinder. Apply several drops of solution to the connection between the hose and regulator. WARNING OPERATION INSTRUCTION Leak Check 1. Put the reflector on top, and secure the assembly with another 3 washers and 3 wing nuts. Operating Impressions, Questions and Answers: Visonic POWERMAXCOMPLETE - INSTALLER GUIDE, Canon DR-X10C - imageFORMULA - Document Scanner, DK-MBOX-030 DKnight Magicbox Wireless Speaker, BGW210, BGW210-700 ARRIS uDSL Wireless Residential Gateway, Panasonic KX-TGA402, 96NKX-TGA402 DECT 6.0 Handset. Share your photos on Instagram and tag u, #K1E7TK 014-HG-PH00 Guide (014-HG-PH42, 22 pages), #HGO2HK FireSense 60697 User Manual (014-HG-PH42, 15 pages), Patio Heater 014-HG-PH00 User Guide, #UVT8G5 - 24 pages, pureHeat Manual Patio Heater GARAGE&PATIO (16 pages), THINKPAD L420, 18, lenovo/thinkpad-l420.pdf, Telephone Operation & users manual #6SBNB3, SIP-T18P, 21, bicom-systems/sip-t18p.pdf, 600 RMK 144, 128, polaris/600-rmk-144.pdf, Aiwa Simplified service manual Receiver AV-D35 (#27692Y), Stereo System FWM15/25 Operation & users manual, #75986S, Nokia Operation & users manual: 6255 (#KOIB86), ButterBall Operation manual & safety instructions Fryer 23011114 (#Y2318S), Installation manual (ProCurve 224, #D23NS2).

Pilot must be lit before main burner can be started. Careful to prevent cross-threading. Hook the other end of the chain to the control box assembly.

For the middle 2pcs of holes need use M5 Flange Nut and M5 X 12 Screw.


20 DD DD Storing the appliance indoor is only permissible if the cylinder is disconnected and remove from the app, $GHQWHGUXVWHGRUGDPDJHGSURSDQHF\OLQGHUPD\EHKD]DUGRXVDQGVKRXOGEH FKHFNHGE\\RXUSURSDQHVXSSOLHU'2127XVHDSURSDQHF\OLQGHUZLWKDGDPDJHG YDOYHFRQQHFWLRQ 7KHSURSDQHF\OLQGHUPXVWEHFRQVWUXFWHGDQGPDUNHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKH VSHFLILFDWLRQVIRU/ JDVF\OLQGHUVRIWKH86'HSDUWPHQWRI7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ'R7RU WKHVWDQGDUGIRUF\OLQGHUVVSKHUHVDQGWXEHVIRUWUDQVSRUWDWLRQRIGDQJHURXVJRRGV DQGFR, 15 All leak test should be performs outdoors. To avoid burns DO NO HQH-2000W Patio Heater Instruction manual, 4. CAUTION Lighting This heater is equipped with a pilot light that allows for safer startups and shutdown. See chapter 5 of the standard for storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gas.

NOTE: DO NOT cover the front side where the control knob is.

Insert the upper support to the lower support and secure using 8 pcs of 3/16 screws.

Insert the pothook of the front panel to the holes on the bottom plate. ANS/ NPFA 58. Fully open the LP cylinder valve 3. Check and ensure the glass tube is position properly and is completely cover the center hole of the plate on the control box assembly. Secure the knob and chain using a M4 x 10 screw.

Secure the lower support to the control box assembly by using 8 pcs of 3/16 screws.

GG 4 The heater should NOT produce think black smoke.

CAUTION: Read and follow all instructions before operating this heater. DO NOT use the heater until all connections have been tested and do not leak. Your local library or fire department should have this book A minimum of 4.1 PSI supply pressure is required for the propane gas input adjustment. ContactDetailsPleasenotethatsomeofthecontactdetailsonthisPDFdocumentmaynotbecurrent.Pleaseusethefollowingdetailsifyouneedtocontactus:Telephone:08448793588Email:[emailprotected]Thecustomersupportsectionofourwebsitealsofeaturesawi OPH13 Patio Heater Operation & users manual, 5. #EHOOH]HIXUQLWXUH FOLLOW US: CONTACT INFO: Easy Return We hope you enjoy your new Belleze furniture! Push the control knob in and rotate to pilot position. This heater is hot when in use. 7KLVPDQXDOSURYLGHVPDQ\LPSRUWDQWVDIHW\LQIRUPDWLRQ$OZD\VUHDGDQGREH\DOO VDIHW\PHVVDJH .HHSWKLVPDQXDOIRUIXWXUHUHIHUHQFH ,I\RXVPHOOJDV 6KXWRIIJDVVXSSO\WRWKHDSSOLDQFH ([WLQJXLVKDQ\RSHQIODPH ,IRGRUVFRQWLQXHVVWD\DZD\IURPWKHDSSOLDQFHDQGLPPHGLDWHO\FDOO\RXU, 6 ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTION Estimated Time for Assembly 60:00 1 Attach the wheel assembly to the bottom plate by using 4 pcs of M6 x 12 bolts and 4 pcs of M6 flange nuts , DD 8 3 4 Assemble the block belt to 2 of the lower support by using 4 pcs of M5 x 12 screws. Turn the control knob to the OFF position. Failure to comply with these instructions may cause a fire, electrical shocks or other injury to persons or property 1. WARNING: The black silicon ring must be in pace before operating the appliance. , 10 7 Carefully install the glass tube by lifting up and insert through the venter hole of the flame screen Make sure the black silicone ring is located at the bottom of the glass tube. 42000 BTU Square Glass Tube Patio Heater item no. , OUR BRAND 6LQFH%HOOH]HKDVEHHQGHGLFDWHGWRSURYLGLQJFXVWRPHUVZLWKTXDOLW\SURGXFWVDQG H[FHSWLRQDOVHUYLFHDQGKDVSURVSHUHGLQWRRQHRIWKHQDWLRQVODUJHVWUHWDLOHUVRILQGRRUDQG RXWGRRUKRPHGpFRU(YHU\%HOOH]HSURGXFWLVFDUHIXOO\VHOHFWHGWRHQVXUHWKH\PHHWRXU VWDQGDUGVDVZHOODV\RXUVWDQGDUGV:HEHOLHYHTXDOLW\VKRXOGQHYHUEHGHWHUPLQHGE\SU, SAFETY INFORMATION Your safety and the safety of the others are very important. , 9 6 5 Assemble the flame screen on top of the upper support and secure using 8 pcs of 3/16 screws Attach the reflector on top of the flame screen by putting 3 pcs of studs on the flame screen, th 3 pcs of washers. Secure the lower support to the base by using 12pcs of 3/16" screws. , 12 10 Attach the knob on the front panel and the chain on the other side. Smoke and odor will dissipate after approximately 30 minutes. *Use this heater only with a propane vapor withdrawal supply system. 2.

Slide the glass tube through the hold of the plate on top of the control box assembly. Make 2-3 oz of leak check solution (1 part liquid dish washing detergent and 3 pars water).

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belleze patio heater manual

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