ephedrine for weight loss

https://doi.org/10.1038/oby.2005.141, Sale, C., Harris, R. C., Delves, S., & Corbett, J. How to Fix It, Examples, & More, The Ultimate Shoulder Workout: The Best Shoulder Exercises for Big Delts, The Best Way to Train All 6 Major Muscle Groups. Most of these studies included one group of participants who were randomly chosen to receive only a placebo (an inactive dummy pill). This group included cardiologists, exercise physiologists, pharmacologists, and toxicologists, as well as specialists in obesity, nutrition, and the science of pharmacognosy. Get access to the most up-to-date, in-depth research reviews. Prominent among the victims have been several college and professional athletes. This page features 99 references. I understand that fitness activities including, but not limited to, strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular exercise, with or without the use of equipment, are potentially hazardous activities that involve a risk of injury and even death, and I am voluntarily participating in these activities and using equipment and machinery with knowledge of the risks involved. In Obesity research: Vol. Post-prandial thermogenesis with ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin in lean, pre-disposed obese and obese women - PubMed. Some people include aspirin as well (ECA stack) because early evidence has suggested that it can increase fat burning in the obese, but it doesnt appear to do the same in leaner people. Ephedrine isalso unique in that it becomes more potent over time, whereas other stimulants tend to drop off with continued use. give you your money back. After several people died after taking ephedrine, including a 23-year old Baltimore Orioles pitcher named Steve Bechler, the FDA banned its use in all supplements in 2004. Learn what supplements to take for your specific health goals with the Examine Supplement Guides. Only controlled clinical trials and randomized controlled trials of effectivenessthat is, studies that satisfied a strict set of quality criteriawere included in our analysis. Still, due to safety concerns, dietary supplements containing ephedrine but not necessarily other compounds in ephedra are currently banned in the United States and elsewhere. Scientific research does not always agree. As complaints continued to mount, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services called for a review of all the evidence, turning to the Southern California Evidence-Based Practice Center (SCEPC), based at RAND. Ephedrine is extracted and refined from a shrub that grows in China called Ephedra sinica, which is why youll also sometimes see it referred to as ephedra.. Controlled clinical trials are those in which participants are assigned to a treatment group using a semi-random procedure (such as a participant's date of birth, a patient identification number, or the order of enrollment). Additionally, many ephedrine studies examine the combination of ephedrine and caffeine rather than ephedrine alone (11). They may not be as serious as some people would have you believe, but the reality is every drug comes with risks. This is why many stimulants need to be cycled to remain effective for fat loss purposes, allowing your body to reset its sensitivity and responsiveness. Another major weight loss benefit of ephedrine is appetite suppression. While artificial sweeteners may not be as dangerous as some people claim, studies suggest that regular consumption of these chemicals may indeed be harmful to our health. NOTE: The 24-hour requirement was applied to reports of psychiatric events because these events are believed to result from prolonged use. There are also limits on how much of these drugs that you can buy at one time because its possible to manufacture methamphetamine from large amounts of ephedrine and other similar drugs. Want a deeper look at the research? Ephedrine tends to be consumed with xanthine compounds like caffeine and sometimes with Aspirin. If youre like me, though, and prefer to stick to natural supplements whenever possible, then you need to check out its natural counterpart,synephrine. Everything just WORKS when you follow this plan." While the plant contains multiple chemical compounds, the major effects of ephedra are likely caused by the molecule ephedrine (3). It has been implicated in increasing the metabolic rate by up to 5% in humans. In American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology (Vol. The Human Effect Matrix summarizes human studies to tell you what effects Ephedrine has on your body, how much evidence there is, and how strong these effects are. Your metabolism determines how many calories you burn each day. Retrieved July 16, 2020, from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8384181/, K J Acheson, B Zahorska-Markiewicz, P Pittet, K Anantharaman, E. J. Even better, were told, ephedrine is just as safe as caffeine but, unlike the worlds most popular drug, gets more effective the longer you use it. Many people want a magic pill to boost energy and promote weight loss. manufacturers, food companies, and industry funders. This type of study maximizes the likelihood that any differences found between the groups taking the test supplement and those taking the placebo are real, not due to chance or bias. This article reviews caffeine and its health effects, both good and bad. All substance. What foods should you eat? The studies we reviewed suggest that ephedra- and