challenges in sales management ppt

"description": "Product specialization has been popular in recent years, but it seems to be declining in importance at least in certain industries. "description": "Profit performance is low in Andy s territory because too much selling effort is being expended in his trading areas. { { }, 76 Sales fore composite. They apply to specific period and can be specialized in great details. Sometimes even competitors\u2019 offerings are included as alternatives in the purchase decision. Although territories are often defined by geographic area (e.g., the Oklahoma territory, the Tennessee territory, the Adenta territory), the key components of a territory are the accounts within the specified geographic area. Procedure for establishing Routing Plan. Insurance salespeople, for example, report this to be so in their field. Salespeople must have high Ego Strength. ", "contentUrl": "", Please enjoy downloading your templates and impress your team. { The line structure has certain key characteristics and is hierarchical in nature. }, 17 The contemporary salesperson locates a pool of potential customers and then screens them to determine which ones are qualified prospects. {

"description": "This is a system that balances the needs of the organization, its salespeople, and its customers against one another. Deal: An agreement to meet or take action with a prospect. You can similarly convert our content to any other desired screen aspect ratio. Note that not only sales forecast include specification of commodities; customer groups, geographical location and time periods, but also includes a specific market plan as an essential element. Bad impression on the customer can be difficult or impossible to overcome. Please go ahead and upgrade your subscription to a PAID one to download more products. { Amaze your audience with SlideTeam and Google Slides. ", }, 7 Insurance salespeople, for example, report this to be so in their field. Therefore, the workload of each territory should be evaluated by (1) the number of sales calls required to cover the accounts in the territory, (2) the amount of travel time in the territory, (3) the total number of accounts, and (4) any other factors that measure the amount of work required by a salesperson assigned to territory. The organizational process would basically involve the following steps: Setting of objectives for the sales department, Develop a structural arrangement of all activities. "@type": "ImageObject", "description": "Interrelated of salesforce dev\u2019t decision", "description": "Though it may be denied, sales people fall into recognizable styles which project certain characteristics. The line structure has certain key characteristics and is hierarchical in nature. "contentUrl": "", A sale territory is a number of present and potential customers located within a geographical area and assigned to a sales person, a branch, a dealer or a distributor.

"name": "The control of the budget", "contentUrl": "", Most salespersons\u2019 performance evaluations are conducted by the field manager who supervises the salesperson. The power held by an individual in an interpersonal relationship can be one or more of the following five types as seen below; Expert power. Sales meeting: a meeting with the sales team, often to discuss processes, products and services, as well as the potential benefits for the buyer. Recruitment. { ", Sales cycles can vary greatly among organizations, products and services, and no one sale will be exactly the same.

Hiring the right caliber of recruit is very critical to the success of the firm and it is important that actions are taken to enhance the chances of attracting the right salespeople for the job. Check out our Presentation Design Services, Available in Standard as well as Widescreen size. Note that not only sales forecast include specification of commodities; customer groups, geographical location and time periods, but also includes a specific market plan as an essential element. }, 19 "description": "", "contentUrl": "",

Estimation of running cost of each sales unit (force)", "name": "Problematic salespeople", Chemical abuse and dependencies. ", "name": "", We cannot do selling without a product, price, promotion and place. Termination of EmploymentWhere problems cannot be solved and performance consistently fails to meet standards, and coaching, training, and retraining are unsuccessful, termination or reassignment may be the only remaining alternative. Some commonly used criteria are; compatibility, accessibility, eligibility, authority, and profitability. "@context": "", The problem-solving approach appears to be the most successful in technical industrial sales situations, in which the parties involved are usually oriented towards scientific reasoning and processes and thus find this approach to sales amenable. { }, 88

