zine printing techniques

heck out this post at Caradoc Games for a bunch of good links, check out his data on last years zinequest, excellent blogpost about making a zine here, The Submerged Spire of Sarpedon the Shaper, Pleasures of the OSR: Emergent Story and Open Worlds, So You Want to Make a Zine: Paper Selection and Physical Assembly, Pleasures of the OSR: Secrecy and Discovery, Downtime Activities: Building an Institution, NIGHTWICK ABBEY: The Purple Eater of People Session 22, Dragon Slayers of The Drinking Crow- To The Crystal Pear Tree. If youre feeling ambitious, you can decorate the other side so that once people are done reading, they can unfold the zine into a poster. Ffotons #portraitcymru zine used simple staple binding. Just make something that reflects how youre feeling or what youre thinking about at the moment. If you're just getting started, here's a guidecomplete with illustrations by Ambar Del Moralto help you out.

The image is then offset (or transferred) from this roller onto a second roller with a rubber blanket on it. These images show what ghosting can look like when you use CYMK colours for small text instead of greyscale which would only use back ink. For this reason, it has a lower cost for smaller print runs than offset printing, since no setup is required and volume doesn't affect the pricing. Buy the off-brand stuff; it is the same thing made on the same production line, and over several years, it has caused no appreciable damage to my machine. There are two types of zines that Id recommend as a place to start: eight-page folding mini zines and standard booklets made from folded printer paper. Welcome to the VICE Guide to Life, our imperfect advice on becoming an adult. And a booklet is simply sheets of paper bound together. Getting your colours just right is important in colour photo printing, so you need to know about converting RGB to CMYK.The key thing to remember is your computer screen creates RGB colours using light, while professional printing machines (Digital and Offset-Litho) create CMYK colours using ink - just like mixing paint. (This is only possible with precision trimming, since every printer leaves a border of white around the pages printed. In contemporary offset printing, they begin by separating the colors of your PDF into black, cyan, magenta, and yellow, and etch each color onto its own separate flexible aluminum plate. The last decision is how you want to bind it all together. I'm OK with not having known all that then. This means that it could be nearly invisible when printed, whereas a small increase to 10% will make it easily visible in print. They also can fold, staple, and trim a zine for you. But I feel like I could definitely do better, both in terms of price and in terms of focusing my effort where it counts. If you want something nice for either, go to your local paper store. If your photo zine is going to be perfect bound you should increase your quiet area to a total of 10mm away from the binding edge. We wouldnt recommend recycled paper for photos, because of the heavy texture and brown tint which dramatically dulls colors. The following guide, written for Ffoton by Mixams Adam Smith, provides a great overview of things you should consider and a ton of useful information to give your photography the best chance of looking just right on the printed page. If youre more of a computer kid than crafty type, make it digitally. We always recommend that you laminate the cover of your zine, because it looks more professional and provides protection from wear and tear, as well as sweaty fingers, which can make the ink rub off over time. Immortal Zyan is the great floating city of Wishery. Staple bound zines on the other hand, dont require an additional quiet area on the binding edge, as the staples dont take up as much room and therefore the standard 5mm quiet area on all edges is quite sufficient. A silk paper cover with a matt lamination is the recommended safe default option to achieve the best reproduction. If you want to make a stapled zine, that means you will be using printer paper folded in half (so that the left and right sides touch) to make a booklet. The drums use an electrostatic charge to attract the toner onto the surface of the drum, which is then rolled onto a sheet of paper. A little utilitarian, but otherwise fine! My impression is that the ink is much less expensive for the Epson ET-2750 over the long run. Plus, a lot of zine makers are active on Tumblr and Instagram. And to give yourself the permission to say it. However, there will always be slight manufacturing variances when your paper is trimmed, which is why you need to add bleed to your print files. If you go this route, there is a higher starting cost, but the more copies you order, the more money youll save. That said, there is another set of costs in terms of quality: Eco-tank printers don't print black and white text quite as sharply as monocrhome laser printers, but, on the other hand, they can definitely be set to settings that allow you to print much higher quality images. This Indigo Digital Printing, the print shop I used for Issues 1 & 2 of, Here I am trimming the umpteenth copy of my own damn zine, These pretty colors were made with a risograph printer. You can either use normal sewing thread or thicker embroidery thread. This is the line on which you expect your materials to be cut as the printing machine trims the edges of your paper to the desired size. Then a vegetable oil based ink corresponding to relevant color is applied, flowing to the parts of the plate that are dry. Given that there's no setup, it makes no difference if you're printing 1 copy or 1000 copies of something. 130gsm is the recommended standard thickness. Then well show you 3 examples to help you make the artistic choices to enhance the reading experience of your photo zine. vt artist printmaker randolph matt brown wood demo talk skies fields landscape yellow This means that if your zine is black and white, it will have to be printed on a color printer. Then you will be able to set up your bleed and quiet areas to make your file print ready. Thank you for this article: this is of immense use to me and I hope to see more on zine topics later. Even better: Go to a zine fest if you can. And dont forget that the total number of sides must always be divisible by 4. The total number of pages (or sides) in your zine must be a multiple of 4 - as each sheet of paper printed will produce two pages on each side of each paper sheet (a single image printed as a spread still counts as two pages). In terms of price, there is no setup cost for digital printing. The first page will be on the same piece of paper as the last page, for instance. The paper costs me about 55 cents per zine. So I've been working away on my first zine, Through Ultan's Door, and the first issue is ready for physical assembly. Aesthetically, having design elements too close to the edge of your page can look messy and unprofessional.

