facts about sachsenhausen concentration camp

On April 2021, the camps SS staff ordered 33,000 inmates on a forced march Northeast. Hitler boasted, a, s world capital, Berlin, it will only be comparable with Ancient Egypt, Babylon, and Rome! By autumn of 1942 there were few Jewish prisoners still in Sachsenhausen, and their numbers remained low until 1944. The camp was liberated by a unit of the 47th Soviet Army on April 22th, 1945. The dead were originally sent to the crematories installed in nearby Berlin, located not far from Sachsenhausen. Camp punishments were harsh. The prisoners included many juveniles, Catholic priests, army officers, professors, teachers, doctors, and minor government officials. After the start of the war, the number of deaths in Sachsenhausen increased dramatically. Offer subject to change without notice. We would like to thank Crown Family Philanthropies and the Abe and Ida Cooper Foundation for supporting the ongoing work to create content and resources for the Holocaust Encyclopedia. After this meeting, I decided to install gas chambers in the camp for mass extermination because it was a more efficient and more humane way to exterminate prisoners. On January 31th, 1942, the SS forced a team of inmates to build the so-called "Station Z". Most of the buildings of the Death Camp are no longer standing and most of the facilities are empty, so you won't get a good idea of the terrible past of this concentration camp withouta professional guide. Sachsenhausen was originally founded as a prototype concentration camp in 1936: despite this being pre-war, it was still built by prisoners. Conditions in this concentration camp, as in others, were terrible, with many prisoners dying of starvation or disease. On January 31, 1942, the SS forced a team of inmates to build the so-called Station Z in a section of the industrial yard. Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp Tour 20, Train: Oranienburg, lines RE5, RB12 andS1. Find topics of interest and explore encyclopedia content related to those topics, Find articles, photos, maps, films, and more listed alphabetically, Recommended resources and topics if you have limited time to teach about the Holocaust, Explore the ID Cards to learn more about personal experiences during the Holocaust. At the beginning of 1940, SS-Oberfhrer [an SS rank between colonel and brigadier general, for which there is no English equivalent] Hans Loritz took over as camp commandant. Although official German reports claimed The prisoners are working without fault, some of these aircraft crashed unexpectedly around Stalingrad and its suspected that prisoners had sabotaged them. View the list of all donors. 1, was the largest of three special camps in the Soviet Occupation Zone. The camp was secure and there were few successful escapes. The suburb of Oranienburg: a peaceful town with a dark secret in the forest. - Public Prosecutor: What kind of exterminations were committed in your camp?

You can either walk 20 minutes from the Train Station or take the bus 804., Berliner Unterwelten (25.4 km) Thousands of inmates died during this Death March. From Oranienburg station, its about a 2km walk to the camp through town. Sachsenhausen is about 30km out of Berlin expect the journey to take an hour or so in total. Hamburger Bahnhof in Berlin (27.2 km) Other firms that used Sachsenhausen labour included AEG. Before the beginning of the World War 2, most of the inmates were German communist or German Jews. The camps capacity became inadequate and the camp was extended in 1938 by a new rectangular area (the small camp) north east of the entrance gate and the perimeter wall was altered to enclose it. On April 18th I was ordered to embark all the prisoners on barges and to conduct the barge on the Baltic sea where I had to sink it. In mid-1936, SS Lieutenant Colonel Michael Johann Lippert oversaw the construction of the camp. Youll gain a detailed insight into life at Sachsenhausen and see, amongst other things, the crematory ovens, the surviving buildings, pictures, documents and scale models of the camp. While you explore the death camp and its barracks, youll come face to face with the dreadful conditions the prisoners weresubject to. 15 October - 14 March: every day from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm - Public Prosecutor: Did you change anything in these extermination procedures? The perpetrators used these locations for a range of purposes, including forced labor, detention of people deemed to be "enemies of the state," and mass murder. In retaliation for the August 1944 Polish Home Army uprising in Warsaw, the German authorities expelled most of the Polish population from the city. Assassins Creed Games in Order: a Brief History, The Best Historical Games on Xbox Game Pass. Because the SS refused to give any medical care and due to the incredible lack of food, hundreds of inmates died in the following weeks.

