smokers lips treatment near mysuru, karnataka

Long-term increase in pressure leads to enlargement of RV. Avapeedaka Sneha a special variety of SNEHAPAANA towards urolithiasis is proved to be efficient. Many a times there are possibilities to overcome the unhealthy condition of Hyperglycemia and become drug free. A condition in which the heart valves have been permanently damaged by rheumatic fever. As stated previously, different presentations of cardio-myopathy (hypertrophic, stress, dilated etc) depict various disorders in Ayurveda including Vatavyadhi (disorders of Vata), dhatugata leenadosha, Shwasa, vataja gulma etc. Easily gets exhausted and exercise intolerance. Presence of urolithiasis (stone in urinary tract) precipitates UTI.

Pain may range from being slight discomfort to being unbearable to an extent where the patient collapses; it may be localized resembling heartburn or radiate to shoulders, neck, jaw especially on the left.

Heart wall defects & c. Defects of the blood vessels. Ayurvedic perspective of Cardiomyopathy : The site affected as a rule in Cardiomyopathy is the muscular tissue.

Treatment needs : Increased appetite or excess craving for food. Investigations : ECG, Echo, chest X-ray, MRI, cardiac catheterization etc. External therapies like Udwartana (Dry powder massage) is proved beneficial. Panchakarma, specially Vamana followed by Virechana is beneficial. Shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing when lying flat, Increased frequency of urination at night, Symptoms of CAD and accelerated atherosclerosis, Heart Failure With Normal Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction (diastolic heart failure), Atrial fibrillation, other cardiac arrhythmias, or sudden cardiac death. Ayurveda in treating as well as subsiding Stomach / Gastric complications : Most of the time it is difficult to cure Stomach Cancer because it is often not found until it is at an advanced stage. Palliative care with the combinations of medicines as well as various food preparations explained in Ayurveda are highly recommended in situations like patient has difficulty in swallowing.

In case of Bahudosha (adherent toxins / unwanted unsaturated fatty acids) Panchakarma can be done with proper care and caution. Lack of exercise etc., lead to thyroid abnormalities. Medications facilitating normal movement of Vata dosha is utilized. Habits Excessive coffee, Alcohol & Drug abuse, Smoking etc. Stomach is not merely a transitory storage of food before digestion but also secretes acid and enzymes that helps to digest food. Hypo-thyroidism and Hyper-thyroidism . Herbal and herb mineral combination to strengthen Majjadhatu ( ~bone marrow) so that bone change are should not influence Majja if happen so the bone cancer or denegation will get accelerated.

Investigations : Blood tests, Chest X-Ray, ECG &Holter monitor, ECHO,Transesophageal atrial stimulation etc.

medicated smokes are beneficial to relieve acute episodes The principle here is protecting Hridaya marma (~ heart) by re-establishing Vata gati ( direction of Vata Dosha) whilst ensuring ama pachana ( digestion of undigested material) and maintaining dhatu bala (integrity). Copyright 2015-2022 Ayurveda Mysore | All Rights Reserved. Treatment involves In total the benefits of this Ayurveda treatment can be listed as: In Ayurveda it is considered as PARIKARTIKA which means pain as if being cut by a scissor. Sometimes mere change in ones diet and routines too aids to relieve the condition. Obesity is the condition associated with excess and abnormal accumalation of Fat in body. Internally Snehapana (with ghee or oil based medicines) or other medications are administered. Excess indulgence in Kapha and Vata causing factors leads to formation of urolithiasis. Based on severity and location, Atherosclerosis can also cause Stroke, Kidney problems, peripheral artery disease etc. Followed by treatment to enhance ones appetite, digestion and assimilation. Fibroadenomas grow up to 2-3 cm then stop growing whereas phyllodes tumors fast-growing and can increase in size in just few weeks (Sometime grow up to 40 cm), all forms of phyllodes tumor are regarded as having malignant potential, that has an aggressive growth pattern, often leading to a markedly large palpable mass with resultant skin thickening and tenseness of the breast, Malignant phyllodes tumours behave like sarcomas an develop blood-borne metastases, the commonest sites for distant metastases are the lung, bone, and abdominal viscera, Open sore is seen if the tumor breaks through skin though it might be malignant, Biopsy; Core needle but some time excisionalwill be confirmative, Since the nature of the phyllodes tumor is fast growing and tendency to beso surgery will be mandatory, Once the post-surgical would get heeled and suitable for Panchakaram is advised for detoxification before stating internal medications to nullify the nature of rapid growth (Regression), In metastatic conditions, the line of treatment formulated according to metastatic sights, More of meat (Beef, pork, lamb or liver)or processed food (hot dog etc.).