To achieve it: Fold your zine in half to make a crease, poke three holes along the fold, and thread through the holes with a simple running stitch until it feels secure. I frequently run 200+ page zines jobs (double sided) with no jams or errors yet (and I've printed probably 2K pages) 32 pages per minute, 2000 pages per knockoff $20 cartridge." Decide what your zine is going to be about, Decide what format your zine is going to be, 5 People on What They Wish They Knew in Their First Relationships, How to Make a Political Impact if You Can't Vote. In fact, it's likely that your digital print shop won't even list separate prices for black and white printing. Silk The recommended default paper choice with a smooth finish, Gloss A popular choice for photo albums, because its shiny and increases colour saturation, Uncoated Gives a slightly rough look and feel and dulls colours a little, Recycled A very rough feeling textured paper that dulls colours considerably. Your zine doesnt have to be the most brilliant publication ever, or even the piece of work youre proudest of. To give you an example, the blue-green colour we use for the Mixam logo is made up of C:65 M:0 Y:28 K:0 with 65% cyan, 0% magenta, 28% yellow and 0% black, the total saturation out of the possible 400% is 93%. Thank you for the incredibly helpful blog post.

When looking at it on your computer screen, there probably isnt much difference between the two types of black, but there will be a noticeable contrast when they are printed onto paper. Just as a note, there is in digital also the possibility to print in 4C Inkjet today.