Its prime location near Berlin ensured that Sachsenhausen was an important camp and it served as a template for other concentration camps. In total, German authorities deported over 6,000 people from the annexed Czech provinces to Sachsenhausen. The unfortunate inmates took part in some of the most peculiar forced labor experiments of the war. There were daily executions by shooting or hanging, and many more died as a result of casual brutality and the poor living conditions and treatment. Mondays: closed. Conditions in Sachsenhausen were horrendous. - Public Prosecutor: Was this order fulfilled? During the night of February 2th, the first prisoners were killed. The perimeter consisted of a three metre high wall on the outside. Berliner Unterwelten is a museum that preserves Berlins underground infrastructure. The 60,000 people interned over five years included 6,000 German officers transferred from Western Allied camps. Today, much of the camp has been preserved as a permanent memorial to one of the darkest chapters in recent history. The standard barrack layout was two accommodation areas linked by commonwashing and storage areas. Due to the lack of food and the incredible cruelties of the SS, most of them died during this period. The S1 runs three times an hour from central Berlin stations to Oranienburg (45 minutes) or the regional RE5/RB12 services run from Hauptbahnhof (30 minutes). - Kaindl: Yes. In cases such as attempted escape, there would a public hanging in front of the assembled prisoners. Because the existing installations were too small and not sufficient for the exterminations, I decided to have a meeting with some SS officers, including the SS Chief Doctor Baumkotter. - Kaindl: Accused Hohn was in charge of this operation. The guards of Sachsenhausen in the early years of the camp were men from the SS Death's Head units (SS-Totenkopfverbnde); later, members of the Waffen-SS were transferred to the SS Death's Head Battalion and deployed as guards. We depend on ad revenue to craft and curate stories about the worlds hidden wonders. What is most chilling about the camp, is its location, hidden away in a suburb just north of Berlin. Consider supporting our work by becoming a member for as little as $5 a month. The camps primary function was for the imprisonment and execution or extermination of Jews and political dissidents, including many Dutch freedom fighters, Russian prisoners of war and even some political leaders from invaded countries. By the end of October 1941, the SS had deported about 12,000 Soviet prisoners of war to Sachsenhausen. 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Sources: The Forgotten Camps; Encyclopedia of the Holocaust - Sachsenhausen; Wikipedia - Sachsenhausen concentration camp; Scrapbookpages - Gas Chamber at Station Z execution site, Download our mobile app for on-the-go access to the Jewish Virtual Library, Remarks by Prime Minister Rabin at the Sachsenhausen, Wikipedia - Sachsenhausen concentration camp, Scrapbookpages - Gas Chamber at Station Z execution site, 1998 - 2022 American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise. concentration sachsenhausen camp camps guard buna flossenburg tower 1935 were holocaust dachau flossenbrg holocaustresearchproject variance gender prisoners april jewish 2008 The German authorities sent some of these Poles to Sachsenhausen. Its estimated that over 30,000 were murdered here. - Kaindl: Yes, partially. [caption=13cf8c4f-508b-4f3d-bf85-51a43361228f] - [credit=13cf8c4f-508b-4f3d-bf85-51a43361228f]. Can Minecraft Get Children Excited About History? In March 1943, a gas chamber was added to the "Station Z". About 5,000 of them were sent to Sachsenhausen, as well as 900 Jews. As you discover the facility, youll feel a shiver as you find out about the atrocities committed by both parties in the large death camp. Others were Nazi functionaries, anti-Communists and Russians, including Nazi collaborators and soldiers who contracted sexually transmitted diseases in Germany. Like all other Nazi concentration camps, the conditions of life in Sachsenhausen were incredibly barbaric. - Public Prosecutor: Accused Kaindl, did you receive the order to destroy any evidence of the murders committed in the camp? Some 100,000 inmates died there from exhaustion, disease, malnutrition or pneumonia from the freezing winter cold. Explore the harrowing events and effects of the Holocaust through these important sites, museums and memorials around the world. This concrete residential area doubles as an open-air gallery. The Soviet soldiers found only 3,000 survivors in the camp. TTY: 202.488.0406, [caption=13cf8c4f-508b-4f3d-bf85-51a43361228f], [credit=13cf8c4f-508b-4f3d-bf85-51a43361228f], [caption=bb749007-ff35-4738-8773-dc617ad80f6b], [credit=bb749007-ff35-4738-8773-dc617ad80f6b], United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC, Sachsenhausen: Liberation and Postwar Trials. The name Station