emba-global asia columbia/hku/lbs

We also have IEAT Prep Courses to help you achieve your dream IEAT score. Which exam to give for which course & country? It achieved this ranking thanks to a perfect score in the highest weighted ranking indicator, employer reputation. Three, make sure you get buy-in from your family. The diversity in my group has expanded my perspective and understanding of others tremendously, facilitating my personal and professional growth. Joint EMBA programs are offered between two or more business schools, with candidates graduating with an MBA degree from each university. Length of program: Five terms, meeting approximately, Requires two five-day residencies, held at the start of the first two semesters, Length of program: Six terms, meeting approximately every Saturday, over 24 months, Requires three three-day residencies, held at the start of the first three semesters, Employer financial sponsorship is welcome, though not required, Monthly classes that alternate between London and New York, A unique program in which you earn two full MBA degrees after studying in these two major hubs of global business, Career services and alumni privileges at each school, Columbia Business School: +1 (212) 854-1961 or, London Business School: +44 (0)20 7000 7509 or, May be taken on the respective regularly scheduled class weekends, as well as during international seminars and as weeklong global electives, May be selected from electives offered by the Full-Time MBA Program, as well as at other graduate schools at Columbia University. Thats why we designedflexible optionsthat meetthe needs of working executives. (300-330 words), Have you ever experienced culture shock? We use cookies to improve your experience. A native Londoner, she holds an MSc in Marketing Strategy & Innovation from Cass Business School and a BA in Classical Studies & English from Newcastle University. East coast, west coast? Copyright 2022 Taught Postgraduate Admissions, Executive Master of Business Administration, Master of Business Administration (International), Master of Finance in Financial Technology, Targeted Taught Postgraduate Programmes Fellowships Scheme, A recognized Bachelor's degree or equivalent; and, Minimum 5 years of working experience; and, A GMAC Executive Assessment, GMAT or GRE test score, A TOEFL / IELTS / PTE score if the applicant is non-native English speaker and not from an English teaching University.

Executive MBA Ranking 2020". EMBA-Global Asia is offered jointly by three prestigious business schools, Columbia Business School, London Business School and The HKU Business School.

EMBA-Global Asia, the powerful partnership between London Business School, The University of Hong Kong, and Columbia Business School provides globally focused executives and managers with the insight, expertise, networks, and multifaceted perspectives to become successful leadersanywhere in the world. The joint program offered by the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) is this years second-best performer in the joint programs ranking. Prepare to gain knowledge, as well as a whole new network. We are certain that our expert consultants will be able to help you in your journey. The top 10 joint programs can be seen below. What is the oldest university in the world? For Beenu Arora, the answer was the Executive MBA-Global, a program run jointly by Columbia Business School, London Business School and HKU Business School in Hong Kong that is surely one of the worlds most intense and most compelling business education experiences. A Global Graduate Experience Like None Other: The Executive MBA From Columbia, London & HKU, FAVORITE PROFESSORS OF THE EMBA CLASS OF 2020, WHY WHARTONS EMBA RANKS SO LOW IN THE NEW 2020 FINANCIAL TIMES RANKING, 2022 Best & Brightest Executive MBA: Ledford Powell, Wharton School, 10 Best Executive MBA Programs Under $100K, 2022 Best & Brightest Executive MBA: Maria Villaquiran, Columbia Business School, 2022 Best & Brightest Executive MBA: Petra Haddad, INSEAD, 2022 Best & Brightest Executive MBA: Ledford Powell, Wharton School (491 views), 10 Best Executive MBA Programs Under $100K (452 views), 2022 Best & Brightest Executive MBA: Petra Haddad, INSEAD (393 views), 2022 Best & Brightest Executive MBA: Maria Villaquiran, Columbia Business School (392 views), Columbia Business School Tops 2021 Executive MBA Ranking (345 views). In which areas of development has the applicant progressed most in the time youve known them? For example, the fact that speakers have been giving virtual talks has meant that people who would not have been able to travel to campuses have been able to appear, resulting in a more varied and more senior group of speakers. Burgplatz 2 EMBA Admission Questions? Bezogen auf die Karrieremglichkeiten und den anschlieenden beruflichen Werdegang der Absolventinnen und Absolventen belegt das Programm weltweit den 7. Career management services are provided by each partner school. (maximum 500 words), Essay 2# Please describe a situation either work or personal where you faced a particular challenge. Read more and discover the oldest universities in the world, still in operation after more than 900 years and still offering world-class facilities and teaching. Das ist eine lange Zeit. I felt the impact of the EMBA-Global programme immediately. (maximum 500 words), Essay 3# (Personal statement) Please tell us about yourself and your background.