(Do some tests to make sure youre feeding the paper in with the correct sides up). Were all here to help one another. But there is a catch. We were immediately hooked on the idea of collaborating on cheap little books together. I believe Mandy, Jennifer, Hannah and Vivka. That means handwriting and drawing whatever you want the content of your zine to be. So you would need at least 36 sides to achieve the minimum thickness for your booklet to be perfect bound. Imagine that your page design has a blue background which ends at the trim line. Saturation is about carefully combining colours, so be wary of overdoing it unnecessarily. And one way to find a cheap local(ish) printer is to go to wherever you can get free publications (local magazines) and find out who is printing them.". Stitch-binding, where the book is sewn together at the spine with thread, is a little more work, but has a nice DIY look. This Canon Image Classic is a simpler model than what I have. The word on the street is that digital printing does better with black and white than with color--since it loses some of the sharp contrasts and vividness of color printing. In CMYK printing, this is the one which prints using black ink. No longer must you rely on physical trips to your local printer. I promise never to use jar Let me give a natural description of how combat works in D&D. And this isn't a good development for us, because most zines are black and white, and color printing is much more expensive. You may consider printing the insides on normal printing paper and the cover on a heavier-weight paperpeople almost always judge books by their covers, even if theyre taught not to. I, at least, wasnt thinking critically about the radical potential of self-publishing, or the capacity for zines to spread political resources, help start movements, or create subcultural communities across long-distances before the internet made that easy. We print on white paper. Also known as saddle stitched binding. Most are staple bound because its cheap and effective. You would typically request a printed proof of your zine before committing to your final print run. But it's still not as cheap as I would like. These are all the essentials you need to know for printing your zine. When you choose rich black, all four inks are still used which means that four separate ink plates are layering the different coloured inks on top of one another. Weve covered paper types, laminations, bindings, bleed and CMYK colour and given three good examples. There are stitch-bound zines, perfect-bound zines, accordion zines, tiny zines that come in matchboxes, large poster-sized zines that unfurl, and digital, online-only zines. For full folding instructions, check out this handy dandy video. The blocks of colour below show the range of colours that can be achieved with varying degrees of saturation of the constituent colours, from 100% saturation to 400% saturation. Also, because the finish wont adhere to the paper very well. Each person gets to make (at least one) to hit roll against an enemy per David Macauley It feels good to have built something. If you haven't read their harrowing accounts of Zak Smith's abuse, you should go d Let me tell you about a game my father played with me as a child. Creating a printed compilation of your photos is part-technical challenge and part-artistic expression. Although printing machines can process JPEGs, Word documents and other low res files, we strongly recommend uploading PDF files exported using the high quality print setting from your chosen Adobe or publishing Application. Your design also needs to completely fill this bleed area. If you need some inspiration, look up whether theres a bookstore near you that sells zines. My friends and I learned the medium because a cool older artist had shown us. It can also mean gathering archival photos, Xeroxing images from books, cutting stuff out from magazines, and printing out text (or using a typewriter), then pasting them all together onto the page. If the printer youre using doesnt have that setting, there are websites that can help you put the pages in the correct order. Whichever printing method you opt for, the finished project will rarely look great if you have chosen very low or high saturation of any one colour. Zines can take all kinds of forms, some easier than others to make. This is another reason that digital printing is a good option for zines, which often have a small print run of 100-200 copies. If youre working digitally, you can create each page individually and save as a normal PDF. I'll resign myself to copy paper for the first couple prints but I would like if I could use some paper that is at least *slightly* better quality.Anyway, the two printers I'm looking at are: 1. the Epson Expression ET-2750 that you mention in this blog, and 2. the Canon Imageclass mf445dw.My main conundrum is with regard to which will be cheaper in the long-run: buying ink for the Epson or buying toner cartridges for the Canon. While modern printing machines are incredibly accurate, preparing for slight discrepancies will ensure that there are no unpleasant surprises. This will increase the drying time needed and the amount of ink required to get the fullness of the colours and can make the process more expensive as a result. This will give you a vibrant result when printed without overdoing it and ending up with muddy colours or excessive costs. These services were attractive at the time for those who didn't want to worry about figuring printing out, or trek to the post-office and deal with packaging a ton of orders. This does mean that printing in black and white is cheaper than using full colour, but using only K/black ink will not give you the kind of depth to your blacks as you would get with the full range of inks. I've watched my print shop do it a few times now: they just load the paper into the machine, toggle a few settings on the computer, and the machine starts churning out copies. If youre making a large run of zines or printing a very colorful zine, you may consider getting it done professionally by a local press or an online printer. So if the trimming blade falls outside of the trim line, into the bleed area, which is empty, you will end up with a white line along the edge of your blue page. Also, if I'm being honest, my circulation has grown enough that physically assembling zines threatens to take the joy out of the whole thing--and in fact is becoming nearly impossible. The image below shows the smaller, darker circle clearly visible inside a slightly lighter circle and would be printed using only black ink. Adobe InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop (and alternative photo imaging applications) allow you to switch RGB colours to CMYK colours. Print shops can do high quality printing in big volumes very quickly. zine ker letterpress The recommended default paper thickness is 130gsm. You submit a PDF, and then they host it. It used to be that your only option was print on demand services that handle both printing and distribution. Because despite all the way that zines allow us to resist, they can also just be an excuse to collaborate, or to put something that's entirely your own out into the world. This is known as ghosting and leaves a blurry effect which is commonly seen in newspaper printing. Its also possible for the trimming blade to fall inside of the trim line (into the quiet area) as it is to fall outside of the trim line (into the bleed area) chopping off part of your design. A standard stapler wont reach to the middle of the page, so buy a long-armed stapler from an art supply store or borrow one from an art studio. It can be a reason to ask yourself: What do I have to say? They are not found that often this days because they are expensive in relation to toner machines. https://www.amazon.com/Brother-Monochrome-HL-L2350DW-Two-Sided-Replenishment/dp/B0763WDSYZ, @vyderac wrote, "Its been my experience there you can use your own paper on copy machines if you bring it with you. They can handle heavier paper weight and cardstock.

