keller 32 foot extension ladder

Hey, what do I know? you are assuming an attitude on my part that just doesn't exist in this issue, Read carefully------- you will see that I was carefull to phrase things specifically NOT to lump you in with some of the others------------, personally------ on the basis of dailey use alone---- I would value your input on this topic MUCH more than the opinion of infrequent ladder users, however----------- since I now use fiberglass exclusively, and I have yet to encounter any significant examples in real life of the theoretical drawbacks you object to---------, then YES--- I will discount your objections--- but not arbitrarily. walter--------- if you read the original poster, he is describing use very different from YOURS, in fact-- he is describing use almost identical to MINE. While you can be as careful as abomb tech in handling your ladder around live wires, you can't always control how your guys work every second of every day. 20' or 40'.. either way, hitting the ground is gonna suck. I'd be tempted to hang off the side of a poorly placed heavy fiberglass ladder than get down and move it yet one more time with a good aluminum just climb down and move it to a better location. Awful lot of "alpha males" here. I'm going to send it to you as a Shutterfly album.I think I've got those pics there and not on my hard drive.Once they're in a Shutterfly album I can't retrieve them to resize and post them here. ******************************************************** I hope to be walking better tomorrow. RE: weight--------- frankly, I would be embarrassed to even bring this up--------If the negligible weight difference between a fiberglass ladder and an aluminum one is too much to handle-----well to be kind---- maybe another line of work is in order? Just my subjective opinion. Instead of getting 2 16 fts and 2 24 frs at least consider a different assortment like a 16,24,28 and 32------------- that gives you a LOT more versatility and you can usually still pair-em to run a pic plank just fine. So if you must, call me whatever-but I haven't resorted to name calling with you-just calling them as I see them. Not from normal wear and tear, but from employee abuse. Keller 32" aluminum extension ladder Type I Industrial Model 4032. My only thoughts are geared to stability. Probably because the weight of wood or glass deform the gutter more (:-). My first cheery pop w/ a 60' wood tri lift was in 82.A Union guy was toten up a bundle ( 80lb?) I like Lynn ladders. Sumptin about that last fifteen yrsmakesa difference. Thoughts? After all your talk of esposing safety-you STRADDLE A POORLY INSULATED electric line ,trying to wrestle an alum. There as good as the rest and that's a great price.

I would bet their #1 goal each and every day is not end up looking like chicken fried steak from contacting a 7200 volt load.

Become a member and get instant access to thousands of videos, how-tos, tool reviews, and design features. My latest issue of a roofing publication had a good article on ladder innovations,some new ideas for more function from the age old units. I need to replace the ladder dogs because one of the springs doesn't wantto spring anymore.

I do not find 16' or 24' ladders to be partiularly heavy. how long do you expect a ladder to last anyhow? THANKS for all the input. Then it is junk. Jon Blakemore Fredericksburg, VA. You could be right.

So-------- on essentially every house I work-------a ladder is going to be set up immediately adjacent the main electric line leading to the meter--------and in fact the ladder will usually be set up straddling the line. ladder and feel its weight and how smoothly it pushes up in place instead of the clackety-stop-clackety-stop of the aluminum ladder I think, "Thank god." When I work with help-yes we pipe stage with full alum. I don't trust wooden ladders anymore.Look at the weight rating on the ladder. I have had experience with only one 40' wooden extension ladder. RE: UV rays------ a consideration with some SMALL basis in fact.

They seem lighter and the just as strong. A nice benefit but also a drawback in that a lot more hand digging is required when we're excavating.

(:-). There was about a $50 difference in the price of the 32' aluminum vs the 32' FG. When Dale lost his rubber bumpers last year I had the wife get some baby sneakers at the Salvation army,,,a little geocel and he was set LOL ( his pride got in the way tho' and they didn't last long). Don't know about regular extension ladders with a 1AA rating- maybe at a contractor supply house. Exposure to UV does damage a fiberglass ladder.

Ladders Unlimmited up in cleveland will set ya up right with those ladders-------and might cut ya a deal if ya buy 'em all at once. Get home building tips, offers, and expert advice in your inbox.