501, 5th Floor, Rustomjee Sangam The timetable enables highly-focused learning, minimising your time spent away from the office and ensuring optimum learning impact. Launched in 2001, EMBA-Global was jointly developed by London Business School and Columbia Business School to inspire and cultivate entrepreneurial thinking and a truly global perspective. 3. If you are interested in the EMBA-Global program, please reach out to the EMBA-Global admissions teams: EMBA Application Deadlines (applications go live in August), Learn more about the Friday/Saturday option. Der Abschluss des Kellogg-WHU EMBA ist international anerkannt. An impressive 41 percent of the programs current students are women, while 24 different nationalities are represented across the intake. (Die WHU hat diese Akkreditierung bereits 1998 als erste deutsche Hochschule erhalten.). When was the Oxford University founded? EMBA-Global Asia students bring variety and depth to the learning experience, enabling them to develop a broader global perspective and foster professional relationships and networks worldwide.

Die Akkreditierungen der WHU besttigen neben den herausragenden Rankingergebnissen die Erfolge der WHU: EQUIS (seit 1998): Auszeichnung und hchst anspruchsvolle Akkreditierung weltweiter Hochschulen, deren gesamte Organisation durch herausragende Qualitt hervorsticht. And that is why many managers, often more narrowly trained and skilled, return to graduate school for the executive version of the MBA. So drfen sich Absolventinnen und Absolventen ber die weltweit drittbeste prozentuale Gehaltssteigerung nach Abschluss des Programms freuen. If you are short on time and want to talk to an expert ASAP, call us right now at +65 6812 9999 to setup a meeting WITHIN the day. Two letters of recommendation using the EMBA-Global recommendation form. The Columbia/HKU/LBS program takes between 16 and 20 months to complete, depending on elective choices. Core courses are delivered primarily in Hong Kong. Executive MBA-Ranking 2020 basiert sowohl auf Daten der Hochschulen als auch auf Daten der Programmteilnehmenden. 6. GMAT scores, or their equivalents, carry less weight than in full-time MBA application processes. Want to study in New York? By taking advantage of the Schools' location, students hear from influential and industry leaders worldwide. A TYPICAL CLASS: ROUGHLY 100 STUDENTS WITH 25% EACH FROM EUROPE, ASIAN AND NORTH & CENTRAL AMERICA. Interestingly, the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University is the most represented business school in the top 10, with three joint programs making the cut. Simply fill in the form below and our EMBA consultants will be in touch to provide you more details to help you start with your EMBA application. Keep it up! This program achieved a perfect score of 100 in three out of five ranking indicators: employer reputation, career outcomes and diversity. 1318 Level 13 Folgerichtig wird das Qualittsmanagement von zentralen Akteuren gesteuert und als Gemeinschaftsaufgabe aller Stakeholder einer Hochschule verstanden. Because of its inherently international flavor, this program has been understandably impacted more than most by the COVID pandemic.

This includes being able to design and implement strategies that drive competitive advantage, enable and deliver innovation and inspire those who work with them. Informationen zu den Studiengebhren und Strukturen des EMBA Programms sind hierbei die wohl relevantesten Punkte. Tel. Es besteht auerdem die Mglichkeit, an Probevorlesungen teilzunehmen, um sich ein ganz eigenes Bild ber die Dozenten und die Stimmung an der Hochschule zu machen. Especially if you had just had your first child? During a conversation over dinner in London one evening following classes, he explained his business concept to some classmates. Placed immediately behind the Kellogg/HKUST program in third place is the joint program offered by INSEAD and Tsinghua University.