So if youre printing night-time photos with lots of black, youll need to make sure your paper isnt too thin because it has to hold all that dark ink. When you add cyan, magenta and yellow ink to the pure black ink, the end result is a deeper and more saturated colour. Since most zines are black and white, digital printing seems like a good option. Papers come in 4 types; silk, gloss, uncoated and recycled. Each has their own look and feel, which changes how your photographs will look when printed.

This is because the trimming blade can fall slightly outside of the trim line, trimming your paper within the bleed area. So this is something to consider when creating your print file, as additional bleed and quiet areas may be needed. This applies to your cover design too. Compare these two images to see how different the types of black can look on paper. More info on how to format, print, and staple those below! For this reason, we always recommend sticking to a saturation level between 150% and 250% in total for all four colours. Its not uncommon for photographers to create zines with uncoated interior pages and a silk cover thats matt laminated. A 20-page zine will usually be staple bound. Congratulations! So there's a trade-off there. If youre printing a booklet, like a zine, we highly recommend giving it a proper cover with a laminated finish for both presentation and protection. In terms of quality, if you've purchased my zine, you can ask yourself this: does my zine look good enough for you? Hey Ben, I'm trying to start a small printing project. And I'm providing super fancy paper for them to use and doing the assembly by hand. It was printed on Mixam. The advertising copy about it say that it prints at "near off-set quality"! If the answer is yes, then digital printing will work fine. As a result, they don't give you many printing options, in terms of materials and binding, and all the printing is (obviously) digital. imposition This excellent zine is laid out entirely in MS Word. Although it might seem counter-intuitive, printing those in CYMK is better value than using just K (black) and printing them separately. Sometimes you will want to use an extra intense black, known as rich black which is darker than the black you get from using black ink on its own. This is to accommodate the square spine and prevent important details from being lost in the spine gutter. Generally, people apply a matt lamination to a silk paper cover or a gloss lamination to a gloss paper cover because they enhance the aesthetics of these paper types. To make that border go away, you need to be able to trip the top bottom and right side of the zine. Depending on what kinds of materials youre most comfortable with, there are a lot of ways to design your zine. The Pre Empyrean Chronicles, 3000 - To the Second Week of 3021 CE. Check out Unity Press, 3 Dot Zine, Brown Recluse Zine Distro, and RE/search to start. Use the CMYK Profile: Coated GRACoL 2006 (ISO 12647-2:2004) for best results when printing with Mixam. However, because these papers will not be laminated, the edges will scuff over time and the print may become marked or rub off. Adam Smith is the Marketing Manager at Mixam, a print company thats disrupting their industry through innovation with their Instant Price Calculator and online features to make print easy and accessible to everyone. The world of zine-making is endlessly vast. For More Stories Like This, Sign Up for Our Newsletter, Zines with more than 60 pages may be too thick to staple or sew. Fantastic blog post!Really delves into detail! Following the diagram above, fold it into eight rectangles and cut a horizontal slit down the center of the page between the four innermost rectangles. There are also zine libraries at some colleges. I wholeheartedly approve of this series!For B&W, Canon laser printers are a very good, affordable choice. You can get a rich black with all the depth you need using saturation of less than 200% so long as the values of the four colours are well-balanced. Once all your pages are together, youre done!

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zine printing techniques

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