If the fiberglass ladders hang off the ladder rack a ways, the bouncing can damage them. My oldtimer partner says he owned a 40' wooden ladder and loved it.What are they like and how long did they generally last? Unlike aluminum, composite materials like fiberglass fail catastrophically- it will not bend and give a few seconds of warning. Sooooowhat do you think? ).What I read from you is generally evenhanded and sensible, and I am curious to know what set you off.Care to take another crack at my question? But better to take as many precautions as you can toinsulate the "human factor" in jobsite safety. He doesn't seem to need my 28ft or my 32 ft.-----which I can't quite picture----- but maybe he operates in an area dominated by ranches and capes???? I always enjoy your posts and this one is no exception. If you engrave your name in the side of a fiberglass ladder, it is junk and subject to a fine from OSHA. The glass ones are great around electric lines,but overall I prefer alum. You can argue with whoever you want to. I understand about the snowguards and getting right up to them. Excellence is its own reward! Yes, the steel rods under the rungs needed tightening once and a while. I had some alum ladders in my arsonal but I did not like them much except at set-up or tear down time. ladder jacks. 250 lb duty rating.Also selling a Werner 16' multi purpose folding ladder Type I Industrial Model M1-8-16 for $79. I have a cheap Wal-mart version FIL gave me that I like, it is the kind with the fixed hooks to lock the rungs in when you extend it instead of the usual swinging hooks. It is ok, but it just isn't as well put together. for several reasons.Like Jon mentioned UV rays are harmful over time to glass.They also take more abuse from loading and unloading from your rack when used constantly as I do.You must use more care in handling them in this way. I may be delagated to being the cutter, if my ankle is acting strange. I'm glad you enjoy my posts. I'd think that the fire dep'ts concern would be what happens if flames reach the ladder. But if a guy is working 20' off the ground I gotta believe that he's using the same safety principles as you working 40' off the ground. The coloring on the ladder is paint and stain, not rust. Aluminum ladder leaning against alum.gutter-using no pipe insulation.I did use a short line as an insurance against slipping-it was lightly snowing at the time. 2 How many Fire Depts in the country use fiberglass ladders as there means of accessing burning buildings? The modal window is a 'site map' of the most critical areas of the site. 3) fiberglass behaves in a comfortable, predictable, flexible fashion--------- much like a quality wood ladder----------- aluminum ,on the other hand--is rigid and tends to move in sudden, unexpected, jerky little, terrifying motions. I think FG ladders look more professional than AL (I never see wood so that is a non-issue). ---also--- I don't know about your application---but here any roof requiring a hookladder is much less of a shock hazard being ABOVE the electric lines---and the hook ladder NOT extending from roof to ground. I think that trumps your points #1 & #2 LOL, BTW------- regaurding the 3 stage ladder---------- I would say that is an ALMOST irrelevant consideration as a 3 stage ladder is a considerable rareity-------------- pretty much entirely un-needed for just about anybody on this forum, In fact---in 18-20 years I have only had to access one roof I couldn't work from a 32 ft. ladder ( A press box on top of a high school football stadium).

I have also read that FG will deteriorate from exposure to UV rays.Now I have converted to AL for extension. That,but also wood has more friction than either other material but glass is more slick than aluminum. to me---the value of this forum is to share relevant experience------ so that folks going into a similar situation can benefit. and------ now-adays I take a cordless saw up top when required--------- but for most of my career I was hauling a long extension cord up the ladder behind a circ. I have some time before I have to buy these so I guess I might be checking out eBay and the local bargain hunter.

--- I work from that ladder to roof that immediate area---and to set the first roof jack---------- after that I can move that ladder out of the way----- maybe to a porch---maybe to the other side of the house----but usually i move it into position to use as an access ladder to the pick. No chance of breakage like Sphere talked about-feels real solid once erected. But I've got to get an aluminum too 'cause those fg can wear you out pretty quick when you have to continually move them around. If the sides are rough and fibers are flaking off, it is time for a new one. I saw 24' Kellers fiberglass laddersinSams Club for around 180.00.

Copyright 2008-2022 PicClick Inc. All Rights Reserved. I just can't agree. so---if anything your 40ft high pick story is bordering on the irrelevant for me---and possibly the original poster. I didn't give a hoot what it was, but I wasn't going to climb on old "rickety" again.

and climb with more confidence. Get complete site access to expert advice, how-to videos, Code Check, and more, plus the print magazine. I would expect most here to be familiar with Werner. We use nuthing but alum on every job since I started w/ Grant over a yr ago. the one about alum ladders just taking off on you and skating along the wall or gutter. Go with Werner. My best two are 24 footers with laminated side rails. The cross braces don't lock in place as well as the werner and the fiberglass is lighter and the rivets aren't as large or strong.We picked up a "gorilla" 8 footer to replace our old wobbling wooden one when it fell out on me one day on a quick trip to HD. Have fun with the octagonal pool house-and post us some pics of that.

No complaints. You mention several other points but the one that keeps coming up is the shock hazard.Let me ask you this, do you rely solely on a FG ladder for protection from the service or do you employ other means?Your point about the utility lineman is a little stretch, I think.

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keller 32 foot extension ladder

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