ephedrine-containing products may be modestly effective in promoting weight loss, but the evidence on enhancing athletic performance is not definitive. Also, if you dont absolutely love our stuff for whatever reason, we dont request you deliver it to a PO box in the Gobi Desert by carrier pigeon. Randomised comparison of diets for maintaining obese subjects weight after major weight loss: Ad lib, low fat, high carbohydrate dietv fixed energy intake. Over 12 weeks, ingesting a combination of ephedra and caffeine 3 times per day led to a reduction of 7.9% of body fat as compared to only 1.9% with a placebo (15). Ephedrine also helps reduce fat stores that are naturally more resistant to mobilization than others (stubborn fat) by increasing the activity in a cellular receptor known as abeta-receptor, which triggers the release of energy stored in the fat cell. The higher range (150mg) may be too stimulatory for some, and can induce headaches or light hand tremors. However, our analysis of the existing studies and their shortcomings suggests that a more definitive answer to questions about ephedra's safety could be obtained by doing what is called a "case-control" study. Thats not game-changing, of course, but its the equivalent energy expenditure of about 30 minutes of vigorous walking per day. International Journal of Medical Sciences, 8(4), 295301. That said, as I mentioned earlier, we cant be sure as to the long-term side effects of ephedrine use, so if you want to play it as safely as possible, take a week off every 4 to 6 weeks. The herb ephedra, also known as ma huang, is a small, twiggy shrub native to Asia, where it has a long history of medicinal use, as documented in ancient medical treatises from India and China. The direction and size of the supplement's impact on In Phytotherapy Research (Vol. We are 100% backed by science. https://doi.org/10.1002/j.1550-8528.1995.tb00224.x, D S Weigle. In one study in healthy overweight and obese adults, the combination of 70 mg of caffeine and 24 mg of ephedra increased the metabolic rate by 8% over 2 hours, compared to placebo (15). This document and trademark(s) contained herein are protected by law. 3 Suppl 4. Many ingredients in supplements dont have any scientifically validated benefits. Its not uncommon for people who take it the first time to feel satiated on just a few hundred calories per day (which I dont recommend that you do, by the way). Your order will be shipped out right away* and your payments will be split up Surprisingly, ephedrine does not appear to need cycling for the fat burning aspect of it (it may for neurological stimulation and appetite suppression). The technical expert panel recommended that we also review studies of over-the-counter medications that contain the chemical ephedrine, presumed to be the primary active ingredient of ephedra (ephedrine-containing products are regulated as pharmaceuticals, not as dietary supplements). In the United States, the active components of ephedra, known as the ephedrine alkaloids (ephedrine; pseudoephedrine; norephedrine, also known as phenylpropanolamine; and norpseudoephedrine) are commonly found in over-the-counter cold and allergy medications. Although some positive effects on metabolism and body weight have been seen across a variety of doses, many have questioned the safety of ephedrine. Natural doesnt always mean better, but in many cases, natural ingredients are superior to artificial ones for various reasons, including purity, safety, and efficacy. In addition to the short-term changes in metabolism, some studies show that ephedrine can promote weight and fat loss over longer time periods. This is a science-based review of Hydroxycut, one of the world's most popular weight loss supplements. Based on the available evidence, these reports were classified as "sentinel events," "possible sentinel events," or lacking in sufficient evidence (see Table 1). No, we dont request you deliver it to a PO box in the Gobi Desert by carrier pigeon. However, long-term data on the usefulness of ephedrine for weight loss is lacking (10). Permission is required from RAND to reproduce, or reuse in another form, any of its research documents for commercial purposes. Quickly calculate your calories, macros, and micros for losing fat, building muscle, and staying healthy. https://doi.org/10.1002/ptr.3490, Verpeut, J. L., Walters, A. L., & Bello, N. T. (2013). These products may not have the safety concerns observed for products containing ephedrine but they may also be less effective. https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.289.12.1537. Much of the studies examining the effects of ephedra on weight loss occurred between the 1980s and early 2000s before supplements containing ephedrine were banned. This Unregulated Dietary Supplement Could Damage Your Heart, How to Speed Up Your Metabolism: 9 Easy Ways Backed by Science. Ephedrine purportedly kills your appetite while also dramatically increasing your metabolic rateand fat burning, which means youll not only lose fat faster but will also have an easier time of sticking to your meal plans, as well. No industry ties, no sponsors, no bias. ephedrine pseudoephedrine meth methamphetamine crystal https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1476-5381.1988.tb11449.x, Stohs, S. J., Preuss, H. G., Keith, S. C., Keith, P. L., Miller, H., & Kaats, G. R. (2011). The team includes nutrition researchers, registered dietitians, physicians, and pharmacists.

