reinertsen theories on product development flow

Fast feedback allows us to remain vigilant for these opportunities. Lowering capacity utilization (and thereby queues) and reducing batch size (iteration cycle time) have such an effect. We often think of product development backlogs as free. I buy a lot of booksmore than I have time to read. Product development deals in designs, which are fundamentally intangible. And if you look closely, you can see I even used an orange card to mark what must have been the final good idea I found. As importance grows, such test packages get even higher priority.

s-U->8nb4=ry Z[AlE"s m8$cnFv(%Y"Bxj.SY*% As more is learned, we must be prepared to throw out our most fundamental beliefs about why we are doing the project and what we need to accomplish. Because we are constantly correcting our course, refactoring prior efforts that turn out to be bad deviations are kept small enough to be much less costly than the deviations that come from longer feedback cycles. Quotes For Entrepreneurs-September 2014 - SKMurphy, Inc. How to get enough information about the detail | Ashridge on Operating Models.

But it was so many that the corners are worn out like a classic college text book. Noneconomic flow control. Managing timelines instead of queues. Reinertsen has a visceral anger about all that waste, and his stories are crackling with disdain for the people who manage such systems - especially when their actions are motivated by intuition, voodoo, or blindness. Batches can be more elusive in an uncertain environment. [This book] will explain why large queues form when processes with variability are operated at high levels of capacity utilization. Find a way to get it into the requirements of the "golden" projec. Well, heres a partial list of topics you can choose from. Take one of Reinertsen's example: Unhappy with late deliveries, a project manager decides he can reduce variability by inserting a safety margin or buffer in his schedule. Technical Debt: Adding Math to the Metaphor - R SKMurphy, Inc. To give one example, Reinertsen emphasizes the power of measuring thecost of delay(COD) of a new product. Without clearly defining what appropriate means, staff are left questioning what decisions are available to them and thus act as though they have no decision-making power unless specifically granted on a case-by-case basis. BestBrains Academy er lokaliseret i Kbenhavn og udbyder bdeagile bne IT-kurser, svel som inhouse kurser og skrddersyede workshops til din organisation. It is only through this type of thinking that we can exploit positive deviations. ), and the resulting extreme uncertainty that is, incidentally, the environment where startups thrive. And there are already stories of companies that have tried the wrong things and failed.

Just show it will benefit the "golden" project and you will get approval. Here is an example from the book for the testing portion of software development. Anyone working in an Agile software development environment is familiar with the benefits of small batch size. I mention this to encourage you to look beyond the manufacturing domain for approaches to control flow. People often ask which they should read first. A3s, Batch Sizes, Build Measure Learn, Cadence, Collocation, Constraints, Cost of Delay, Critical Chain Project Management, Decentralization, Early Learning, Fast Feedback, Flexible Product Development, Flow, Kanban, Knowledge Driven Product Development, LAMDA, Lean Six Sigma, Multitasking, OODA, PDCA, Project Economic Models, Queueing Principles, Rapid Learning Cycles, Risk Management, Scrum, Set-Based Concurrent Engineering, Standup Meetings, Value Stream Maps, Visual Project Boards, WIP Constraints.

This can be particularly true with software development projects because we often establish goals for the project in the early stages and become locked into our believe that deviations from those goals are categorically bad. The Principles of Product Development Flow: Second Generation Lean Product Development, by Donald Reinertsen. The chart above shows how different control variables have different economic impacts and should therefore have different tolerances for variation (i.e. Just for the economic explanations, this book would be worth the price of admission. Ill give you time to start reading either of Don Reinertsens books and will cover these other two topics in my next post. Reinertsen does not speak about startups specifically - his book is meant to speak broadly to product development teams across industries and sectors. But they can be managed by reducing batch sizes. Six Sigma and Lean thinking encourage us to stamp out variability. Just the way physics applies to both large objects and small ones, the methods used in this course can be applied in a wide variety of industries. Let's take a look at each of the eight categories in brief.