This can take many years to develop and can result in heart failure. Signs & symptoms: depends on the type & severity of inflammation.

Treatments are also aimed to support or manage adverse reaction other therapies like chemo/ radiation etc. Classification is based on the predominance of Dosha (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) and hence the treatment of Cough cannot be generalized in Ayurveda.

Mechanism: occurs when causative factors enter the bloodstream, travel to the heart and attach to abnormal heart valves or damaged heart tissue. UTI is comparatively common in females than in males owing to short length of urethra. Simple NSAIDs to relieve pain

Thickening happens due to gradual, When the Heart fails to get enough blood supply for itself, it is called Ischemia. General signs & symptoms : Signs may occur just after birth or after many years. Plasma cells, part of white blood cells which has an important role in our immune system and are present in bone marrow. It is often difficult to distinguish benign from malignant phyllodes tumors from other benign entities such as fibroadenomas. Excess of spicy, sour food etc. Agni karma (type of burning, locally with a special metal instrument prepared with Panchaloha). (AV block or heart block), Addition of abnormal impulses to the normal. Treatment : Open heart surgery, procedures via catheterisation, medications, heart transplant etc. Pain may sometimes even radiate to legs or hands. Right sided failure : Caused due to pulmonary heart disease. Use of Basti (medicated Enema therapy) may be done to reinstate innate strength. carrying heavy weights on head leads cervical disc lesion Treatment depending on stage :Surgery, Radiation Therapy, Chemotherapy, Targeted Therapy Drugs, Immunotherapy and Palliative are chosen. Chronic viral hepatitis is most common risk factor. Treatment (for Hypertension + Cardiac issue): Medications (Diuretics, Nitrates, Statins, Aspirin etc), Surgery, implantable devices like pacemakers, defibrillators etc. Bone cancers are primary only that starts from bone itself is called. Ayurveda in preventing oesophageal cancer : There are effective treatment and diet regimens to treat repeated irritation caused in oesophagus. Traction therapy to relieve compression. Expectorants and anti tussives to facilitate expulsion of sputum and suppress cough. medicated smokes are beneficial to relieve acute episodes. The stability and instability of occurrence of chest pain may be correlated to the extent of Ama, Rasa vikruti, Vyana-Udana-Prana dushti (including anyonyavarana) and involvement of Sadhaka Pitta ( a type of Pitta). Stomach is a part of digestive system, it is J-shaped hollow organ present in the upper abdomen between Oesophagus and Small Intestine. Oral cancer in India is different compared to the western countries as most common cause us tobacco (70%) and found in 3rd or 4th stage associated with higher risk. Among tridoshapredominately Vatadosha resides in colon and that is the one which regulates the movement of Pitt and Kapha so the treatments are: Aimed for regulating vatadosha for regression of tumour. Kidney stones or medically termed as Urolithiasis is a clinical condition where salts of calcium and phosphorous and other minerals deposit in the renal structures leading to calculus formation. Steroids to suppress auto immunity Formulations such as brihatvata chintamani, drakshadi kashayam, Nagarjunabhra rasa etc are beneficial. When the prognosis is often very poor. They may develop as consequences of underlying anomalies such as Udavarta, Dhatugata Vata, Pandu etc. Here there is no need to cut open the track, the healing process will be very fast also the recurrence chance is very minimal. A feeling that the bowel does not empty properly after a bowel movement. Sometimes after the child birth, know as Post partum Oligomennohrea, near to menopause or drug induced. Local internal findings such as Hrudi Vidradhi (wound/abscess in the heart) can also cause angina. Many oral medications have proven results against Oligomennohrea. Snehapana ( intake of ghee / oil or any form of lipids) and swedana ( sudation) offers targeted removal of adherent ama without harming the delicate circulatory structures.,

This is called Myocardial Infarction (MI).