Even before finishing, he has already achieved his aims, having moved into sales marketing, which he says resonates far more with him than his previous job. Wer jahrelang Berufserfahrung gesammelt hat, bereits Personal- oder Budgetverantwortung trgt und nun die Karriereleiter im Business noch einen Schritt weiter hochsteigen mchte, kann sich fr den Executive MBA entscheiden. With the highest proportion of non-local undergraduate students amongst all Faculties at HKU, and two of our undergraduate programmes ranked amongst the Universitys Top 5 and Hong Kongs Top 10 programmes, HKU Business School attracts the best and brightest students from Hong Kong and beyond. After Europe, North America is the next most common, with six cities represented, and then Asia with four. David P. Jude graduated from this EMBA program in 2016 and now works as an executive director at the Kentucky State Police Foundation. Super high-quality! Die sehr hnliche Berufserfahrung und auch Lebenserfahrung der EMBA-Anwrter ermglichen einen qualitativ hohen Austausch. As a technologist by background, he lacked an understanding of financing, capital structure allocation or many other business fundamentals. What would you say are the applicants key strengths and talents?

The 18-month long Kellogg/HKUST program includes 18 weekends and two live-in week modules in Hong Kong, a 10-day live-in module in Chicago, and global elective weeks in six partner school campuses around the world. Neben den oben genannten Kategorien bercksichtigte das Ranking auch Kategorien wie Vielfalt und Fhrungskrfteprofil. Opp. 1 in the World MBA Rankings released by the Economist Intelligence Unit for nine consecutive years from 2010 to 2018. Die amerikanische Agentur zeichnet sich durch ihre lange Tradition, ihr umfangreiches Netz-werk und das gegenseitige Voneinander-Lernen aus. Neben der hervorragenden Gesamtbewertung kann das Kellogg-WHU EMBA Programm in einigen Kategorien besonders punkten. You have a full slate of responsibilities, yet youre determined to earn the best MBA possible. 5. : +49 261 6509-184 Youll learn from expert faculty who shape global business and study with other high-potential, globally-focused executives representing a wide range of industries. Does the applicant have the potential to become a senior manager? Graduates are alumni of all three schools and have full, life-long access to an unparalleled global alumni network with more than 100,000 alumni from the three schools. I didnt expect to develop such close and lasting relationships with the instructors.

Unsurprisingly, the cities with the greatest representation include global business hubs London, New York, and Singapore, which each feature three times in the top 10. They are also bright, both in terms of intelligence, but also in terms of their personalitywho they are, how they come across. Another quality that makes good candidates stand out is resilience. After all, Hunter points out, the EMBA-Global is hard work, mentally, physically and emotionally. Whatever it is you want to do, the EMBA-Global will expand your view on how you look at the world and give you choice in how you want to utilise your core skills. One, keep an open mind. EMBA-Global is internationally recognised as one of the world's top Executive MBA programmes. Despite being disruptive, this has had some small upsides, says Lennnoxsmith. D-56179 Vallendar 7. Die Business School Rankings knnen hierbei zwar teilweise helfen, allerdings gibt es keine Rankings ausschlielich fr deutsche Universitten. Please comment on the applicants business ethics. The joint EMBA program offered by the University of Kentucky and the University of Louisville in the US is ranked 24th in this years ranking.

Your new global network.

Discover the top 10 universities in London this year, based on the QS World University Rankings 2021, QS Master's Events in Middle East and Africa, Ranked: The top 100 universities in the USA, Studying in the US: East Coast vs West Coast, QS World University Rankings methodology: Usin, 10 of the Oldest Universities in the World, Find your perfect University program with our matching tool. The School strives to nurture first-class business leaders and to foster both academic and applied research to serve the needs of Hong Kong, China and the rest of the world in the fast-changing global economy. On these excursions, they will meet participants on the partner program, which helps them build and expand their network. The three partner schools say that they are currently working on program changes for the next intake that will emphasize accessibility and flexibility and will give participants more networking opportunities than ever, despite travel restrictions resulting from the pandemic. A typical class consists of roughly100 students, around a quarter each originating from each of Europe, Asia, and Northern/Central America, while the remaining quarter comes from the rest of the world. The programme allows students to learn alongside an extraordinarily talented and diverse cohort representing a wide range of nationalities and industries. Ein weiterer Aspekt, den Sie in Erfahrung bringen knnen ist, welchen Ruf die jeweiligen Universitten in der Branche genieen oder eben auch nicht.