6. If the product development team can be engaged in activities that promote business learning at the expense of shipping - or even selling - product, that's a good trade. People who work together develop tight communications based on common context and language. Weather happens. Product development queues are more insidious because they tend to be invisible. The unimproved boat would sail against the improved boat to determine the effect of a design change. Here again, we see the use of a more quantitative approach to evaluating this feedback and defining the right metrics to target economic indicators of performance. Small batches (or short iterations) provide fast feedback (more on this later), but they also have the effect of reducing queue size. However, different jobs will often have vastly different costs-of-delay. I push this technique quite often, because traditional product development tends to work in batches that are much too large.

0000001106 00000 n Good "Scientific" fundament for lean/agile practices. As is the case throughout the book, concepts introduced elsewhere are interwoven. Stay tuned for Part 6 where we look at other key Lean Product Development principles. This is why product development routinely creates disruptive innovation, because our ability to invent new products is limited only (well, primarily) by our capacity for imagination. This ultimately enabled them to triumph over a much better funded American team. That is tragic when you consider the opportunity that is being missed! The principles of product development flow draw on insights from Lean Manufacturing as well as examples from the Telecommunications and Computer Operating Systems industries. Much of this chapter is a rehash of concepts that are familiar to anyone who has used Agile or Lean principles: colocation, short iterations, low hanging fruit, and modular design are all discussed.

And yet it is this same ephemeral nature that gives rise to the most difficult problems of product development: how to tell if we're making progress, the high variability of most product development tasks (e.g. Many of the startups I talk to - and their boards - seem to equate ability to "hit the schedule" with competence and productivity. To motivate you to buy this book, I want to walk you through some of Reinertsen's indictment of the status quo in product development, which is based on his extensive interviews, surveys, and consulting work. Ramp meters control the volume of vehicles on the freeway and thereby increase flow without actually limiting access. Each principle gets a page or two of explanations; the diagrams are plentiful and helpful. 0000002588 00000 n For me, this chapter packed the largest wallop. 221 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 225 /H [ 1106 1132 ] /L 1346405 /E 969463 /N 32 /T 1341866 >> endobj xref 221 11 0000000016 00000 n 11. Anyone familiar with Lean thinking understands the importance of queues. But it goes beyond that, including techniques for improving the economics of product development. When one principle calls for integration with another, we get a clear picture of how all these principles fit together to form a coherent strategy for building effective product development organizations. Thank you for being such wonderful hosts absolutely fantastic environment (+ delicious food) to support the learnings.- Sending my husband to the course asap! Achieving Product Development Flow takes a different, science-based, approach. The opposite can also be true. But, what is the cost of this buffer? The usual suspects are rounded up for slashing WIP: cutting low-value features, flexible resource allocation and blocking demand. Yet his analysis of the sources of waste in development and the remedies that allow us to iterate faster are especially useful for startups. Today's developers incorrectly try to maximize efficiency Any subprocess within product development can be viewed in economic terms. Reinertsen discusses ways in which to do this. With the importance of speed in mind, we need to understand what slows down projects. This explains why today's product developers assume that efficiency is desirable, and that inefficiency is an undesirable form of waste. It is what they refer to as the ramp meter..

Reinertsen also provides a number of ways to visualize and monitor WIP to know when to deploy WIP control measures. It uses economics, statistics, queuing theory, and concepts from telecommunication network design. Only with the proper controls in place does the scale become an effective tool within the system. It would be difficult to outline the forty-six (or 175!) It is fundamentally different from other workshops in its intense focus on quantification, economic justification, and the use of a science-based approach for applying lean. While none of these ideas are new, it is valuable to read about them in the context of maximizing economic value. Goldratt's Theory of Constraints is invoked along with rate-matching between adjacent processes. Reinertsen is keenly aware of what makes product development different from other business functions, like manufacturing, that we sometimes use as a metaphor. Instead, we will explore some of the more advanced ideas used in the world of telecommunications. Reinertsen weaves together ideas from lean manufacturing, maneuver warfare, queuing theory, and even the architecture of computer operating systems and the Internet. Sound familiar? Achieving Product Development Flow - Learn how to manage and orchestrate development projects following advanced Lean principles, Value Stream Identification Lessons from the wild, The Principles of Product Development Flow, Calculate and use Cost of Delay as the most important key figure in your development process, Find, monitor and control bottlenecks in the process, Shortening lead-time through systematically reducing batch sizes, Create room for innovation, by allowing variation in the process. Many who have had this experience will report the ultimate avoidance of the dreaded device. And we do that by studying information theory and systems theory. Eliminating all variability works in manufacturing; in product development it eliminates all innovation. It does this by compressing the time between cause and effect. Each principle gets a page or two of explanations; the diagrams are plentiful and helpful. The use of economic theory to justify decisions is a recurring theme of the book. If its a really good book it will have ideas in it that Ill want to find later, so Ill mark those pages with a piece of sticky note. They are all proxies for our real goal, maximizing an economic variable like profit or revenue.Therefore, in order to maximize the true productivity (aka profitability) of our development efforts, we need to understand the relationships between these proxy variables. A day delay has almost no cost, as far as profitability is concerned.