The samprapti (pathogenesis) depicts mamasavaha srotodushti (problem in the channel of muscle tissue?) Cirrhosis of liver : Most common cause seen where liver cells are damages and replaced with scar tissue. But one can expect the best result. Hardening of the arterial wall is a progressive condition that may begin in childhood and progress with age. Oral cancer includes caner affecting lips, tongue, floor of the mouth, palate, gingiva, alveolar mucosa, buccal mucosa, and oropharynx. Very early stage of oesophageal cancer is responds well to Ayurveda treatment.

Inherted metabolic disease : Like people with hereditary hemochromatosis absorb too much iron from their blood.

Cause and Statistics : It is the 4th leading cancer in the world and the 2nd most common cause of death due to malignancy. Ayurveda considers the condition of Hyperglycemia under various heads like Ajeerna, Kelda Vikruti, Prameha etc. Breast Cancer now become the most common female cancer in urban India, varies from as low as 5 per 1 lakh female population per year in rural areas to 30 per 1 lakh female population per year in urban areas. It can affect the atrium (. Investigations : ChestX-Ray, ECG, Blood tests etc. Medications to subside diarrhea and regularize bowel movements, Ayurveda terms the conditions as Grahani. Ayurveda in preventing Stomach / Gastric Cancer : Considering the risk factors a healthy stomach can prevent it from being victim of cancer. Altered bowel habits (increased / reduced frequency). The conditions is usually diagnosed by calculating BMI or waist Hip ratio.

Sira broadly refers to entire channels carrying body fluids and therefore can be Arteries, Veins or Lymphatic vessels. Breathing difficulty It may be alone or in association with other Doshas, localized or radiating which gives rise to different types. Most Stomach Cancers are a type called Adenocarcinoma (Cancer started in the glandular tissue that lines the inside of the stomach).

Fibrillation : Multiple micro re-entry circuits cause the heart to beat rapidly with irregular & unsynchronised contraction of cardiac muscle cells. Also, the relatively hidden nature of the gallbladder makes it easier for gallbladder cancer to grow without being detected. For indolent disease with a more generalized distribution, immunosuppressive agents as well as low dose chemotherapy may be used. These types of are different fromconditions which utilize abnormal conduction pathways. Ayurveda terms the condition as Kati Shoola / Grudhrasi / Vishwachi which are different presentations of Vata Vyadhi. Obesity is not just an aesthetic concern but also has numerous associated abnormalities. It is based on the individual. External therapies like Kati Basti (pooling oil over back), Sudation therapy etc. In long standing Vrana, this mechanism is similar to pathological changes in complicated plaques such as Ulceration, thrombosis, haemorrhage etc. Treatment is aimed to reduce the associated risk factors of obesity. Bone cancer are mostly secondary or metastatic cancer of breast, prostate, lung etc., similarly multiple myeloma is most common cancer that start from bone marrow but cause tumour in bone. Patients with Disc lesions typically present with : Pain may sometimes even radiate to legs or hands. Sometimes associated with fever. When they starts multiply uncontrollably leads to myeloma. Both medical and surgical management are available. When the part of heart affected gets very less blood supply or is completely cut off, the muscle gets damaged or dies. injury caused by spinal anesthesia, a pre-operative procedure in various surgeries etc.

Normally impaired Vata has got an affinity towards bony tissue (, Coronary Artery Disease is the most common type of heart disease which is one among the leading causes of death worldwide. Incidence of mortality (death) is also increasing. It may be a complication of anal abscess. Treatment involves attempts to correct the cause of Oligomennohrea. Medications can be used during other conventional therapies like chemo, radio, immune etc.

Signs & symptoms are explained extensively. Why (cause) and Where it occurs is important as it influences treatment which is the only need of the patient. The pathognomic feature of Athisthoulya is presence of lax fat deposits in abdomen hips and chest. Structurally colon is a hallow muscular tube about 1.5 meters long having 4 parts i.e., Ascending colon which starts form the end of small intestine, transverse colon, descending colon and sigmoid colon which is S shaped continues as rectum and connects anus. Smooth muscle relaxants and NSAIDs to relieve pain and fever. Treatment of Vatavyadhi is one of the greatest strengths of Ayurveda. Local radiotherapy for indolent local disease has been found successful.