Auerdem finden die EMBA-Programme grtenteils in kleineren Gruppen statt, was ein gemeinsames Denken erleichtert. Weekdays 9 a.m. to 8 p.m

Both the ability to study in London and New York alongside global executives and entrepreneurs and being taught by world-class educators. Since early 2020, classes have been run on a hybrid model, as with most schools, with classes consisting of roomies (those in the classroom) and zoomies (students attending via online videoconferencing.) In the last class, 28% were women and 26 nationalities were represented from some 60 cities. Released today, the QS EMBA Rankings 2018 feature a ranking of the best EMBA programs globally and by region. Sign up for free IELTS webinars and prep material. All the courses are taught in four- to six-day residential-class weeks by London Business School, The HKU Business School, and Columbia Business School faculty. Youll meet students from all our EMBA offerings at various points. Ebenso werden die Gehaltsentwicklung nach Absolvierung des EMBA-Studiums, der anschlieende berufliche Werdegang sowie die weltweite Vernetzung der Alumni bewertet. Insgesamt umfasst das Ranking 100 Pltze. Europe"Global", 30EssayInterviewColumbiaLBSGMATTOEFL/IELTS, HKU MBAHKU MBA (MBA), MBA/. Copyright 2022 Info edge India Ltd. All rights reserved. Whrend Studierende des MBA, die meistens kein vorangegangenes Studium aus einer betriebswirtschaftlichen Richtung absolviert haben, Fhigkeiten einer zuknftigen Fhrungsposition erlernen, werden bei dem EMBA weiterfhrende Kenntnisse vermittelt. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. Die Zielgruppe von EMBA-Programmen weicht von der eines MBA vor allem hinsichtlich der Studieninhalte ab. 2. One Middle Eastern location is represented, thanks to INSEADs Abu Dhabi campus. Also, I always had the entrepreneurial dream, just like everybody else who goes to business school, but I knew I didnt necessarily have all the tools., THE 20-MONTH EMBA-GLOBAL COMES IN TWO CONFIGURATIONS. (300-330 words), Is there anything else that you would like to share or to clarify further (for example: family situation and number of children, interests outside of work, gaps in professional experience). One should be from the supervisor or immediate manager, and typically from another senior management member such as your department head or Human Resources manager. Discover the top universities in Australia this year with the QS World University Rankings 2021.

All teaching is delivered in English. In addition, a separate ranking lists the best joint executive MBA programs offered by multiple schools.

According to the school, the average number of years of work experience among its EMBA students is 16 years, while 76 percent of the EMBA class are classified as international students. The most common sectors for students are finance (26%), industry/manufacturing (16%) and leisure/retail/entertainment (16%). Also, students have been able to take part in elective courses from other locations, cutting some traveling time. Neben den Business School Rankings, die hauptschlich aus subjektiven Wahrnehmungen frherer Absolventen entstehen, knnen und sollten Sie sich zustzlich Ihr eigenes Bild von der in Frage kommenden Business School machen. Um dennoch eine Messung und Vergleichbarkeit zu ermglichen, werden Akkreditierungen durch privatrechtliche Agenturen durchgefhrt, die ber das Recht verfgen zu Akkreditieren. A global network from London Business School and Columbia Business School. Auf einer Skala von 100 erzielt Kellogg-WHU sehr gute Ergebnisse in den Kategorien "Employer Reputation" (98,5), "Thought Leadership" (95) und "Career Outcome" (72,3).

Wichtige Kriterien des Rankings sind unter anderem die Karrieremglichkeiten, die das EMBA-Studium fr die Teilnehmer erffnet, die Vielfalt der Teilnehmer in Bezug auf Internationalitt, Geschlecht und Herkunftsbranche und die Qualitt der Lehre, der Programmteilnehmer und der Lehrkrper. EMBA-Global consolidates position in Financial Times ranking. Tel. Irgendwann mssen Sie sich fr eine Business School entscheiden, wenn Sie einen erfolgreichen EMBA-Studiengang anstreben.