Z was intended to be a joke, according to the Memorial Site built their in later years, because the entrance to the camp was through Building A, which was the gate house, and Station Z was the exit from the camp for those who were executed. Almost 6,000 Jews arrived in Sachsenhausen in the days following the Kristallnacht riots. - Kaindl: Of course. In the early stage of the camp's existence the SS and police incarcerated mainly political opponents and real or perceived criminal offenders in Sachsenhausen. Sachsenhausen was also the site of the largest counterfeiting operation ever, perhaps. franz ziereis mauthausen camp There was another marked increase in the number of Jewish prisoners when, in mid-September 1939, shortly after World War II began, German authorities arrested Jews holding Polish citizenship and stateless Jews, most of whom were living in the greater Berlin area, and incarcerated them in Sachsenhausen. In March 1943, a gas chamber was added to Station Z. This gas chamber was used until the end of the war. In April 1940, the first crematory was built in Sachsenhausen. Barrack huts lay beyond the roll call area, radiating from the gate. Over 10,000 Soviet POWS were executed at Sachsenhausen, adding an extra degree of emotional resonance to the site. - Kaindl: Yes, there were several procedures. Without the notoriety of Auschwitz, and hidden away in a forest just to the north of Berlin, Sachsenhausen doesnt receive large numbers of visitors. However, in the following years, the Nazis put away anyone they believed to be racially or biologically inferior.

There were also some SS wearing doctor uniforms. There was a marching strip around the perimeter of the roll call ground, where prisoners had to march over a variety of surfaces, to test military footwear; between 25 and 40 kilometres were covered each day. Hundreds of history documentaries, ad free podcasts and subscriber rewards. Thereafter, the number of Jewish prisoners decreased again, as SS authorities deported them from Sachsenhausen to other concentration camps in occupied Poland, most often Auschwitz, in an effort to make the so-called German Reich "free of Jews" (judenfrei). - Kaindl: I had a meeting with Hohn and some others SS and I ordered to exterminate all the ill prisoners, those who were unable to work and, the most important, all the political prisoners. This memorial complex contains several mass graves for victims of the Siege of Leningrad. In November 1939, this number increased dramatically to 11,311 prisoners.

Sachsenhausen was intended to set a standard for other concentration camps, both in its design and the treatment of prisoners. On February 1st, 1945, I had a conversation with the chief of the Gestapo, Muller. Like in several other camps, and despite the medical care they received from the Allied armies, many inmates died in the days following the liberation. mauthausen concentration camp graben quarry death wiener austria stairs prisoners nazi holocaust carry stones stone josef staircase camps ss facts While a SS was measuring the height of a prisoner, another one placed his gun in the hole and killed him by shooting in his neck. Because the SS refused to provide the prionsers with any medical careand due to the lack of food, hundreds of inmates died in the following weeks. Nazi functionaries were held in the camp, as were political prisoners and inmates sentenced by the Soviet Military Tribunal. - Public Prosecutor: And how many prisoners died by starvation during this same period? The number of gassed victims is unknown because the transports for gassings were not registered in the entry registers of the camp. Covered in a blanket of snow, the abandoned camp was eerily silent with the weight of what had happened there; the only sound being the wind blowing through the now-rusted barbed wire. Five soviet prisoners of war were executed at this spot just days before the liberation of Norway. Follow us on Twitter to get the latest on the world's hidden wonders. Theres a lot of material to read and the camp itself is large expect to spend at least half a day there. Small Wonders and Good Eats Along Spain's Orange Blossom Coast, A Journey Through Bulgarias Abandoned Ruins and Otherworldly Monuments, Culinary Naples: Producers, Purveyors, and Pizzaioli, Secrets of Medieval Tarot at The Morgan Library, Monster of the Month w/ Colin Dickey: Cats, Beneath the Streets: Uncover the Secrets of the New York Transit Museum, Into the Bonebed: Explore the Life Cycle of a Fossil at The Mammoth Site, Color in Motion: Suminagashi & Ebru Marbling with Linh My Truong, Natural Dyes: Creating a Plant-Based Palette With Aaron Sanders Head, Looking for Lizards: Herping With Dr. Earyn McGee, Mixing Earth & Water: Adobe Art and Architecture With Joanna Keane Lopez, Once Upon a Time: Fairy Tale Writing With Anca Szilgyi, Aboard the World's First Hot-Air Balloon Restaurant, Keeping the Centuries-Old Tradition