Ephedrine is a stimulant that can help you lose fat faster by increasing your metabolic rate and blunting your appetite. No spam. There are also safety concerns with taking significant amounts of aspirin over the long-term, so its generally recommended to leave the aspirin out. Take our 60-second quiz now to learn which supplements can help you achieve your fitness goals faster. If, however, its contraindicated due to preexisting health conditions, doses are too high, or its combined with other drugs such as alcohol, large amounts of nicotine, orMDMA, it can be dangerous and even deadly. Some ephedrine-containing medications are still available over the counter, though regulations on the purchase of these products can vary by state. In short, it increases your bodys energy expendituremuch of which comes from body fat. Ephedra and Ephedrine for Weight Loss and Athletic Performance Enhancement: Clinical Efficacy and Side Effects: Summary - AHRQ Evidence Report Summaries - NCBI Bookshelf. The more strident critics even claim that it can significantly raise the risk of anxiety attack, heart attack, and stroke. Most of them involve children. JAMA. 2005-2022 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Shop and add items to your cart as normal! weight loss supplements that you can take. Ephedrine is also banned by most sports organizations, including the NCAA, MLB, NFL, and PGA, and the International Olympic Committee and World Anti-Doping Agency, because it may slightly enhance athletic performance. This page features 99 references. And if he can do it, why not you? What about "macros?" Some research has even reported that caffeine and ephedrine individually had no effects on weight loss, while the combination of the two did produce weight loss (16). Reschedule payments. Based on the evidence, potential safety concerns were significant enough to prompt legal action in the United States and elsewhere (1). (2003). Clinical Science, 82(1), 8592. Finally, our scientific review board reviews the content to ensure all key information and claims are backed by high-quality scientific research and explained simply and precisely. If youre also taking caffeine with your ephedrine, come off that as well, as it will help maintain your bodys sensitivity to it. Another 6-month study in 167 overweight and obese people compared a supplement containing ephedrine and caffeine to a placebo during a weight loss program (17). Join over 250,000 people who have learned about effective versus overrated supplements, tips for buying supplements, and how to combine supplements for safety and efficacy. The trials contained no reports of very serious adverse events (such as death and cardiovascular events). The effectiveness of long-term supplementation of carbohydrate, chromium, fibre and caffeine on weight maintenance. This page is regularly updated, to include the most recently available clinical trial evidence. Examine is your partner to better health. each outcome. Retrieved July 16, 2020, from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1318281/, P Shekelle, ML Hardy, SC Morton, M Maglione, M Suttorp, E Roth, L Jungvig, WA Mojica, J Gagn, S Rhodes, and E. M. (n.d.). Traditional Chinese and Indian medicine uses the branches of the herb to treat colds and wheezing and as a diuretic. Several dietary and lifestyle changes can help you burn body fat. Examine.com is intended to be used for educational and information purposes only. A study of this type could also be used to compare the safety of ephedra-containing supplements and products containing ephedrine. Unauthorized posting of this publication online is prohibited; linking directly to this product page is encouraged. Take this quiz to learn which ones are best for you. 21 January 2022, Ephedrine, a major component of ephedra, can increase the number of calories your body burns. 14211428). Learn what muscle groups to train together and how to train each one optimally. If youve spent any amount of time in the gym, youve undoubtedly heard that its as close to a weight loss magic bullet as you can ask for. Its worth noting that the latter effect isnt clearly understood or established. And that means you can say "yes" now and decide later. In addition, many ephedracontaining supplements also include herbs that contain caffeine, and products that contain ephedrine often include caffeine. Citrus aurantium and Rhodiola rosea in combination reduce visceral white adipose tissue and increase hypothalamic norepinephrine in a rat model of diet-induced obesity. You will be notified when any significant update is made. And we'll send you evidence-based ways to improve your body composition and exclusive deals and discounts. A Dietitians Review. https://doi.org/10.1152/ajpregu.00832.2005, A Astrup 1, L Breum, S Toubro, P Hein, F. Q. British Journal of Pharmacology, 93(2), 417429. If using an ECA stack, however, the caffeine may need to be cycled. after around 4 to 6 weeks of continued use. We also reviewed descriptions of medical cases published in peer-reviewed journals. . Thus, we were also asked to review the evidence for the effectiveness and safety of supplements that combine ephedra and caffeine as well as ephedrine and caffeine-containing products. Youll be redirected to Sezzle to Sign Up or Log In Although multiple components of ephedra may impact your body, the most notable effects are likely due to ephedrine. Obesity Research, 13(7), 11871194. "I never thought getting in shape would be this simple! That said, most cuts dont go for more than 2 to 3 months, and if yours does, you can always cycle on and off to minimize the likelihood of experiencing any complications. Our