Some candidates are able to provide an academic reference, but most generally recommenders are drawn from your current and previous employment networks. An MBA degree will be conferred jointly by London Business School, The University of Hong Kong and Columbia University. Trusted by students, employers, and schools around the world, the QS World University Rankings is compiled using six simple metrics that effectively evaluate university performance. Dont think too much about ROI, because it is not only the depth of knowledge you can accrue with the academic requirements that count but mostly the mindset a program like this gives you that makes the difference and it will always be worth the effort both financially and in terms of time dedication, says de Raho. Financial documents required for abroad studies? The number of applications for the program is obviously smaller than at the full-time MBA level because the number of people in their 30s and 40s willing to take this grueling EMBA while holding down full-time jobs is smaller than the number of younger people who are willing to take time out of their career to do a full-time program. Of his joint program experience, he says: Both schools combined the best instructors into their curriculum resulting in an incredible curriculum and a lasting relationship with instructors and students.

And with it, the HKU Business School has grown to become a widely recognised and respected business school in the region. Sector-30, Behind Raghuleela Mall Im Folgenden haben wir drei internationale Rankings fr Sie herausgesucht. The courses focus on big picture business skills aimed at rounding out the programs general management perspectrive and building leadership capabilities. Hier die Top 10: Die erste Universitt, die den EMBA in Deutschland anbietet und es in das Ranking der Financial Times geschafft hat, ist die WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management. They offer direct international exposure, as although most EMBA programs in our global rankings have international trips as part of the course, joint EMBA programs take you across the globe throughout, often between continents. http://www.als.hku.hk/admission/exchange/contact-us, Calculated at the exchange rate of 1 USD = INR 77.68, Tuition & expenses were last updated on 9 December 2021, Know more about university rankings, on & off-campus accommodations, also see videos & city level information, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Verschiedene Anbieter stellen jhrlich internationale Business School Rankings auf, in denen sie Hochschulen nach verschiedensten Kriterien beurteilen und dabei schwerpunktmig auf unterschiedliche Punkte Wert legen. Discover the top 100 universities in the world, based on the latest QS World University Rankings. As well as deepening knowledge in core courses such as financial accounting and strategic management and electives like global entrepreneurship and mergers and acquisitions, participants take an Executive Leadership course to develop self-awareness, leadership skills and team working ability., PREPARING EXECUTIVES TO LEAD CHANGE ON A GLOBAL STAGE, We are seeking to prepare our graduates to lead change and shift perspectives on a global stage, deliver ground-breaking impact to their organizations, and work with open perspectives and a truly diverse, and international, mindset,says Fiona Lennoxsmith, Director, EMBA programs at LBS. The international and collaborative aspect of these programs mirrors the growing global, borderless nature of the business world. What qualities do successful applicants have? Diese Akkreditierungen werden vom staatlich kontrollierten Akkreditierungsrat berprft.

These are the top 100 US universities, based upon the QS World University Rankings 2023.

Between 30 and 40% of applicants have some level of sponsorship from their companies, adds Hunter. A powerful partnership between London Business School and Columbia Business School.

By partnering with The University of Hong Kong, the programme empowers students to seize the opportunities arising in Asia, build an unparalleled alumni network, and influence global business. If they fancy even more globetrotting, students can select up to two assignments shared by the UK-US and the Asian programs in such countries as Argentina, Dubai, South Africa or Germany. FIBAA (seit 2012): Die WHU (re-)akkreditierte als eine der ersten deutschen Hochschulen ihre eigenen Studiengnge intern. Customise the programme to your individual needs, choosing from one of the widest elective portfolios of any Executive MBA programme.

Weekends 9 a.m. to 6 p.m, Platinum Techno Park, Office No. Find out the best coast for higher education according to the QS World University Rankings 2023. : +49 261 6509-185, QS Executive MBA Joint Programs Ranking 2020, Arizona State University WP Carey/SNAI EMBA, University of California at Berkeley Haas School of Business, Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management. Julia is a writer for TopMBA.com, publishing articles for business students and graduates across the world. I also wanted to diversify that with Columbia and add the New York experience. Core courses provide a sound base in all areas of general management and a solid foundation of leadership and management skills. It is split into 19 four- or five-day concentrated teaching periods, approximately once a month, spread over five terms.

Diese Sonderform des berufsbegleitenden MBA Studiums dauert normalerweise zwei Jahre. Zum Economist "Which MBA? den besten Ruf geniet.