List present and potential customers. }, 110 However, they may have line authority over people in their specific department. This was just a recent approach that was added and has gained popularity. { This is the process of helping customers reach their strategic goals by using the products, services and expertise of the organization. This step may take several iterations as there are probably a number of feasible territory designs. "contentUrl": "", }, 22 ", The sales executive responsible for a given product group is therefore an expert with expert knowledge of that product division. There is a need to clarify some terms in order to understand market opportunities analysis. The Marketing Concept: holds that achieving organizational goals depends on knowing the needs and wants of target market and delivering the desired satisfaction better than competitors do. "width": "1024" }, 27 Situational Factors What makes an effective leader? In the 1950s, leading firms presumably embraced the customer-oriented marketing concept. { b. "width": "1024" "@type": "ImageObject", Bad impression on the customer can be difficult or impossible to overcome. "description": "The management of the sales training process involves six (6) steps. Sales Trap Technique etc. "contentUrl": "", "description": "This is an extension of need satisfaction selling and goes beyond identifying needs to developing alternative solutions for satisfying these needs. ", It relies on questionnaire that would bring out customer needs. Evolution of Marketing and the Marketing Concepts (Cont. The first phase is securing an appointment for the sales interview, and the second phase covers the first few minutes of the sales call. "name": "Market Sales Organization", The nature of the market. }, 8 "width": "1024" v. Sales territories facilitate the performance of other sales and management function. Bad impression on the customer can be difficult or impossible to overcome. { "width": "1024" Owing to the fact that the sales force constitutes the interface between the organization and its markets, the management of salespeople goes beyond equipping them with the basic skills in salesmanship. Most sales organizations provide salespeople with a written copy of their performance review and have sales managers discuss the performance evaluation with each salesperson. "name": "Assess Territory Workloads The preceding step produces territories of nearly equal opportunity. iii. }, 30 This starts with a great sales manager who knows how to inspire and lead a sales department. sense of accomplishment, personal growth opportunities, recognition, and. Some may start off as sales representatives and work their way up, and some come from totally unrelated fields, but its also important that a sales manager has strong communication and organization skills. "name": "BUDGETING Factors that influence revenue", Product samples. Problematic salespeopleThere are salespeople who are problematic if behavior or attitude can be identified, it can be corrected through motivation, supervision and further training and development. Sales territories help reduce selling cost Sales territories help reduce selling cost. ", "contentUrl": "", { {

Ready to learn more? "description": "The most popular or common ones are as follows; Percentage of sales example 10% - 15% of sales. In this regard sales executives are assisted by staff assistants who provide specialist services. "name": "Recruitment and Selection Process", Customers appreciate this selling method and are often willing to spend considerable time in preliminary meetings to define needs prior to a sales presentation or written proposal. "contentUrl": "", Focus is on the customer rather than the salesperson It relies on questionnaire that would bring out customer needs. { This involves making the actual contact with the prospect and it is in two phases. Because of legal issues, sales managers must be careful how some of these are done before firing the salesperson. { 7 Chapter Management, Leadership, and the Internal Organization, Personal Selling, Relationship Building, and Sales Management. Share buttons are a little bit lower. Thus, the structure involves the division of firms product lines into groups with sales executives responsible for each group. "width": "1024" }, 102 "contentUrl": "", "name": "LECTURE 11 EVALUATING THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SALESPEOPLE", Assess Territory Workloads The preceding step produces territories of nearly equal opportunity. "description": "2.