analysis found that one-time use of ephedrinecontaining products seems to enhance immediate physical performance, but only when taken in combination with caffeine. The latter is more practical for supplementation. Of particular concern is that half the sentinel events occurred in apparently healthy people under the age of 30. Arm yourself with the knowledge you need to make the right decisions about your health. (n.d.). Subscribe to the weekly Policy Currents newsletter to receive updates on the issues that matter most. Holy moo cows. Products containing caffeine seemed to promote slightly more weight loss than those containing only ephedrine. While the ephedra herb and products like ma huang tea are available for purchase, dietary supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids are not. Our evidence-based analysis on ephedrine features Paul G. Shekelle, Sally C. Morton, et al. The ephedrine alkaloids are stimulants (similar to, but much weaker than, amphetamines) that can increase heart rate and blood pressure and relax bronchial tissue, easing shortness of breath. So, if you want to speed up your fat loss and arent afraid of the potential side effects, then including ephedrine if your regimen can make sense. That said, most cases involved preexisting health conditions and super-dosing and/or combining it with other recreational or pharmaceutical drugs such as alcohol, cold medicine, or ecstasy (dont do this). Over the short term (four to six months), ephedrine, ephedrine plus caffeine, and supplements containing ephedra or ephedra plus caffeine promoted modest increases in weight loss, about two pounds per month more than the weight loss of persons taking the placebo. This is slightly ironic because plenty of people have died from caffeine overdose as well, but millions abuse caffeine every day without giving it a second thought but wouldconsider ephedrine too risky or otherwise bad, mainly because its found in asthma medications and less commonly used. Yet despite manufacturers' claims, little research has been done to assess whether the products are safe, and the research studies that have been done have been too small to allow any firm conclusions to be drawn. American Journal of Medicine, 118(9), 9981003. Another study observed that when obese individuals went on a very-low-calorie diet, their metabolic rate dropped. To assess the evidence for the effectiveness of ephedra and ephedrine in weight loss and athletic performance, we performed an exhaustive search and review of the medical research "literature" using the well-accepted procedures of evidence-based medicine. In addition, no study looked at long-term changes in performance. Overall, the available evidence indicates that ephedrine-containing products particularly when paired with caffeine may increase weight and fat loss. Split your entire online purchase into 4 interest-free payments, over 6 weeks with no impact to your credit. Because caffeine is believed to have effects that are similar to ephedrine, such combinations could potentially be more powerful than either substance alone. How effective is ephedrine, really? These results, too, must be interpreted with caution. For example, ephedrine plus caffeine increases metabolic rate more than ephedrine alone (14). We just . In response to our report, the federal government quickly moved to propose stricter labeling of ephedra products and solicited public comment on whether the safety evidence thus far warrants further restrictions. You really have nothing to lose. Effects of p-synephrine alone and in combination with selected bioflavo-noids on resting metabolism, blood pressure, heart rate and self-reported mood changes. The effect of -adrenergic and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor- stimulation on target genes related to lipid metabolism in human subcutaneous adipose tissue. Ephedrine also interacts with muscle cells, increasing heat expenditure in them as well as fat cells. 8045 Leesburg Pike #240 It has been reported to be a hyperstimulant when taken in doses above what is recommended. Dietary supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids were banned by the FDA in 2004. Taking ephedrine does come with risks. Why, then, is ephedrine often labeled dangerous and tarred with the same brush as harsher drugs like clenbuterol and 2,4-Dinitrophenol? In less than a minute, youll know exactly what diet is right for you. Plus more! Moreover, the adverse-event reports raise serious concerns about the safety of ephedra and ephedrine products. Mclean, VA 22182, Copyright 2022 Legion - All Rights Reserved. In other words, when you combine these drugs, they help you lose fat faster than when taken separately. I hereby agree to assume and accept any and all risks of injury or death related to said fitness activities. Ephedrine is highly synergistic with caffeine, and for this reason is commonly found in something called an ECA stack (Ephedrine, Caffeine, and Aspirin). Thats not game-changing, of course, but its the equivalent energy expenditure of about 30 minutes of, Ephedrine is also a unique fat burner in that, This is particularly beneficial when cutting because the longer you remain in a, Ephedrine, then, helps compensate for this through its compounding effects on your, While that may sound pretty ominous to you, the story is more or less the same for other stimulants like caffeine and, Why, then, is ephedrine often labeled dangerous and tarred with the same brush as harsher drugs like, If, however, its contraindicated due to preexisting health conditions, doses are too high, or its combined with other drugs such as alcohol, large amounts of nicotine, or, (Oh, and if this has got you thinking that ephedrine isnt right for your circumstances and goals, and youd rather lose weight using diet alone, then. In five studies of ephedrine compared to a placebo, ephedrine led to weight loss of 3 pounds (1.3 kg) per month more than a placebo for up to four months (10, 11). (1997). Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Ephedra and ephedrine promote modest shortterm weight loss; their long-term effect is unknown. Legion Athletics, Inc. When any of these molecules attach to cells, they trigger the fight or flight physical response, increasing heart rate, decreasing hunger, and accelerating fat and glycogen burning. The combination of Ephedrine and caffeine is shown repeatedly to be highly synergistic. Thats why we test every ingredient of every supplement we produce for heavy metals, microbes, allergens, and other contaminants and ensure they meet the strict purity standards set by the FDA. The plant ephedra has long been used in Asian medicine. Use Adobe Acrobat Reader version 10 or higher for the best experience. For these reasons, ephedrine has been studied for its ability to reduce body weight and body fat. Such a study would compare ephedra use by individuals who suffered death or another illness with use by similar individuals who have not suffered severe health problems. First, we reviewed the clinical trials included in our analyses of weight loss and athletic performance, most of which reported adverse events for both treatment and placebo groups. eca ephedrine ephedrin stimulerende vetverbrander chemischen tafel blackboard roids Thats why all of our ingredients in all of our products come from plant and animal sources, including sweeteners, colors, and flavors. Diabetes Care, 30(5), 11791186. We apologize for the inconvenience. Shekelle, Paul G., Sally C. Morton, Mary L. Hardy, Margaret A. Maglione, Marika Booth, Elizabeth Roth, Lara Hilton, Walter Mojica, James Gagne, Shannon Rhodes, Eileen M. McKinnon, and Sydne Newberry, /content/admin/rand-header/jcr:content/par/header/reports, /content/admin/rand-header/jcr:content/par/header/blogPosts, /content/admin/rand-header/jcr:content/par/header/multimedia, /content/admin/rand-header/jcr:content/par/header/caseStudies, The Effects of Racial Bias Compound Over Lifetimes. (n.d.). Some supplements can have an increasing effect, others have a decreasing effect, and others have no effect. And if its safe, how should it be dosed and how long should you take it for? It is able to induce fat loss via increasing the amount of fat available for fuel as well as by increasing heat expenditure. 99 unique references to scientific papers. Obesity, 15(12), 29642973. Obes Res. Confounded with the inclusion of caffeine[3][4][5][6][7][8][9], Confounded with both aspirin and caffeine (the ECA stack)[10]. 292, Issue 1). and it's yours for free. But do they actually work? You must be logged before you can follow this page. Enter your email and we'll keep you on top of the latest nutrition research, supplement myths, and more. We're also hustling to improve our international logistics and will be passing our savings along to our international customers. This representation of RAND intellectual property is provided for noncommercial use only. International Journal of Obesity, 21(12), 11431151. For information on reprint and reuse permissions, please visit www.rand.org/pubs/permissions. ! The studies assessed performance immediately after a single dose; none of the studies examined the type of chronic, long-term use typical of consumers of these products.What's more, the study participants,all young, fit males,may not be typical of the average consumer. Some have reported no significant side effects, while others indicate a variety of side effects that even caused participants to withdraw from the studies (10, 17, 18). Here are 12 great methods to promote long-term fat loss. (n.d.).

Ephedrine can also boost the fat-burning process in your body (7, 8). Ephedrine plus caffeine boosts immediate physical performance for fit young men; there is no evidence that ephedra or ephedrine improves long-term physical performance of athletes or would work for the general public. Click here to see the full set of references I'm Mike Matthews. Many ingredients in supplements dont have any scientifically validated benefits, and many ingredients that do are often underdosed to the point of irrelevance. Retrieved July 16, 2020, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK11897/, Astrup, A., Breum, L., & Toubro, S. (1995). (You can read more about this mechanism here.). Increase in the thermic effect of food in women by adrenergic amines extracted from citrus aurantium. Weight loss patches are supposed to be quick, easy ways to lose weight. In consideration of the services and/or products offered by Legion Athletics, Inc. (Legion) including, but not limited to, nutrition plans, exercise routines and coaching, and in addition to the payment of any fee or charge: I knowingly and voluntarily enter into this waiver and release of liability and hereby waive any and all rights, claims or causes of action of any kind whatsoever arising out of my use of Legions services and/or products, and I hereby release and hold harmless Legion and its consultants, officers, contractors, agents, owners and employees from any and all responsibility, liability, cost and expenses, including for injuries, damages or disorders (physical, metabolic, or otherwise), resulting from my use of Legions services and/or products.

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ephedrine for weight loss

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