The course achieved this position thanks to a perfect score in three out of five ranking indicators: employer reputation, executive profile and career outcomes, and it only finished behind Columbia/HKU/LBS by the narrowest of margins. Antonio de Raho, who is currently studying on the Asian version of EMBA Global program, is one who has seen quick results. Types of scholarships for Indian students? He was working as a local R&D manager of manufacturing firm Bitron, based in Korea, and saw the program as a way to boost his knowledge in areas he was lacking, and to help him change location. Regardless of the university, the professors were engaged, made themselves available at any needed time and genuinely were interested in our success and longevity. Taught in six- or seven-day residential class weeks by London Business School and Columbia Business School faculty. Trade Marks belong to the respective owners. Durch eine hohe Internationalisierung innerhalb des EMBA knnen hierbei auch globale Unterschiede besser herausgestellt werden als bei einem MBA-Studium. Eine solche Studienqualitt ist allerdings schwer messbar. It costs $175,500, which includes all tuition, course materials, accommodation and meals for all weekends at HKUST and the live-in sessions at HKUST and Kellogg. We can help!Getting into EMBA is hard, but its not impossible. What insights did you gain? Although he had already become global head of cyber defense for mining firm BHP based in Melbourne, Australia, Arora always wanted more. The EMBA-Global curriculum is comprehensive, rigorous and demanding. The EMBA-Global gives you the opportunity to study in London and New York, two of the worlds leading business and cultural capitals. Vijay Sales, S V Road Perhaps unsurprisingly given its importance as a region to global business, Europe is the most-represented region in the above top 10. EMBA-Global provides a learning environment where youll challenge assumptions and share experiences with a group of high-calibre, globally-focused executives and entrepreneurs. In the end, I did not want to miss the chance to make the most of the program in terms of academics. Overall, he adds, despite the COVID-related challenges I love the program and would do it over and over again even though it has been demanding., THE MINDSET A PROGRAM LIKE THIS GIVES YOU MAKES THE DIFFERENCE.

In addition to offering an elite EMBA-Global Asia programme jointly with Columbia Business School and London Business School for globally-focused senior executives and professionals, we also collaborate with top business schools throughout China and across the globe to synergise business and economics education. Courses are taught by classroom-based lectures, case studies and group work. Durch Akkreditierungen soll eine Qualittssicherung der Studiengnge erreicht werden. Which exams out of the above do I need to give? Taking electives online from New York and London respectively 13 and eight hours behind where he is currently located has been hard but he decided to still take the classes I deemed to be relevant for my curriculum and topics I am more passionate about. Columbia Business School, the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and London Business Schools (LBS) joint EMBA program (EMBA-Global Asia) has been ranked the best joint EMBA program in the QS EMBA Rankings 2018. EMBA-Global Asia is designed for high-potential, globally-focused executives and managers who are seeking to deepen their understanding of both Western and Eastern business, and who are passionate about the opportunities Asia's rapid economic development affords. Recent locations have included Argentina, Greece, Mexico, San Francisco and Dubai. He has also relocated to Seoul, with a plan of moving on to Japan in three years. Hong Kong. The EMBA-Global has changed me in many ways, he says.

Columbia, University of Hong Kong and London Business School Top Joint EMBA Program Ranking main image, Top 10 Executive MBA Programs in the US 2022, Find your perfect University program with our matching tool. I feel I gained a much deeper understanding of international business and connectivity across the globe., This article was originally published in April 2018 What advice would our current and former EMBA Global students give to anyone thinking about applying? Designed by London Business School and Columbia Business School. The Schools full-time MBA programme has been ranked Asias no. There are also two class weeks in London, two in New York, and one in Shanghai. In comparison to other EMBA programs, this unique setup was unequaled. I knew I wouldnt become an expert by going to business school, but I would understand the frameworks, he says. The salary increases for alums are also eye-catching: an increase of 85% for the Asian version and a 69% boost for the U.S.-European option. Classroom-based lectures, case studies, group work. The program is made up of 12 weeks on campus (six weeks in Beijing, three weeks in Singapore, two weeks in Fontainebleau and one week in Abu Dhabi), spread across 18 months, and costs US$125,000.

The objective of this statement is to get a sense who you are, rather than what you have achieved professionally. Das gemeinsame Bestreben besteht darin, sich in den genannten Kernkompetenzen kontinuierlich zu verbessern. The total cost of the Columbia/HKU/LBS program is US$175,000, which includes tuition, course materials, accommodation in New York, London, and Hong Kong, plus some meals and extra-curricular activities.

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emba-global asia columbia/hku/lbs

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