of Venetian Bookbinding Alive, How the NSFW Side of the Animal World Became a TikTok Sensation, The centre piece of the planned Thousand-Year Reich, Speers Berlin was to be a grandiose redesigning of Berlin to become the Worlds Capital, centered around a giant Volkshalles Great Dome, and a stadium capable of holding 400,000. [caption=bb749007-ff35-4738-8773-dc617ad80f6b] - [credit=bb749007-ff35-4738-8773-dc617ad80f6b]. Over one billion pounds in counterfeited banknotes was recovered. If youre driving, head up the A10/A114/L21/L211 the drive takes just under an hour. Already the fearsome early hallmarks that would characterize the mass killing factories later created to theEast were in place. Several buildings and structures survive or have been reconstructed, including guard towers, the camp entrance, crematoriums and the camp barracks. Also at this time, the first Typhus epidemic broke out. This new installation was built for the extermination of the prisoners. In 1961, it was inaugurated as a National Memorial by the Peoples National Army of the G.D.R. And spraying gas was too dangerous for the local population and the SS. At the top of the pyramid were convicted civilian murderers and Communists; they would wear a red triangle. There was an infirmary inside the southern angle of the perimeter and a camp prison within the eastern angle. Like us on Facebook to get the latest on the world's hidden wonders. The camp was rebuilt and used by the Soviets as a concentration camp briefly before being turned into barracks and later a memorial and museum. Between 1936 and 1945 over 200,000 prisoners were locked away in the camp. When German-Iraqi relations broke down, this embassy was vacated post haste. Sachsenhausen was not intended to be used as an extermination camp, however. Like all other Nazi concentration camps, the conditions of life in Sachsenhausen were incredibly barbaric. It remains the largest counterfeiting operation in history. The role of political resistance was emphasised over that of other groups. Walking through the snow-covered streets, past plain suburban houses you finally enter a small pine forest that leads to the now silent camp site.

The plans involved the removal of most of the original buildings and the construction of an obelisk, statue and meeting area reflecting the outlook of the then-government. Sign up for our newsletter and enter to win the second edition of our book. - Public Prosecutor: How many prisoners were in the camp at this time? 2022 Atlas Obscura. The centre piece of the planned Thousand-Year Reich, Speers Berlin was to be a grandiose redesigning of Berlin to become the Worlds Capital, centered around a giant Volkshalles Great Dome, and a stadium capable of holding 400,000. - Public Prosecutor: Suppose that there was no technical problem, would you have carried out this order? Sachsenhausen was originally created to hold political opponents to the the Nazi party. On May 29th, 1942, the SS invited dozens of high ranked Nazi officials for the inauguration of the new installation. Each daytime to get up, wash, use the toilet and eat was very limited in the crowded facilities.

With the special room in the infirmary, there was also an execution place where prisoners were killed by shooting, a mobile gallows and a mechanical gallows which was used for hanging three or four prisoners at the same time. - Public Prosecutor: So, it was you? Within that there was a path used by guards and dogs; it was bordered on the inside by a lethal electric fence; inside that was a death strip forbidden to the prisoners. The Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp was designed by the SS architectsandfounded in 1936 by prisoners from the Emsland camps. Medical tests were carried out on twins; others involved cold-water submersion endurance, the effects of mustard gas, and a drug cocktail of cocaine andmethamphetamine called D-IX, which was experimented with to create an enhanced performance substance for the armed forces. Whilst many of the Nazis concentration camps are instantly familiar through their notorious names, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Dachau, Belsen, and Sobibor amongst them, Sachsenhausen is less well known. Why Did the Nazis Discriminate Against the Jews? The majority of prisoners were forced to work in a nearby brickwork, creating the base building blocks of what was to be Albert Speers vision of the new Berlin; the Welthauptstadt Germania. Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp (KZ-Sachsenhausen) was used by the Nazis between 1936 and 1945. - Kaindl: I ordered the evacuation of all the prisoners able to walk, first in direction of Wittstock, then to Lubeck where they had to embark on ships and sunk. Charlottenburg Palace (27.3 km) What Was the Dambusters Raid in World War Two? Before the outbreak of World War II, most of the inmates were German communists or Soviet prisoners of war, including some Jewish prisoners. By the end of 1936, the camp held 1,600 prisoners. Much of Sachsenhausen was destroyed during and after its liberation by Soviet and Polish troops on 22 April 1945. It can be easily accessed from Berlin. With the advance of the Red Army in the spring of 1945, Sachsenhausen was prepared for evacuation. - Kaindl: Partially yes. On street parking can be found in the streets surrounding Sachsenhausen. A few weeks after the invasion of the Soviet Union by the Nazis, thousands of Soviet POWs were sent to Sachsenhausen. Many were executed or died as the result of brutal medical experimentation. Follow us on social media to add even more wonder to your day. There was a height gauge and a table with an eye scope. Look out for the display boards talking about some of Sachsenhausens more famous political prisoners. All rights reserved. In order to show them how the new installation was efficient, 96 Jews were killed by shooting. Originally situated in an abandoned brewery in Oranienburg, a short train ride from Zoo station, it was home to one of the first concentration camps in 1933. Main telephone: 202.488.0400 In the far corner of the camp is a shallow trench lined with wood. By 1948, Sachsenhausen, now renamed Special Camp No. They were divided into groups of 400. Medical tests were carried out on twins; others involved cold-water submersion endurance, the effects of mustard gas, and a drug cocktail of cocaine and. 15 March - 14 October: every day from 8:30 am to6 pm. Sachsenhausen is a museum today. See. Theres very little by way of amenities at the camp itself, but plenty of cafes and shops in Orianenburg itself. Most of the prisoners were physically exhausted and thousands did not survive this death march; those who collapsed en route were shot by the SS. German forces in Poland shot or deported to concentration camps thousands of Poles, especially teachers, priests, government officials, and other national and community leaders, in an attempt to eliminate the Polish educated elite and thereby prevent organized resistance to German rule in Poland. Much of the grandiose plans were shelved at the outbreak of the war, but the bricks created in Sachsenhausen began to be used in the only completed building of Speers Berlin, the Olympiastadion. In August and September 1938, 900 inmates were once again transferred from Esterwegen to Sachsenhausen in order to take part in the construction of the camp. Hospital wings were developed for medical testing, rudimentary barracks were created for prisoners, and the main iron gates bore the infamous legend found above many concentration camp gates, arbeit macht frei (work makes you free). They were divided in groups of 400. SS Lieutenant Colonel Anton Kaindl replaced Loritz in 1942 and held the position of camp commandant until 1945. Sachsenhausen wasnt built with the facilities to carry out mass murder, but it featured guard towers, high walls with barbed wire, and a lethal electric fence, encircling a death strip. Any prisoner entering this zone would be shot. Most of them were starving, ill and too weak to welcome their liberators. Estimates put the number of Sachsenhausen casualties at between 30,000 and 35,000, many of whom were shot, hung or exterminated in a specially built room in its infirmary. The museum aspects are closed on Mondays in the winter, so avoid visiting then. Most of them were starving, ill and too weak to welcome their liberators. Most of them were killed by shooting or sent to the Punishment Company where they died by beatings, hangings, torture or starvation. Created as a "model concentration camp" to hide Nazi atrocities from the international community, this former camp-ghetto now holds a museum and memorial honoring the lives lost within. On May 3, 1940, for example, 1,200 Polish prisoners arrived in Sachsenhausen from the Pawiak prison in Warsaw. 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW Solitary confinement cell for a British POW shot by the SS. Washington, DC 20024-2126 The SS intended to embark them on ships then sink those ships. But by 1945, over 200,000 prisoners had been through the camp, its population expanded and organized in a loose hierarchy. Until April 1940, the dead were sent to the crematories installed in Berlin, located 35 km from Sachsenhausen. Heinrich Himmler instructed that it was to be a modern, up-to-date, ideal and easily expandable concentration camp. It was laid out in the shape of an equilateral triangle, with its prison buildings grouped around a central guards tower. Like in several other camps, and despite of the medical cares they received, many inmates died in the days following the liberation. By the beginning of 1945 the number of Jewish prisoners had risen to 11,100. History Hit brings you the stories that shaped the world through our award winning podcast network and an online history channel. Some of the most relevant areas are the following: The Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp will not leave any of its visitors indifferent. Between 1936 and 1945, however, Sachsenhausen also held Jews, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, "asocials" (among these prisoners were Roma and Sinti), and, later, Soviet civilians. SS Major Karl Otto Koch replaced Lippert as camp commandant in October, and held the post until the summer of 1937. The execution trench : over 10,000 Russians were murdered here. 88 Dutch civilian hostages killed by the SS in May 1942. In 1944 and begin of 1945, due to the Allied advance, the number of prisoners increased dramatically. In the spring of 1944, SS authorities began to bring thousands of Hungarian and Polish Jews from ghettos and other concentration camps to Sachsenhausen as the need for forced laborers in Sachsenhausen and its subcamps increased. But it was impossible. A plaque marks the former home of Kthe Paulus, an aerial acrobat who invented the modern folding parachute. Crematoriums at Sachsenhausen concentration camp. - Kaindl: The commandant of the camp. Between 1933 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its allies established more than 44,000 camps and other incarceration sites (including ghettos). Just after the "Crystal Night", 1,800 Jews were jailed in Sachsenhausen and killed in the following weeks. The Top Historic Spa Towns to Visit in Europe, The 10 Most Intriguing Medical Museums in the World, 5 Key Cold War Sites and Monuments in Berlin, The Best Roman Bath Ruins to Visit in Europe, 15 Holocaust Sites, Museums and Memorials to Visit, 6 Important Holocaust Sites, Museums and Memorials in Germany, 10 of the Worlds Most Significant World War Two Sites. - Kaindl: Yes. During this meeting, he told me that poisoning of prisoners by prussic acid in special chambers would cause an immediate death. Approximately 60,000 prisoners were held in the camp of which 12,000 died. In August and September 1938, 900 inmates were transferred from Esterwegen to Sachsenhausen in order to take part in the continued construction of the camp. Learn about World War II and the Cold War while you tour the citys subterranean. At the end of September 1939, there were 8,384 prisoners in the camp. The Sachsenhausen concentration camp was built in July 1936, by teams of prisoners transferred there from small camps in the Ems area and elsewhere. This gas chamber was used until the end of the war. - Kaindl: Until mid of 1943, prisoners were killed by shooting or hanging. Heinkel, the aircraft manufacturer, was a major user of Sachsenhausen labour, using between 6,000 and 8,000 prisoners on their He 177 bomber. By the end of September, the Konzentrazions Lager Sachsenhausen was ready and the first political prisoners arrived in the camp. 7,000 prisoners received nothing because we had nothing to give them.

The reconstructed Sachsenhausen draws many visitors: its an easy day trip from Berlin. 5,000 of them were sent to Sachsenhausen, as well as 900 Jews. In August 1945, Sachsenhausen became a Soviet Special Camp. What is London, what is Paris, compared to that!, Conditions in Sachsenhausen were horrendous. There were plus or minus 150 prisoners. But due to technical problems, this order coming directly from Himmler was impossible to fulfill. - Public Prosecutor: What happened then? This website is property of Civitatis Tours SL. Rudimentary in its construction and measuring only 30 feet in length, over 10,000 Russian prisoners of war were murdered here, shot by SS guards standing over the ditch. This number included 1,400 women. Millions of people suffered and died or were killed. 7 was moved to the area of the former concentration camp. There was a hole at the back of the height gauge. Sachsenhausen was infamous for being the site where the Nazis tried and perfected their killing technique. It was located near the administrative center for all of the concentration camps in Oranienburg, and became a central training facility for SS officers. The number of Jewish prisoners in Sachsenhausen varied over the course of the camp's existence, but ranged from 21 at the beginning of 1937 to 11,100 at the beginning of 1945. The layout was intended to allow the machine gun post in the entrance gate to dominate the camp but in practice it was necessary to add additional watchtowers to the perimeter. - Public Prosecutor: Who was responsible for the extermination? Following anti-German demonstrations in Prague in November 1939, German authorities incarcerated some 1,200 Czech university students in Sachsenhausen. For the mass exterminations, we used a special room in the infirmary. Prisoners assigned to the camp prison would be kept in isolation on poor rations and some would be suspended from posts by their wrists tied behind their backs.

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facts about sachsenhausen concentration camp

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