Sales Quota This is a goal or objective that is assigned to marketing units. Other Companies. Sales quotas are typically one of the key elements to evaluate the personal selling effort. "@context": "", Assess Territory Workloads The preceding step produces territories of nearly equal opportunity. Sales management process: Steps taken to attain a companys objectives. "contentUrl": "", "name": "LECTURE 6 SALES FORECASTING AND BUDGETING", { They are; This deals with leadership and supervisory roles of sales managers, and to be a successful leader, one needs to work efficiently with salespeople by empowering them. The sales person may offer to write-up the order, e.g. "width": "1024" )The Selling Concept: holds that consumers will not buy enough of the firms products unless it undertakes a large-scale selling and promotion effort. Where problems cannot be solved and performance consistently fails to meet standards, and coaching, training, and retraining are unsuccessful, termination or reassignment may be the only remaining alternative. This forces the salesperson to plan presentation prior to calling their customer. Part \u2013 time workers. "description": "Some organizations evaluate their salesforce annually. Clearly, the firm is wasting expensive selling effort in Andy's territory. These decisions are closely related to the sales organization structure decisions. ", { }, 34 Your projected profit. ", "@type": "ImageObject", Three territories are developed because the decision model results presented indicate that two salespeople cannot adequately cover these trading areas. "@context": "", "width": "1024" "width": "1024" }, 36 ii. "@context": "", }, 39 It relies on highly structured sales presentation and the salesperson does most of the talking. { 1. "@type": "ImageObject", These steps are typically referred to as AIDA (attention, interest, desire, and action). ", "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "description": "Line structure. Holistic Marketing Concept: is based on the development, design, and implementation of marketing programs, processes, and activities that recognizes their breadth and interdependencies. "name": "Need Satisfaction Selling", Thus, the structure involves the division of firms product lines into groups with sales executives responsible for each group. The sales executive responsible for a given product group is therefore an expert with expert knowledge of that product division. "@context": "", "width": "1024" LECTURE 8 SALES TRAININGOrganizations basically look out for salespeople who can help their businesses grow. Relevant when the firm has expanded marketing operations in terms of scope and complexity. { Sales performance in Sally's territory is much lower than it might be if more selling attention were given to her trading areas. This analysis involves the study and assessment of the various environments that affect the business. Since the territory is a defined and assigned territory given, management is able to follow activities within that territory and based on the performance of the territory the sales person is evaluated. Many firms are using a telemarketing salesforce to generate leads, qualify prospects, monitor shipments, and so forth, while the outside salesforce concentrates on sales-generating. "name": "Functional Sales Organization", "width": "1024" "width": "1024" "description": "All these must be from bottom up to the top, approved and brought down again. Typically, both of these objectives cannot be completely achieved, so management must decide on the best trade-offs for its situation. "name": "Conflicts of interest Sales people assume a boundary-role position so they sometimes encounter conflict of interest. ii.

{ To be able to reduce that perception of risks in prospects, the salesperson must appear a credible source of information. "name": "Contemporary Views of Sales Leadership", Many companies require that employees periodically sign an agreement not to engage in specified situations that may represent conflicting interest }, 54 "@type": "ImageObject", It ensures proper coverage of the potential market. A salesperson may ask which one the prospective buyer wants or prefer. After youve acquired a great sales manager, its time to start thinking about expanding the team. Factors influencing the choiceNature of the product The nature of the market Policy on promoting from within Availability of recruiting sources Principles of Marketing Lecture-36. User\u2019s expectation. "description": "Sales budget is dependent on sales forecast. A great sales manager is the person who guides your salespeople and is responsible for: Ensuring coordination with the sales enablement and marketing teams. "name": "Principles of Organization", Delphi techniques. Finalize Territory Design The final step is to adjust the initial territories to achieve equal workloads for each salesperson. Self confidence is increased by the acquisition of knowledge, and the salesperson\u2019s credibility with the prospect is enhanced. "description": "Budget must be subject to review and must be flexible. The objective is for sales people to become expert in the assigned product categories. Methods for sales forecastingBasically they are 2 broad types as shown below; Subjective methods Delphi techniques Sales fore composite Jury of executive opinion Users expectation Objective method This method gets its name from the fact that initial input is the opinion of each member of the field sales staff. g. Establish control mechanisms such as call reports to ensure efficiency and accountability e.g. iv. If the proposed plan is changed, predicted sales are expected to change. "@type": "ImageObject", { This type of specialization is functional specialization. "description": "Intensity. List present and potential customers. Handling Objections. Using a 360-degree feedback process, salespeople are evaluated on model competencies by their managers, their colleagues, and their customers. { It includes addressing personal issues such as dress code, interpersonal skills, comportment, etc. "name": "iv. Planning and conducting integrative sales meeting. Habitual wooer Effective use of time. "@context": "", "width": "1024" The line structure has certain key characteristics and is hierarchical in nature. { Source of qualified personnelA sales organization has several sources of recruit which could be considered, some of which are as follows From within the company Other Companies Educational Institution Voluntary applicants Employment agencies Part time workers "name": "Designing Territories", The power held by an individual in an interpersonal relationship can be one or more of the following five types as seen below; The exact personality traits or leadership behaviors that make an effective sales management leader has not been identified. Coercive power. In some cases, meeting customer demands can violate company policy. Market potentials Market potential is an estimate of the possible sales of a commodity, a group of commodities or a service for an entire industry in a market during a stated period under ideal conditions.

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