Therefore cardiovascular diseases may not always fall under Hrudroga. Mechanism : It is an inflammatory disease that can affect many connective tissues, especially in the heart, joints, or brain. For instant pain reduction, immediate regulation of Vata is of prime importance. The cause are mainly, few of them are, Ayurveda has also given a special importance to Cough and it is called as Kaasa. Ayurveda terms piles as ARSHAS which is caused due to improper Food habits and Lifestyle. Among various causes, suppression of natural urges, excess of dieting, altered sleep habits etc precipitate the chances of occurence Vatavyadhi. Suppression of natural urges / chronic constipated bowels too has significant impact on breathing difficulty. Virechana (medically induced Purgation) is one of the ideal Panchakarma beneficial in the condition. Presence of strictures or other structural abnormalities in urinary tract give scope for UTI. Hence the treatment will be to curb the causative pathology while subsequently maintaining the cardiac health. Bone cancer are mostly secondary or metastatic cancer of breast, prostate, lung etc., similarly multiple myeloma is most common cancer that start from bone marrow but cause tumour in bone. Sub-cutaneous administration of insulin etc. Angiosarcoma and hemangiosarcoma : Rare cancers of begin in liver blood vessels. Prostate is a small walnut size and shaped glad in men that produces seminal fluid for nourishing and sperm transport.

Varieties of Basti enema therapies give excellent results. with underlying rasavaha srotodushti (vitiation of channel of plasma tissue?).

Healthy ways and means of eating considering individual body type, age, season, nature of food, time of day and night are key factors behind healthy stomach. This condition can be effectively managed and prevented through practises such as Nitya Abhyanga (regular oil application to the body), Pranayama, seasonal shodhana (Panchakarma) etc. The gallbladder is a small, pear shaped hollow organ of 7 to 10cm long and 3 cm broad at its widest part and 30 to 50ml capacity. Fistula is a narrow tunnel / blind tract with its internal opening in the anal canal and external opening in the skin around the anus.

A very rare form of skin lymphoma that is localized primarily to the subcutaneous adipose tissue/ subcutaneous tissue without palpable involvement of the lymph nodes.

Sthanika kha vaigunya can also occur directly in manovikara ( Psychologicalproblems), as seen in involvement of Hridaya in Unmada, Apasmara ( these are the types of Psycological disorders) samprapti and lakshana. Looking at pathology, signs, symptoms and its secondary complication at its later stage, involves majorly 4 Dhatu (tissues) of rasa (~ Plasma), Raktha (~ Blood), Asthi (~ Bone) and Majja (~ Bone marrow), Prevent reduction in bone density to avoid pathological fracture, Regulate or to rectify bone marrow and liver functions, Best in avoiding secondary complications like bone destruction and kidney problems, Breast lump with tendency to grow quickly with-in a week to month. in Hridaya, and ultimately, Hridroga.,,,,are%20to%2040%20cm%20big,,1%25%20of%20all%20breast%20neoplasms, Therefore Cardiovascular diseases may not always fall under Hrudroga. Common causes of Irritable bowel syndrome are : Conventional treatment involves wide range of options which are opted based on the need.

Improper dietary habits, excess of oily spicy foods, improper sleep patterns also contribute towards painful menstruation. Antibodies produced by myeloma cells will impair kidney function and leading to kidney failure. Antibiotics to combat against infection. Ayurveda treatment for multiple myeloma : The word Phyllodes is from Greek term which means leaf like appearance of growth. If the cancer has spread to surrounding tissues or organs and / or the regional lymph nodes, the 5-year survival rate is 28%. Vata is responsible for all kinds of Pain. This damage is expressed through chest pain (Angina) which is the predominant sign of CAD.

To reduce further growth or advance stage tridosha needs attentions. According to a study conducted in Karnataka, Gastric Cancer ranks amongst the 5th most common cancers. Gallbladder uncommon and when discovered at its earliest stages the chance for a cure is very good. Unexplained iron deficiency in men, or in women after menopause. Tobacco use and drinking a lot of alcohol. It refers to narrowing of arteries on the inside due to thickening and hardening because of plaque deposition.

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