Two things jumped off the pages of this chapter: The Cost of Delay is a premonition of the next category of principles. Finally, decentralization is a key principle for managing and optimizing complex systems. Good for economically minded people (CFO, CEO, etc. Does this sound familiar? 8. w0a{\1;; eGmycl_[6Tq,k_ S}l{^2J-$0'J09isH#FC6D*vO*O-)x2{j e2j6*wmzE.

He is the author/co-author of three best-selling books on product development. Inquisitive, provocative and results oriented, David is willing to dig into problems until their true essence is understood and the solution is executed. He prescribes controlling capacity utilization as the best way to manage queue size. Attendees should bring a calculator, since the course will involve some light calculations.

Institutionalization of large batch sizes.

If we can apply economic principles to the value of features, we can quantify the benefit of continued development and properly assess whether additional features make economic sense. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(510348, '70bd67e2-189b-4307-a150-f9cb1ce99a46', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); Guide to Lean Project ManagementGuide to Lean Product DevelopmentScience and economics behind failing fastLean Product Development the Opportunity of the Century. If you'd like to hear when articles come out, Lean product development can be looked at as flow-based product development. It is common that we must invest in creating a superior development environment in order to extract the smaller signals that come with fast feedback. Reinertsen uses a series of mathematical formulas to illustrate how high levels of capacity utilization on an ongoing basis increases queue size and derails product development efforts. It becomes a death march where all participants know they are doomed, but no one has the power to stop. Lean product development can be looked at as flow-based product development. By setting up the wrong incentives, we are rewarding the very behaviors that we seek to prevent. Startups are frequently guilty as charged - the 4-year death march example above could be written about dozens of venture-backed companies slogging it out in the land of the living dead.

There is an important caveat, however. If we are blind to queues, we won't know the delay cost, and we will only be aware of the cost of capacity. First, how big are our queues? Second, what is the cost of these queues? If anything, he left me wanting more stories that would further illustrate the mountain of golden nuggets he has provided. In fact, the author argues that just getting close delivers almost all of the value of measurement with a fraction of the effort. Clearly, there comes a point at which additional features cost more than the benefit that is derived from them. This means that there are no external factors that argue for shipping product on any given day. Today, only 15 percent of product developers know the cost of delay. If you have been doing agile for a while it is a good way to put your everyday praxis in perspective.". And Im sure there are many more that I left out. Let's just say it's dense!. Or consider principle B9: The Batch Size Death Spiral Principle: Large batches lead to even larger batches: The damage done by large batches can become regenerative when a large batch project starts to acquire a life of its own. Executives coming to my product development classes report operating at 98.5 percent utilization in the precourse surveys. What may be less obvious is that fast feedback also increases the efficiency with which we generate information and learn new things. When either goes up significantly, congestion quickly ensues. A number of tactics for controlling WIP are put forth. Fast feedback provides a reinforcing cycle that keeps our inventory of design variations low. Learn how to manage and orchestrate development projects following advanced Lean principles. It will be particularly useful to companies that are reaching the point of diminishing returns using conventional approaches to product development and lean product development. To answer this second question, we must determine how queue size translates into delay cost, which requires knowing the cost of delay. Reinertsen's book shares 175 principles of product development that challenge all conventional wisdom of how software products are built.

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reinertsen theories on product development flow

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